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Lets dabase our Money!

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  • Lets dabase our Money!

    At last, something "Iceland-on-Thames" can be pround of.


  • #2
    Re: Lets dabase our Money!

    Buy oil, gas, uranium, silver, platinum, and gold, in about that order. Canadian oil and gas income trusts are another decent bet.

    It is hard to love gold at >$900 U.S. per troy ounce, but the one's running the central banks to-day worldwide are hooked on inflation and decades of failed economic policies. They will try to inflate their way out of this disaster, but for the first time in history, they will fail because everyone knows how Keynsian economics works. (There are no more rich fools left to fool.)

    Can you imagine Alan Greenspan, the moron who ran the U.S. Federal Reserve before Bernanke, saying on CNBC when asked why he let the housing bubble happen:

    "We had mathematical models of the housing market at the Federal Reserve Bank, but we never imagined it possible that house prices could ever decline. So we didn't model that possibility, and had no plans for this crisis."

    How is it that an Alan Greenspan or a Ben Bernanke could be asked to head the Fed? What am I missing here?

    How is it that Gordon Brown, who sold the Bank of England's gold at $252 U.S. per ounce, now runs the UK? How is it that a Harper with his carbon tax could run Canada as its PM? How could a George Bush have run America for two terms as a failed president with failed policies and a doubling of the national debt?

    Is this reckoning with worldwide stupidity at the top, "a black swan event"? And after this crash, where does the world go from here?


    • #3
      Re: Lets dabase our Money!

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      Buy oil, gas, uranium, silver, platinum, and gold, in about that order. Canadian oil and gas income trusts are another decent bet.

      It is hard to love gold at >$900 U.S. per troy ounce, but the one's running the central banks to-day worldwide are hooked on inflation and decades of failed economic policies. They will try to inflate their way out of this disaster, but for the first time in history, they will fail because everyone knows how Keynsian economics works. (There are no more rich fools left to fool.)

      Can you imagine Alan Greenspan, the moron who ran the U.S. Federal Reserve before Bernanke, saying on CNBC when asked why he let the housing bubble happen:

      "We had mathematical models of the housing market at the Federal Reserve Bank, but we never imagined it possible that house prices could ever decline. So we didn't model that possibility, and had no plans for this crisis."

      How is it that an Alan Greenspan or a Ben Bernanke could be asked to head the Fed? What am I missing here?

      Just luck I guess.

      How is it that Gordon Brown, who sold the Bank of England's gold at $252 U.S. per ounce, now runs the UK? How is it that a Harper with his carbon tax could run Canada as its PM? How could a George Bush have run America for two terms as a failed president with failed policies and a doubling of the national debt?

      More good fortune.

      Is this reckoning with worldwide stupidity at the top, "a black swan event"? And after this crash, where does the world go from here?

      The world will fall back on it's good luck.

      Remember things are always moving forward or they are moving backwards. Everything moves in a line. Once a deflection point is reached the thing can either go up or down. Think how far the U.S. has come from Washington, Jefferson, Madison. Etc.

