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Another Whopper?

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  • Another Whopper?

    How this impacts on our wealth husbanding strategies is anybody's guess but things of this nature seem to be quite popular here in the danker corridors of iTulip.

    In today's NYTimes is what the publisher calls the most extensive investigation to date into the anthrax attacks.

    A few excerpts:

    "Still, doubts persist. The case will be reviewed this year by the National Academy of Sciences and by Congress. If the F.B.I. is wrong, then a troubled man was hounded to death and the anthrax perpetrator is still at large, as many of Dr. Ivins’s colleagues at Fort Detrick believe. When institute scientists began their own review of the evidence, nervous Army officials ordered the inquiry dropped.

    "In November, four of Dr. Ivins’s closest co-workers wrote a glowing obituary of their “valued collaborator” for Microbe, the leading microbiology journal. It did not mention the anthrax accusations and was a singular protest by the four scientists against the F.B.I.’s conclusion.

    “His colleagues and friends will remember him not only for his dedication to his work,” the obituary said, “but also for his humor, curiosity and great generosity.”

    The New York Times then performs a bit of character assassination sleight of hand:

    "F.B.I. agents, moreover, have shown that Dr. Ivins, a church musician and amateur juggler whom colleagues cherished, hid from them a shadow side of mental illness, alcoholism, secret obsessions and hints of violence."

    Okay, guys, how could a juggler abuse alcohol. I ask you. (Most of the last paragraph is innuendo gobbledygook, a charge familiar with investment advisers that don't read iTulip)

    Personally, I have no idea about the accuracy of the government's story. Many comments litter iTulip about disbelieving Conspiracy Theories. Okay, who would believe everything every no-nothing stitches together. The one thing I do know is no one trumps the gov for Conspiracy Whoppers. Remember VP Cheney's press conference when he told us that Bin had an executive cave complex that rivaled Dr. No's? And not just one but many. When our boys penetrated the redoubt of Tora Bora we got to see those caves. About the size of an old phone booth, with a few wooden crates of AK-47 ammo. They didn't even have a bare light bulb hanging from a rock ledge.

    Perhaps I wander....

    The only reservation I have with the official story is how seamlessly convenient it was to scare whatever gumption was left in our pathetic Congress to midnight express the Patriot (gutting) Act.

    The link to the piece:

  • #2
    Re: Another Whopper?

    I remember an interview with Francis A Boyle where he quoted from a book and called the FBI the American Gestapo.

    ah well


    • #3
      Re: Another Whopper?

      Not so sure...I didn't bother reading the NYT piece because I think most of this stuff from the gubmint is bullsh*t.


      • #4
        Re: Another Whopper?

        Originally posted by grapejelly View Post

        Not so sure...I didn't bother reading the NYT piece because I think most of this stuff from the gubmint is bullsh*t.
        What the grape said


        • #5
          Re: Another Whopper?

          Originally posted by grapejelly View Post

          Not so sure...I didn't bother reading the NYT piece because I think most of this stuff from the gubmint is bullsh*t.
          You've won my respect with the brevity of your collusion conclusion :cool:


          • #6
            Re: Another Whopper?

            I know a British Airways Pilot who is "Surpized" at the flying skills of the 9/11 hi-jackers. I was "Surpized" by how the lead hi-jackers passport was recovered from the site intact...........then the bloke in the passport poped up still alive.

            Mind you if you want a Slam dunk Flase flag op go read up on the USS Liberty!



            • #7
              Re: Another Whopper?

              Bin Laden's Mountain Fortress. Truly a work of art.

              much larger


              • #8
                Re: Another Whopper?

                Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                Bin Laden's Mountain Fortress. Truly a work of art.

                much larger
                A beautiful thing indeed.
                Was this a Disney product? Looks more like Time/Warner :rolleyes:


                • #9
                  Re: Another Whopper?


                  "US targets bin Laden's fortress" by Roland Watson and Michael Evans - The Times of London - 11/29/2001

                  Tim Russert kind of famously highlighted this story for Americans while talking to Don Rumseld on Meet the Press on December 2nd.


                  • #10
                    Re: Another Whopper?

                    Originally posted by don View Post
                    A beautiful thing indeed.
                    Was this a Disney product? Looks more like Time/Warner :rolleyes:
                    The guys who dreamed this up must have spent too much time watching old Bond movies...

                    The secret underground lair of Dr. Julius No, a prominent member of the criminal organization known as SPECTRE (Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion). No's hidden base served as the staging ground for his nefarious plan to sabotage United States satellites and missile launches until he was stopped by James Bond, the famed MI6 agent. The structure offers all of the trappings which are typical of a super-villain's secret base: an on-site nuclear reactor, an imposing reception room, a mechanized underwater vehicle which resembles a dragon, an extensive network of ventilation ducts and a shark tank, complete with a convex window for magnifying the action within. And don't forget about the resident super-weapon, the aforementioned radio jammer which is capable of knocking out missile and satellite launches...


                    • #11
                      Re: Another Whopper?

                      [quote=babbittd;69381]Bin Laden's Mountain Fortress. Truly a work of art.

                      This drawing is worthy of a little deconstruction.

                      First, the style it's drawn in. That's a children's book look. After raising three, and being one once myself, that's both a "let's look inside" graphic and a juvenile soft sketching technique.

                      The call-outs. They could have gone on forever. Bet they had to reign themselves in on that one.

                      Bin and henchman on horses. What a touch. Brilliant verisimilitude for the general public. Look, there they go.


                      • #12
                        Re: Another Whopper?

                        Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                        Bin Laden's Mountain Fortress. Truly a work of art.

                        This drawing is worthy of a little deconstruction.

                        First, the style it's drawn in. That's a children's book look. After raising three, and being one once myself, that's both a "let's look inside" graphic and a juvenile soft sketching technique.

                        The call-outs. They could have gone on forever. Bet they had to reign themselves in on that one.

                        Bin and henchman on horses. What a touch. Brilliant verisimilitude for the general public. Look, there they go.

                        Reminds me bit of the vault from the game Fallout 1, with it's retro look


                        • #13
                          Re: Another Whopper?

                          Working on version 2!


                          • #14
                            Re: Another Whopper?

                            "No Mr America, i expect you to die!"


                            • #15
                              Re: Another Whopper?

                              I think i BACK Goldfinger!
                              I mean would HE taken the $ off the Gold standard?
                              Would we be in all this crap now if HE been allowed to rule the World?

