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A million on strike as France feels economic pinch

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  • A million on strike as France feels economic pinch

    More than one million French workers downed tools yesterday in the first general strike to hit a major industrialised nation since the start of the global financial crisis.

    Unions said more than two million public and private sector workers took to the streets across France to protest against President Nicolas Sarkozy's handling of the economic crisis, saying too much had been done to bail out fat cats and banks, and not enough to protect jobs and help workers make ends meet.


  • #2
    Re: A million on strike as France feels economic pinch

    Didn't see any pitchforks on the BBC World coverage of this, but did note that every single person on the street that they interviewed understood that the banks were being bailed out and they weren't.

    In the USA by contrast, it appears only the corporations [GM, GE, et al] have figured that out [and then immediately headed the Learjet directly to D.C.]


    • #3
      Re: A million on strike as France feels economic pinch

      we need to import french guys to teach us how to protest... and we will... as soon as AMERICAN IDOL is over. sssssh! this is the good part...


      • #4
        Re: A million on strike as France feels economic pinch

        or you could watch the start of ww3... words spoken in anger at an international economics conference at the start of a global depression... because... the speaker had no other outlet...


        • #5
          Re: A million on strike as France feels economic pinch

          Why do you guys keep proclaiming this is the start of WW3? It is a little ridiculous.


          • #6
            Re: A million on strike as France feels economic pinch

            Originally posted by metalman View Post
            or you could watch the start of ww3... words spoken in anger at an international economics conference at the start of a global depression... because... the speaker had no other outlet...
            Not anger. Indignation.


            • #7
              Re: A million on strike as France feels economic pinch

              I really like some French stuff: Lafayette, some of their reasonably priced wines, their women with those accents that drive ya nuts, their willingness to go to the 'barricades'...though I still don't understand their films. Maybe they don't have enough 'shoot em up' stuff...or I don't understand French very well.

              Be that as it may, those strikers oughta go to the banks and draw their money out too. That might get somebody's attention and keep the guys dressed in black from cracking the heads of strikers and protestors. Rather than the 'leaders' of the nation standin' about watching strikers with distain on the TV, a quiet line of a million or so striker folks outside their banks taking their money out might generate an emotion other than terror.

