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The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

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  • The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?


    The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

    By Joshua Holland, AlterNet
    Posted on February 3, 2009, Printed on February 3, 2009

    Explosive anger is spilling out onto the streets of Europe. The meltdown of the global economy is igniting massive social unrest in a region that has long been a symbol of political stability and social cohesion. 

    It's not a new trend: A wave of upheaval is spreading from the poorer countries on the periphery of the global economy to the prosperous core.

    Over the past few years, a series of riots spread across what is patronizingly known as the Third World. Furious mobs have raged against skyrocketing food and energy prices, stagnating wages and unemployment in India, Senegal, Yemen, Indonesia, Morocco, Cameroon, Brazil, Panama, the Philippines, Egypt, Mexico and elsewhere.  

    For the most part, those living in wealthier countries took little notice. But now, with the global economy crashing down around us, people in even the wealthiest nations are mad as hell and reacting violently to what they view as an inadequate response to their tumbling economies.

    The Telegraph (UK) warned last month that protests over governments' handling of the crisis "are widespread and gathering pace," and "may spark a new revolution": 

    A depression triggered in America is being played out in Europe with increasing violence, and other forms of social unrest are spreading. In Iceland, a government has fallen. Workers have marched in Zaragoza, as Spanish unemployment heads towards 20 percent. There have been riots and bloodshed in Greece, protests in Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary and Bulgaria. The police have suppressed public discontent in Russia and will be challenged again at large gatherings this weekend.  

    Consider a snapshot of a single week of unrest, courtesy of the Guardian: 

    • Greece: "There are many wellsprings of the serial protests rolling across Europe. In Athens, it was students and young people who suddenly mobilized to turn parts of the city into no-go areas. They were sick of the lack of jobs and prospects, the failings of the education system and seized with pessimism over their future.

      "This week it was the farmers' turn, rolling their tractors out to block the motorways, main road and border crossings across the Balkans to try to obtain better procurement prices for their produce." 

    • Latvia: "The old Baltic trading city had seen nothing like it since the happy days of kicking out the Russians and overthrowing communism two decades ago. More than 10,000 people converged on the 13th century cathedral to show the Latvian government what they thought of its efforts at containing the economic crisis. The peaceful protest morphed into a late-night rampage as a minority headed for the parliament, battled with riot police and trashed parts of the old city. The following day, there were similar scenes in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital next door."
    • France: "Burned-out cars, masked youths, smashed shop windows and more than a million striking workers. The scenes from France are familiar, but not so familiar to President Nicolas Sarkozy, confronting the first big wave of industrial unrest of his time in the Elysée Palace.

      "France, meanwhile, is moving into recession, and unemployment is going up. The latest jobless figures were to have been released yesterday, but were held back, apparently for fear of inflaming the protests." 

    • Iceland: "Proud of its status as one of the world's most developed, most productive and most equal societies, Iceland is in the throes of what is, by its staid standards, a revolution.

      "Riot police in Reykjavik, the coolest of capitals. Building bonfires in front of the world's oldest parliament. The yogurt flying at the free market men who have run the country for decades and brought it to its knees." 

    • Britain (via the Times of London): "Wildcat strikes flared at more than 19 sites across the country in response to claims that British tradesmen were being barred from construction jobs by contractors using cheaper foreign workers." 
    • Russia (via Al-Jazeera): "Thousands of protesters have rallied across Russia to criticize the government's economic policies and its response to the global financial crisis.

      "Russian police forcefully broke up many of the anti-government protests on Saturday, arresting dozens of demonstrators." 

    At least in Western Europe, cries of "burn the shit down!" are being heard in countries with some of the highest standards of living in the world -- states with adequate social safety nets; countries where all citizens have access to decent health care and heavily subsidized educations. Places where minimum wages are also living wages, and a dignified retirement is in large part guaranteed.  

    The far ends of the ideological spectrum appear to be gaining currency as the crisis develops, and people grow increasingly hostile toward the politics of the status quo.

    The Financial Times quotes Olivier Besancenot, a young leader of "France's extreme left," promising "to reinvent and re-establish the anti-capitalist project." "We want the established powers to be blown apart," Besancenot said. Europe's far right is gaining momentum, too, using the economy and populist outrage over immigration to gain a legitimacy it hasn't enjoyed in some time. 

    Notably absent from the list of countries where the economic crunch is rending the social fabric is the good ole US of A, a state with the greatest level of economic inequality in the wealthy world.

    Outside of a few scattered and quickly contained protests, the citizens of the U.S. -- a country born of revolution, but with an elite that's been terrified of that legacy since immediately after its founding -- have been calm, despite opinion polls showing that Americans are more dissatisfied with the direction in which the country has been headed since they began measuring such things.  

