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Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

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  • Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

    I just saw this video where schiff & another money manager seem to align with itulip now in saying that the end game of the fed money machine will as they put it; result in "massive inflation"...

    Seems everyone is on the same page now

  • #2
    Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

    Ooooh. Time for the popcorn and a comfy chair... this should be good...


    • #3
      Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

      Originally posted by karim0028 View Post
      I just saw this video where schiff & another money manager seem to align with itulip now in saying that the end game of the fed money machine will as they put it; result in "massive inflation"...

      Seems everyone is on the same page now
      history is filled with those who have 'aligned' their ideas with others'.


      • #4
        Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

        generally speaking, the guy who comes up with the idea first is the originator of the idea and those who come later with the same idea are copying it. any other explanation is dubious at best, but common among those who have themselves never originated an idea.


        • #5
          Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

          Originally posted by metalman View Post
          generally speaking, the guy who comes up with the idea first is the originator of the idea and those who come later with the same idea are copying it. any other explanation is dubious at best, but common among those who have themselves never originated an idea.
          Great minds do at times think alike, but in the Internet era that is the least likely explanation for two people in the same industry sharing like ideas, the second following years after the first. Only those who know who have followed the work of the original author for many years know for sure, assuming the works was widely published, and assuming the readers recall where they first read the ideas. It's possible, of course, that the second had no exposure to the first and arrived at substantially the same conclusions. That does not make him or her a plagiarist but it does make him or her "late" and much of the advantage of knowing the ideas earlier has already be arbitraged away. And so in the end a continuous stream of new original thought is what matters to the reader and what distinguishes the inventor from the copier, and over time that distinction becomes ever more obvious.


          • #6
            Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

            Originally posted by metalman View Post
            generally speaking, the guy who comes up with the idea first is the originator of the idea and those who come later with the same idea are copying it. any other explanation is dubious at best, but common among those who have themselves never originated an idea.

            Peter is a toolbag but he's been right on with respect to the end game.

            Now, as a toolbag, he can't help anyone with short term trades like EJ or the fine people of Itulip can.

            We know you itch at the very sound of Schiff but others enjoy his arrogant ass.


            • #7
              Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

              Originally posted by kingcopper View Post

              Peter is a toolbag but he's been right on with respect to the end game.

              Now, as a toolbag, he can't help anyone with short term trades like EJ or the fine people of Itulip can.

              We know you itch at the very sound of Schiff but others enjoy his arrogant ass.
              heck, i enjoy watching his arrogant ass. it's a great act.


              • #8
                Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

                Originally posted by karim0028 View Post
                I just saw this video where schiff & another money manager seem to align with itulip now in saying that the end game of the fed money machine will as they put it; result in "massive inflation"...

                Seems everyone is on the same page now

                :rolleyes: he has been predicting that the bubble bursting would end in massive inflation by the actions of the FED ...

                now his stock picks for 08, are another thing but his general thesis seems to be right:

                Bubble, burst, massive government intervention, inflation....


                • #9
                  Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

                  Originally posted by tsetsefly View Post
                  :rolleyes: he has been predicting that the bubble bursting would end in massive inflation by the actions of the FED ...

                  now his stock picks for 08, are another thing but his general thesis seems to be right:

                  Bubble, burst, massive government intervention, inflation....
                  for anyone interested in the original version of the idea...

         "Ka-Poom Theory" February 1999


                  • #10
                    Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

                    I vote we nominate Metalman as iTulip copyright "enforcer". He's got that "iTulip wuz furst, always" fire in the belly righteousness to be an ace at this game. He's all over other analysts plagiarisms like a pit bull onto a side of bacon.

                    Originally posted by metalman View Post
                    for anyone interested in the original version of the idea...

           "Ka-Poom Theory" February 1999


                    • #11
                      Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

                      Originally posted by Lukester View Post
                      I vote we nominate Metalman as iTulip copyright "enforcer". He's got that "iTulip wuz furst, always" fire in the belly righteousness to be an ace at this game. He's all over other analysts plagiarisms like a pit bull onto a side of bacon.
                      none of these guys thought this stuff up. anyone who has been here since 1999 knows that for a fact. someone has to say it. lies have a way of becoming truths by repetition. silence is a way of agreeing with the lie, and i'm not into lies. if i wanted lies, i'd watch tv.


                      • #12
                        Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

                        Originally posted by metalman View Post
                        for anyone interested in the original version of the idea...

               "Ka-Poom Theory" February 1999
                        Here is what Fred said in another thread:

                        It's fun to be right but learning from errors is more important. Note in iTulip's original Ka-Poom Theory from 1999 the interest rate and inflation chart was wrong. What did it get wrong? As we readily admitted when we reopened iTulip in March 2006, we forecast inflation, which indeed happened in commodities (you like to call it a bubble but it does not fit our definition), but we did not forecast the housing, stocks, commercial real estate, leveraged buy-outs, and other asset price inflations produced by a combination of monetary policy and credit created by CDOs, liquidity from the yen-carry trade, and other financial creativity.

                        We learned to add the following Second Law of of Economic Forecasting to our model: "Never underestimate government."

                        The second Ka-Poom chart, the update done in March 2006, reflects that by phase shifting the final Ka-Poom to 2008 - 2014 and increasing both the severity and the duration of the Ka-Poom Cycle owing to the additional debt and currency risk produced by the asset inflation, with the "Ka" disinflation phase running from 2008 - 2010 and the "Poom" inflation phase 2011 - 2014.

                        Any chance a new asset price inflation can be engineered to cut "Ka' short again? There follows a correlary to the Second Law: "Never overestimate the government." The updated chart from March 2006 remains our model for the process unless evidence appears to contradict it. So far, so good.
                        I think Schiff was calling for a housing bubble collapse in 2002 or 2003?

                        But I am not discussing if Schiff's idea is oringial, and I am not taking credit away from Itulip but to say it's impossible for anyone else to not have come up with this... I dont think so...


                        • #13
                          Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

                          I confirm that Schiff was advising clients to get the heck out of housing, as early as April 2003. I know because he personally advised me on this at that time, and I took his advice exactly one year later. Schiff kept me out of some serious hot water as I was about to purchase other property. Instead I got out of property altogether by mid 2004. To my understanding he was "all over" the housing bubble as early as late 2002, hence actually **pre-dating** iTulip on one very large consideration here by **several years**. (Metalman must be choking on his coffee reading this heresy).


                          • #14
                            Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

                            Originally posted by tsetsefly View Post
                            Here is what Fred said in another thread:

                            I think Schiff was calling for a housing bubble collapse in 2002 or 2003?

                            But I am not discussing if Schiff's idea is oringial, and I am not taking credit away from Itulip but to say it's impossible for anyone else to not have come up with this... I dont think so...
                            obviously, if they get the same idea at the same time...

                            but if the ideas are years apart... then there's a question.

                            anyway, as fred said... good calls, original or not... but what have you done for me lately


                            • #15
                              Re: Schiff & Itulip seem to have converged in thesis...

                              And that folks goes by the name of "grudging concession". We have just witnessed a "grudging concession" - about as rare a sighting from this stalwart and partisan iTuliper as the sight of a breaching beluga whale in Lake Baikal.

                              Originally posted by metalman View Post
                              obviously, if they get the same idea at the same time...

                              but if the ideas are years apart... then there's a question.

                              anyway, as fred said... good calls, original or not... but what have you done for me lately

