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This is what is making the rounds on the trading floor today!

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  • #31
    Re: This is what is making the rounds on the trading floor today!

    Actually in Russia, the vast majority of those imprisoned and killed were either losers in the political game or minorities.

    There were very active groups in the major cities who intellectually explored the possibilities of a different path.

    But then, how is this different than the 'network' anywhere?

    America will be very fortunate if it is not forced to explore higher levels of force in its society due to our present situation.

    The Russian nation has always been an amalgam of highly varied peoples; it was the Communist's precariousness which forced brutal measures. A nation such as was created in 1917 was in no position to negotiate with internal dissent. Doesn't excuse it, but makes it much more understandable.

    Similarly China also went through its 'cleansing' period, for similar reasons. Even today the Tibetans and Uighurs are still restive.

    In the upcoming decade of the broken American dream, we'll see if anything really is different.


    • #32
      Re: This is what is making the rounds on the trading floor today!

      Originally posted by c1ue View Post
      Actually in Russia, the vast majority of those imprisoned and killed were either losers in the political game or minorities.

      There were very active groups in the major cities who intellectually explored the possibilities of a different path.

      But then, how is this different than the 'network' anywhere?

      America will be very fortunate if it is not forced to explore higher levels of force in its society due to our present situation.

      The Russian nation has always been an amalgam of highly varied peoples; it was the Communist's precariousness which forced brutal measures. A nation such as was created in 1917 was in no position to negotiate with internal dissent. Doesn't excuse it, but makes it much more understandable.

      Similarly China also went through its 'cleansing' period, for similar reasons. Even today the Tibetans and Uighurs are still restive.

      In the upcoming decade of the broken American dream, we'll see if anything really is different.
      Clue, I tried to get this up last night but the BBC web site was clogged solid. It is an great interview of Garry Kasparov and sets out in detail why the Russian example is not working.. Makes for good listening but is very near the end of the transmission window of seven days.


      • #33
        Re: This is what is making the rounds on the trading floor today!


        Kasparov is not an idiot, but neither is he a Renaissance genius.

        The problem I have with him is that somehow he thinks his prowess as a chess player somehow translates into anything else.

        There are numerous examples where he has shown it does not:

        While absolutely Russia is not a democracy, nor has Putin et al fixed all that can be fixed, but at the same time it is ridiculous to expect that what Kasparov said should have been done, could have been done.

        Putin was put into power (no pun intended) for a reason. Like all executives who don't have full control, there is a balancing act as you build up imprimature.

        The comments about corruption in the Russian government/society, the looting/fraudulent privatization of state companies, etc etc is similarly short sighted. This existed before Putin and was in fact performed by the previous 'democratic' savior, Yeltsin. If any blame is to be assigned, it should be assigned there first.

        Secondly as a supposed Russian patriot - he has not done much to preserve his image of purported unselfish service to Russia and its people:

        Accepting this award, with such distinguished previous recipients as Newt Gingrich, Donald Rumsfeld, and the formerly Democratic, now independent Senator Lieberman, doesn't inspire much trust on the part of the Russian people.


        • #34
          Re: This is what is making the rounds on the trading floor today!

          Speaking of Marx.

          While I don't agree with their proposed solution or desire for revolution,a pretty good description of what has happened.