    It's a baffling disconnect, considering that real wages for all but the top 10 percent of the economic pile haven't increased in 35 years.

    It's more bizarre still when you consider that while European governments have handled their own bailouts relatively transparently, the U.S. government has doled out close to $10 trillion in bailouts, loan guarantees and fiscal stimulus -- if there were a million-dollar bill, that would be a stack of 10 million of them -- with a stunning lack of oversight or accountability.

    Even the congressional commission charged with overseeing key parts of the banking bailout can't get answers to basic questions like "who's getting what?"

    Americans are rightfully angry about that state of affairs, but with a few small exceptions, quietly so. Why? It depends on whom you ask. 

    In a 2006 interview with Harper's, Barack Obama shared a subtle, but rather fundamental observation about America's political culture: "Since the founding," he said, "the American political tradition has been reformist, not revolutionary."  If there is to be positive change, Obama has argued, it must be gradual; "brick by brick," as he put it in one of his final campaign speeches.

    Mark Ames, author of Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion -- From Reagan's Workplaces to Clinton's Columbine and Beyond, argues that Americans have been beaten down to a degree that they're now a pacified population, largely willing to accept any economic outrage its elites impose on them.

    In a 2005 interview with AlterNet, Ames said the "slave mentality" is stronger in the U.S. than elsewhere, "in part because no other country on earth has so successfully crushed every internal rebellion."  

    Slaves in the Caribbean for example rebelled a lot more because their oppressors weren't as good at oppressing as Americans were. America has put down every rebellion, brutally, from the Whiskey Rebellion to the Confederate rebellion to the proletarian rebellions, Black Panthers, white militias ... you name it. This creates a powerful slave mentality, a sense that it's pointless to rebel. 

    Anyone who has witnessed the brutal police riots that have become so common since the infamous "Battle in Seattle" protests against the World Trade Organization in 1999 can tell you there's some merit to the argument. 

    It's also the case that European societies tend to be more homogenous than the mishmash of tribes we call the United States. Whereas Americans are divided by religion, region, ethnicity, urban-rural tensions and all the other trappings of the "culture wars," the primary split in most European countries is class.

    Thomas Frank argued eloquently in What's the Matter With Kansas that those wedge social issues that the American right nurtures with such care obscure the fundamental differences between the rich and poor, the powerful and the disenfranchised.

    Indeed, any hint of discussion of economic inequality in the U.S. is shot down with cries of "class warfare" -- exactly what is playing out in the streets of much of the world today. 

    As the crisis deepens, as virtually every analyst predicts it will, that may well change. As The Nation's Bill Greider told Democracy Now's Amy Goodman, "you can't do this to people year after year -- that is, upturn their lives, take away what they thought they had earned, and so forth and so on, without provoking rather intense political reactions. ... We're just, just beginning to see a few bubbles like that around this country. I don't say we're going to have riots, but I think ... people, out of their own distress and anger, will organize their own politics, and they will make themselves seen and heard around this country."

    Stay tuned.">Joshua Holland is an editor and senior writer at AlterNet.

    © 2009 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.

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  • #2
    Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

    lolol. this passage is priceless "
    As the crisis deepens, as virtually every analyst predicts it will, that may well change. As The Nation's Bill Greider told Democracy Now's Amy Goodman, "you can't do this to people year after year -- that is, upturn their lives, take away what they thought they had earned, and so forth and so on, without provoking rather intense political reactions. ... We're just, just beginning to see a few bubbles like that around this country. I don't say we're going to have riots, but I think ... people, out of their own distress and anger, will organize their own politics, and they will make themselves seen and heard around this country."

    Seriously, take away what they have earned? Sorry that is how the markets work, one day you may be worth 2 mil the next day you may be bankrupt..... That is all I am saying. I wonder who he thinks is "taking" away what the american people have earned.


    • #3
      Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

      Originally posted by ProdigyOfZen8 View Post
      lolol. this passage is priceless "
      As the crisis deepens, as virtually every analyst predicts it will, that may well change. As The Nation's Bill Greider told Democracy Now's Amy Goodman, "you can't do this to people year after year -- that is, upturn their lives, take away what they thought they had earned, and so forth and so on, without provoking rather intense political reactions. ... We're just, just beginning to see a few bubbles like that around this country. I don't say we're going to have riots, but I think ... people, out of their own distress and anger, will organize their own politics, and they will make themselves seen and heard around this country."

      Seriously, take away what they have earned? Sorry that is how the markets work, one day you may be worth 2 mil the next day you may be bankrupt..... That is all I am saying. I wonder who he thinks is "taking" away what the american people have earned.
      he means conning a generation of american middle class into putting their life savings into gov't sponsored bubbles in stocks and housing, then wiping out those savings when the bubbles crash.


