It's a small step.
Tidbits of toilet paper twisted in the wind at Bernard Madoff's Palm Beach home Monday morning - possibly the work of some ticked off teens who lost their trust funds.
Some teenage boys called The Palm Beach Post newsroom Sunday evening to take credit for the prank - one they said was sanctioned by their parents. They said they were acting in retaliation after they lost their trust funds to the accused swindler.
A woman got on the phone to confirm their story, but no one would give their names.
By the time Palm Beach police arrived at the home Monday morning, the toilet paper was gone and the housekeeper chose not to make a police report, police spokeswoman Janet Kinsella said Monday morning.
While Madoff sits with an ankle bracelet binding him to his Park Avenue apartment, his Palm Beach mansion apparently sits as a great temptation to all.
Just last month, someone swiped a $10,000 piece of bronze yard art from the property only to return it with a note: "Bernie the Swindler, Lesson: Return Stolen Property to rightful owners. Signed by - The Educators," the note read.
source: Palm Beach Post
Some teenage boys called The Palm Beach Post newsroom Sunday evening to take credit for the prank - one they said was sanctioned by their parents. They said they were acting in retaliation after they lost their trust funds to the accused swindler.
A woman got on the phone to confirm their story, but no one would give their names.
By the time Palm Beach police arrived at the home Monday morning, the toilet paper was gone and the housekeeper chose not to make a police report, police spokeswoman Janet Kinsella said Monday morning.
While Madoff sits with an ankle bracelet binding him to his Park Avenue apartment, his Palm Beach mansion apparently sits as a great temptation to all.
Just last month, someone swiped a $10,000 piece of bronze yard art from the property only to return it with a note: "Bernie the Swindler, Lesson: Return Stolen Property to rightful owners. Signed by - The Educators," the note read.
source: Palm Beach Post