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Investment Crime 101: Buy An Industrial Strength Shredder

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  • Investment Crime 101: Buy An Industrial Strength Shredder

    Hey, if you go into the Madeoff business, for starters buy a decent shredder. You work hard stealing all that money, don't let some cheap cost-cutting get in the way of enjoying the ill-gained profits. Guess they don't teach this in MBA studies:

    Prosecutors cited more than just a shred of evidence Tuesday against a hedge fund manager accused of ripping off clients - they reassembled a damning letter he wrote.

    Arthur Nadel's partners plucked the handwritten letter to Nadel's wife from the shredder at his Sarasota, Fla., offices the day after his Jan. 14 disappearance. Tuesday, Manhattan federal prosecutors cited it in a criminal complaint filed detailing securities and wire fraud charges.

    "If you want to survive this mess, what follows is for your eyes only," Nadel wrote. "I strongly suggest you destroy it after reading. The avenues to money for you will likely be blocked soon. You must use the trust (yours) to your benefit as much and as soon as possible."

    Nadel went on to tell his wife to look in the "package" for papers that would give her control of whatever funds were left, as well as all the documentation she'd need for a divorce.

    For budding Hedgies, these shredders look pretty good:

    Please note, some of these are for "government customers only", so you may have to contact your in need Congressperson or Senator to get one. Or maybe a Bushie could sell you one secondhand; they know quality.

  • #2
    Re: Investment Crime 101: Buy An Industrial Strength Shredder

    Um, what about a fireplace?

    Gas grill barbeque?

    Even a garbage can full of Coca Cola?