      • #4
        Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

        didnt get that from that quote he had but if you say that is what he is referring to I assume I have to take your word on it. Solution, abolish the Fed Reserve.......


        • #5
          Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

          Originally posted by ProdigyOfZen8 View Post
          didnt get that from that quote he had but if you say that is what he is referring to I assume I have to take your word on it. Solution, abolish the Fed Reserve.......
          but it's not just the fed... read the next bubble. it's the whole system, the fed is only a part of it.


          • #6
            Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

            The reason why Americans aren't rioting is because they know the price is extremely high, and it's an "all in" situation.

            When/if middle class America explodes, there won't be broken windows or burning cars, catchy signs or slogans. There will be millions of people, many with prior military experience, and hundreds of millions of guns, suddenly put into play. As the article states, American cops are militarized and far too prone to use violence and aggression to quell crowds. We know this, and when it does finally explode it will be like a nationwide "going postal" episode- you're "all in". American society is just like those news reports after a mass killing, where everyone says "He was such a quiet man... He seemed so nice and easy going..."


            • #7
              Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

              In a 2006 interview with Harper's, Barack Obama shared a subtle, but rather fundamental observation about America's political culture: "Since the founding," he said, "the American political tradition has been reformist, not revolutionary." If there is to be positive change, Obama has argued, it must be gradual; "brick by brick," as he put it in one of his final campaign speeches.
              Yeah, other than that first revolution in 1776...

              Mark Ames, author of Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion -- From Reagan's Workplaces to Clinton's Columbine and Beyond, argues that Americans have been beaten down to a degree that they're now a pacified population, largely willing to accept any economic outrage its elites impose on them.
              We are not beaten down, we are too comfortable. Few are willing to risk loss of job, status, fortune or freedom to speak out, demonstrate, civilly disobey.
              And, unfortunately, compared with the 1960s riots and dissent when local police were armed with nightsticks and small helmets, thanks to Homeland Security Nation, our city police forces (even small town forces) have become fully militarized, in terms of both equipment and personnel (former military). And now the government is establishing up to three battle-hardened combat brigades around the country for such domestic matters as deemed necessary, like establishing order in the event of a natural calamity or "other civil unrest."

              So it seems unlikely we in the U.S. will see scenes similar to those demonstrations and protests in other countries, at least until such time, if any, there are so many of us who feel they have nothing left to lose, having already lost everything.


              • #8
                Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

                The reason why Americans aren't rioting is because they know the price is extremely high, and it's an "all in" situation.
                Judas, you and I are on the same page in regard to this.


                • #9
                  Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

                  Originally posted by kelton56 View Post
                  Judas, you and I are on the same page in regard to this.
                  there have already been sporadic acts of violence by middle class men pushed over the edge... usually directed at those who least deserve to be on the receiving end... their own family, employers, fellow employees.

                  who will the violence be directed at that you are talking about? who will be blamed? who will organize it? on what level? neighborhood? city? seems to me the post 9/11 state intelligence apparatus needed to shut that down before it happens is already in place. or are you talking about a kind of spontaneous combustion... where a few copycat incidents evolve into something bigger?

                  i don't see anything like that. gangs in cities may spread out from their home base to cover a wider area... but i don't see prisons emptying out... i see them filling up... more prisons and prisoners... more police... less freedom, but no more violence than before.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

                    Madacascar coup de etat - source AFP

                    "It's not really a surprise. There was a latent malaise since last year caused mainly by the dire conditions in which the population lives, a drop in purchasing power, all this combined with a mood of defiance towards the regime," analyst Jean-Eric Rakotoharisoa said.

                    "In the last legislative elections in 2007, abstention levels in Madagascar reached record levels. It was the Madagascan people's peaceful way of saying there were serious problems," said Rakotoharisoa, a professor of constitutional law at Antananarivo University.

                    Over the past week at least 68 people have died in riots across the island following protests called by the new opposition leader.

                    Rakotoharisoa argued that what is now known in the impoverished country as "Daewoo scandal" had an impact on public opinion.

                    The huge South Korean conglomerate is believed to have been leased a huge chunk of farmland on the island -- some 5,000 square miles -- by the government.

                    "Land is sacred in Madagascar... and this project was seen as a kind of national treason," the academic explained.

                    The second dominant factor that triggered the political unrest of the past few weeks lies in what residents feel has been a tightening of civil liberties.

                    "The current crisis is caused by violations of democratic values," said Desire Ramakavelo, a former minister of armed forces in the nineties who holds a Phd in political science.

                    "There may be several newspapers, public and private radio and television channels... But the people's aspirations are not being taken into account," he said.

