Re: Detriot:- 1st of the Industrail Ghosts !
Thanks for sharing that data point. The timescale issue is important.
Sudden collapses do happen, but more commonly they are gradual affairs.
Symbols of prosperous and modern times can persist for decades in a region that is dependent on specific industries, then fade and never return.
The towns fade with the industries. It's an old story.
Did the people who lived in these places see it coming?
How long did the process take?
Were the stages of regional collapse identifiable?
Was there some point after which there was no turning back? The exodus of money became self-reinforcing?
Can this happen to the industries of the FIRE Economy and the towns that depended on them?
Picture taken inside Lehman Bros. data center
Over what period of time?
Does it start like this, or are recent store closings in NY and NJ a temporary setback?
If the FIRE Economy does not recover, and no new significant industry arises to take its place, what's to keep this...
...from eventually turning into this?
How long do we have before the process develops its own momentum? A year? Two? More?
Originally posted by jiimbergin
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Sudden collapses do happen, but more commonly they are gradual affairs.
Symbols of prosperous and modern times can persist for decades in a region that is dependent on specific industries, then fade and never return.
The towns fade with the industries. It's an old story.
Did the people who lived in these places see it coming?
How long did the process take?
Were the stages of regional collapse identifiable?
Was there some point after which there was no turning back? The exodus of money became self-reinforcing?
Can this happen to the industries of the FIRE Economy and the towns that depended on them?
Picture taken inside Lehman Bros. data center
Over what period of time?
Does it start like this, or are recent store closings in NY and NJ a temporary setback?
If the FIRE Economy does not recover, and no new significant industry arises to take its place, what's to keep this...
...from eventually turning into this?
How long do we have before the process develops its own momentum? A year? Two? More?