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............And then Suddenly the British began to suss...
Re: ............And then Suddenly the British began to suss...
Thanks. Good article. We're experiencing some of the same pressures. Suggestion: Build something that last. Let me offer an example. We own some older apartments. We have old GE ovens that are close to 40 years old and built in the US. Every now and then I have to jerryrig a knob or replace a burner but the guts of the system keeps chugging along. Not to long ago one finally gave up the ghost. We ordered a new GE. It was made in the Far East. We're already having problems with it. We'll see how well and long the 'guts' of it hold up. I'm not optimistic. I'd rather buy an old model, newly built that will last me another 37+ years even if it costs a bit more than these tin contraptions coming out of poor supervised sweat shops.
Countries are having problems with competition because product prices are low due to low wages. Maybe somebody, some government department or some private organization should start to identify what products coming out from the Far East aren't worth a darn cuz they don't last. Then compete with that product with one that will last for years. My mom, before she passed away and before I got here a 'gift' of a new toaster, was using an old one she got years ago that was working fine. We've already replaced my gift toaster we inherited from her. Maybe the Far East has fallen into the trap of 'a cheap throw away item with a short lifespan' production scenario that will come back and bite them in the arse. I can't see any other way of handling these problems unless ya want drive standards of living into the ground as some do to compete with poor and cheaper product imports.