Re: M1 Money Multiplier tanking
It will be like is written in the Book of Greenscam 666:15-21:
I laughed so hard.
It will be like is written in the Book of Greenscam 666:15-21:
15Now when Depression came, the tax-cheat bankster buddies went to him and said, “Wall Street is a deserted place, and it's already bled dry. Send the banks and the hedgefunds away so that they can go into the country and loot taxpayers for themselves.” 16But The Chosen One said to them, “They don't need to go away. You give them something to re-capitalize” 17Turbo Tax Timmy told him, “We don't have anything here except five credit facilities of the alphabet soup and two clowngress approved bailouts.” 18He said, “Bring them to me.” 19Then he ordered the crowds of hungry investors to sit down on the Wall Street grass. Taking the five alphabet soup facilities and the two bailouts, he looked into Ben Bernanke's eyes and blessed them with Hope and Change. Then he broke the credit facilities in pieces and gave them to his Fed cronies, and the cronies gave them to the capital hungry crowds. 20All of them recapitalized and were filled with taxpayer money. Then the cronies picked up what was left of the credit facilities, twelve baskets full of AAA marked-to-market securities. 21Now those who had pocketed the taxpayer money were about 5,000 banksters, besides pension funds and and small accredited investors. |
I laughed so hard.