                    "The people are being treated like children who belong to their parents, the regime that is, whose task it is to give them what they need," Ramakavelo argued.

                    He added that the same issues had the same consequences when the island was rocked by political turmoil in 1972, 1991 and 2002.

                    "Freedom of expression is a tradition for Madagascans. It was a grievance in 1991 and 2002 and it is again today because these liberties are vanishing," said Rakotoharisoa.

                    He argued that national television was increasingly under government supervision and bemoaned the absence of a pluralist debate in the country's politics.

                    The latest unrest in Madagascar erupted when Rajoelina's television channel Viva was closed down by the authorities, sparking a wave of protests.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

                      Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                      Madacascar coup de etat - source AFP

                      "It's not really a surprise. There was a latent malaise since last year caused mainly by the dire conditions in which the population lives, a drop in purchasing power, all this combined with a mood of defiance towards the regime," analyst Jean-Eric Rakotoharisoa said.
                      great find! wow. sobering.


                      • #12
                        Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

                        Three factors which may mitigate against Revolt and should be analysed:

                        1. The increase in the use of both legal and illegal drugs. (I would like to see an index of this over the past 30 years. I believe back in the NASTY Crash there was an analyst who made a case for correlation with investment risk taking.)

                        2. The Entertainment Society. Include this Medium, the Internet. Vast progress has been made entertaining us. The hours being entertained have increased dramatically over the past decades. Again an index would indicate the importance of this factor. The Internet may be an even more dangerous form of entertainment due to the power of its interactive capacity. When I hear Government wants to make Broadband access universal, I sit up and take notice. As the Roof caves in, tune it to..........

                        3. Accelerating Intimidation and Corruption. Who cannot be intimidated by all the police and political activity?Torture, tasings, etc. Laws unenforced against the well connected. Most recent example: Why is tax cheat Geithner in and tax cheat Daschle out?

                        What analysts are even looking at the above factors? Too intimidated to do so?

                        On the plus side, Americans who get it are defaulting, saying if the Rule of Law is not good for you then it is worse for me. The Debt Resource may have been overmined.


                        • #13
                          Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

                          American’s are not rioting because of the media spin machine that has convinced American’s that they are the ones at fault for the economic crisis, not our corporate and government leaders, and certainly not the banking system or the Federal Reserve. Most of the US mainstream media focuses on the cause of the collapse as greedy home flippers and home owners who took out subprime loans as well as HELOCs to buy SUVs, granite counter tops, and flat screen TVs.

                          The truth is that the banking system was brought to its knees by OTC derivatives that were allowed to expand exponentially as completely unregulated and uncontrolled financial products. Most Americas have little metal capacity to understand the complexity of OTC derivatives as well as counter party risk and a whole host of other complicated financial products and terms.

                          Consequently, they like the simple explanation that every day regular citizens were the cause of the crisis. When you point the finger at yourself, it’s difficult to riot against yourself.


                          • #14
                            Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

                            Originally posted by dbarberic View Post
                            American’s are not rioting because of the media spin machine that has convinced American’s that they are the ones at fault for the economic crisis, not our corporate and government leaders, and certainly not the banking system or the Federal Reserve. Most of the US mainstream media focuses on the cause of the collapse as greedy home flippers and home owners who took out subprime loans as well as HELOCs to buy SUVs, granite counter tops, and flat screen TVs.

                            The truth is that the banking system was brought to its knees by OTC derivatives that were allowed to expand exponentially as completely unregulated and uncontrolled financial products. Most Americas have little metal capacity to understand the complexity of OTC derivatives as well as counter party risk and a whole host of other complicated financial products and terms.

                            Consequently, they like the simple explanation that every day regular citizens were the cause of the crisis. When you point the finger at yourself, it’s difficult to riot against yourself.
                            Forgive me, but I don't read all this stuff, but if not mentioned already, another reason is we just had an election in which Obama was the recipient of a lot of people's HOPE. Now being good US'ers, I expect many people feel obligated to give him a chance to bring about whatever it is they were hoping for. With Geithner and Daschle selections and approvals, I'd say the early picture is one of more of the same.
                            Jim 69 y/o

                            "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

                            Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

                            Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


                            • #15
                              Re: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

                              Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
                              Forgive me, but I don't read all this stuff, but if not mentioned already, another reason is we just had an election in which Obama was the recipient of a lot of people's HOPE. Now being good US'ers, I expect many people feel obligated to give him a chance to bring about whatever it is they were hoping for. With Geithner and Daschle selections and approvals, I'd say the early picture is one of more of the same.
                              i was one of the hopeful. but after rubin, summers, & geithner, i'm now among the resigned.

