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Obama bands Earmarks: Be careful what you ask for

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  • Obama bands Earmarks: Be careful what you ask for

    Obama said that there will be no more earmarks. I don't no for sure if this is universal or just for the stimulus package but this may be the most truly controversial and disruptive change possible. No matter how much one may agree with it in principle if implimented it will reveal more structural inconsistancies in our system than the obsurdity of "credit default swaps" have. To borrow from the often used critical patient metaphore this is like taking a pnemonia victim and requiring them to drop twenty pounds before they get breakfast.

  • #2
    Re: Obama bands Earmarks: Be careful what you ask for

    Americans will be able to monitor online where the stimulus money is spent.


    "This potentially $1 trillion bill would be one of the largest spending bills in U.S. history. It would increase the deficit by half a trillion dollars overnight and deepen an already enormous national debt,"

    People will be able to see where 1 trillion is spend, but what the Fed is buying nobody is allowed to see


    • #3
      Re: Obama bands Earmarks: Be careful what you ask for

      Thanks, Barry O. for putting that $1,000,000.000,000.00 stimulus online (with all the relevant details of course) so I can monitor the whole massive project. I will be quitting my day job to devote myself full time to this task. Maybe some of my neighbors can help out and we can have a bake sale to raise funds for expenses. I am sure that any questions I have of government officials will be answered swiftly and promptly at no cost.

      I have only one question, Barry, why can't the officials who are paid to do the above for me, actually be expected to do their jobs? If they aren't doing their jobs of monitoring government expenditures for Fraud, Corruption, Influence, Bribery, Waste, they should be FIRED. I am available for a paid position as a certified Crime-Fighter and have no DC conflicts of interest. So, Barry, maybe instead of starting with this online project, start firing the crooks and hiring honest people.

