Read this today in the German FT:
Original in German:
Original in German:
But that does not mean that a breakdown of the euro area is inconceivable under all scenarios. Let us start with the hypothetical scenario of a Greek payment default. If the German finance minister, as I would expect, were to insist pedantically to apply the no-bail out clause, the crisis could, within hours, spill over to Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy, where bond spreads would be shooting up. Hedge funds will suddenly have discovered a good opportunity to make up for previous losses. Finance instruments such as Credit Default Swaps (CDS) are imminently suited to this type of speculation: If you stock up with Portuguese or Italian CDS during one of the panic runs, you stand to make very large profits. This in turn accelerates the domino effect of the crisis, and market interest rates will go up to double-digit rates all over southern Europe. The EU will hold an emergency summit at which it becomes clear that it is too late for a general bailout. This would have worked in the case of Greece or Ireland. But Italy and Spain are simply too big.
The summit would summon experts who tell the prime ministers that there are only two alternatives. Either the euro-area is dissolved with immediate effect. Or, one creates an imminent fiscal union, starting with single the European issuance of all future debt, and the transformation of all existing debt into a single European bond. The member countries would lose the sovereignty over budgetary politics. The finance ministers would receive their daily marching orders from Brussels. This would, of course, require a whole new EU Treaty, which the prime minister would have to agree on almost in real time.
The summit would summon experts who tell the prime ministers that there are only two alternatives. Either the euro-area is dissolved with immediate effect. Or, one creates an imminent fiscal union, starting with single the European issuance of all future debt, and the transformation of all existing debt into a single European bond. The member countries would lose the sovereignty over budgetary politics. The finance ministers would receive their daily marching orders from Brussels. This would, of course, require a whole new EU Treaty, which the prime minister would have to agree on almost in real time.