Re: Summers Warns Deflation Is ‘Real Risk’, promises capital infusions for Wall $treet
"What goes up, must come down,
Spinning Wheels, got to go round..."
Blood, Sweat & Tears - 1968
FIRST of all, Mr. Summers and the U.S. Government are NOT infusing capital into the banking system. That would take assets with real value. What they are infusing is fiat paper/electronic "money". This whole episode/enterprise is complete bulls*#!
Deflation is painful and most unpleasant. So are hangovers. What is far worse is the deliberate inflation by this present corrupt and thieving government. Inflation/currency manipulation is designed to allow political cowards to spend money buying votes without the need to face an angry electorate who have just had their taxes increased. Pure and simple.
I can protect myself to a large degree, but the employees of American businesses who receive a paycheck are the ones being robbed, raped and left for dead. The ones who prosper are the US Government, followed by bankers, wealthy owners of real estate, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
The big irony [to me at least], is that the very people Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi claim to represent ("the average Joe and Jane") are the very ones who are in mass receiving the Golden Fid right in their posterior.
"Give us hard times, give us hard choices, give us anything but inflation; when the Mark is strong men plant oak trees, but when the Mark is weak they only plant cabbages". Ludwig Erhard, 1947
"What goes up, must come down,
Spinning Wheels, got to go round..."
Blood, Sweat & Tears - 1968
FIRST of all, Mr. Summers and the U.S. Government are NOT infusing capital into the banking system. That would take assets with real value. What they are infusing is fiat paper/electronic "money". This whole episode/enterprise is complete bulls*#!
Deflation is painful and most unpleasant. So are hangovers. What is far worse is the deliberate inflation by this present corrupt and thieving government. Inflation/currency manipulation is designed to allow political cowards to spend money buying votes without the need to face an angry electorate who have just had their taxes increased. Pure and simple.
I can protect myself to a large degree, but the employees of American businesses who receive a paycheck are the ones being robbed, raped and left for dead. The ones who prosper are the US Government, followed by bankers, wealthy owners of real estate, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
The big irony [to me at least], is that the very people Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi claim to represent ("the average Joe and Jane") are the very ones who are in mass receiving the Golden Fid right in their posterior.

"Give us hard times, give us hard choices, give us anything but inflation; when the Mark is strong men plant oak trees, but when the Mark is weak they only plant cabbages". Ludwig Erhard, 1947