I am starting to get this weird restless feeling again about the economy(actually social issues in USA). The last time I had such a feeling was last year during March 2008, but once clearer picture emerged and stock market fell and unemployment grew, I finally got the picture and it was OK.
NOTE : I am socially conservative but fiscally populist.
Recent news
- A large spending stimulus bill which is intended to cushion the blow of unemployment.
- Some rich people are moving their capital to outside the country.
- New Hampshire Bill to protect state rights.
- Obama and Rahm Immanuel mentioning about youth squads with mandatory service for young adults.
- slow creeping up of crimes in various cities.
- Increase in volume of people buying Guns.
These events paint a picture of coming breakdown of social order in future. The spending bill may actually be to prevent riots and hopelessness among the masses. If there is going to be riots, it will be something new to this country which can lead to tribal tendencies. After the economic despair, is it going to to be social despair and disorder ?
I may be paranoid and conjuring things that may not come to pass, but it
is better to be safe than sorry.
Friends, what is the likely prognosis for the immediate future of USA.
NOTE : I am socially conservative but fiscally populist.
Recent news
- A large spending stimulus bill which is intended to cushion the blow of unemployment.
- Some rich people are moving their capital to outside the country.
- New Hampshire Bill to protect state rights.
- Obama and Rahm Immanuel mentioning about youth squads with mandatory service for young adults.
- slow creeping up of crimes in various cities.
- Increase in volume of people buying Guns.
These events paint a picture of coming breakdown of social order in future. The spending bill may actually be to prevent riots and hopelessness among the masses. If there is going to be riots, it will be something new to this country which can lead to tribal tendencies. After the economic despair, is it going to to be social despair and disorder ?
I may be paranoid and conjuring things that may not come to pass, but it
is better to be safe than sorry.
Friends, what is the likely prognosis for the immediate future of USA.