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The Madoff Double-Bluff

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  • The Madoff Double-Bluff

    Interesting article. I love the sentence "This is an enormous sum and no lacky is going to be able to approve this by themselves, ever." No reference on source, but I think the article pretty much speaks for itself. It does mention the Jewish community twice, but in a very slight passing reference.

    At first sight it was extremely refreshing. A white-collar financial crook raising his hands and pleading guilty to his financial crime. This has to be almost a first. Usually financial criminals when caught in the most obvious of wrong-doing plead 'not guilty'. The criminal can be caught boarding the plane, with a suitcase containing US$100mn of someone elses cash, with his mistress holding on to his arm, he will look into the camera with his most genuine 'Tony Blair look of sincerity' and say "What we have here is a misunderstanding.... " You make up the rest of the excuse, there is a million of them.
    Now the confession does not look right at all.
    I have acted as a professional consultant to major EC and US financial institutions on corporate and institutional credit risk and the idea that anyone in HSBC or Santander could authorise large investment without the internal checks and controls being employed is almost impossible. To try and believe that EVERY institution that invested in Madoff circumvented their internal control procedures IS impossible.

    Why is this important? Simple. If someone approaches the HSBC credit risk team, for instance, with a view to making a loan or investing a sum as large as £600m to what is ultimately a single institution (therefore a single counterparty credit exposure) a significant number hoops would have to be jumped through. Firstly there is the credit officer competence limit, which is the maximum amount that a single credit officer may be allowed to authorise. More than his/her limit must be referred up the credit approval food chain. In an institution like HSBC or Santander etc, £600bn or US$1bn will have been referred to the very top of the food chain, the banks' credit committees at the board level. This is an enormous sum and no lacky is going to be able to approve this by themselves, ever.
    Last edited by ricket; December 21, 2008, 11:47 PM.
    Every interest bearing loan is mathematically impossible to pay back.

  • #2
    Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

    Originally posted by ricket View Post
    Interesting article. I love the sentence "This is an enormous sum and no lacky is going to be able to approve this by themselves, ever." No reference on source, but I think the article pretty much speaks for itself. It does mention the Jewish community twice, but in a very slight passing reference.
    Looks like it's a Muslim religious site with forums and such...
    Every interest bearing loan is mathematically impossible to pay back.


    • #3
      Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

      The piece has been reposted on several blogs and websites, but I think this is website on which it was first 'published'. The author is closely associated with the Darryl Bradford Smith / Eric Hufschmid circle. That the Jewish community is mentioned comes as no surprise, but not because the three of them are members of it.


      • #4
        Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

        Why don't you post a link about the "protocols of zion" as well.


        • #5
          Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

          Why are people so anti-anti Semitic? It's like if someone even mentions the Jewish community or Zionism, then those people are all of a sudden crazy conspiracy-theory Illuminati whack-jobs and people all of a sudden discredit the rest of what they say?

          Did you actually read the article I cited? To me, regardless of source, the article does put an interesting perspective on the Madoff scheme. So what if a source may be anti-Semitic or full of conspiracy theories, the article is still relevant and does not stray into any of those areas. That would be like me discrediting the iTulip articles because of the posts of the contributors in the forums, and we know how difficult it would be to recover from THAT! ;)
          Last edited by ricket; December 22, 2008, 02:41 PM.
          Every interest bearing loan is mathematically impossible to pay back.


          • #6
            Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

            Gosh, I wonder why Jews are so "sensitive." Whatever. Plenty of New York jews think the guy is a scumbag. The funny thing is your response gives me a pretty good idea of where I think your head is on this topic.

            When the shthf even worse, I bet you there will be some more post like these.


            • #7
              Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

              The real question is how did ricket end up looking for financial insight on Sunni Forum...
              Curiousity, skepticism and green vegetables.


              • #8
                Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

                I agree with the gist of the article.

                Something smells well fishy about the story.

                The Fed and other international agencies should go over the books of the banks involved. We need to know what really went on.


                • #9
                  Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

                  I agree that the whole business stinks to high heaven and it wasn't an one man job. But the "anit-zionist" think tank? The Sunni forum.

                  I guess I'll spend christmas drinking baby blood and thinking of ways to screw you all. Ha Ha Ha. Ho Ho Ho. from the Heb Heb Heb.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

                    If some Paulson critique came from the "anglo-saxon monster" website or an Obama article came from the "negroid skull size" institute, I would also give you a piece of my mind.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

                      These guys at Daily Reckoning seem to like these kinds of posts:



                      • #12
                        Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

                        Its easy to point the finger at a persons colour or what they believe in. Is there a bias......Yes............THERE ALWAYS IS!

                        I be far more worried about the VERY Right wing people O-BAN-A has about him.



                        • #13
                          Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

                          Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
                          I agree that the whole business stinks to high heaven and it wasn't an one man job. But the "anit-zionist" think tank? The Sunni forum.

                          I guess I'll spend christmas drinking baby blood and thinking of ways to screw you all. Ha Ha Ha. Ho Ho Ho. from the Heb Heb Heb.
                          And in deriding them you reveal that it is you who are prejudiced. Do you really think that the folks at Sunni forum believe that the Elders of Zion is for real? Considering the amount of Muslim bashing that has been paid for by Jewish interests (see Obsession), Muslim organizations have been quite tame in the midst of this crisis. That one post comes out and people start implying that others are anti-semites is ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with questioning zionism and its direction. It is done quite extensively within Israel itself. Look up Avraham Burg. This story is a good place to start:
                          Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.


                          • #14
                            Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

                            Originally posted by Ted Q. Sipp View Post
                            The real question is how did ricket end up looking for financial insight on Sunni Forum...
                            good question. was wondering the same myself.


                            • #15
                              Re: The Madoff Double-Bluff

                              "Protocols of Zion"

                              P.S. Ever stop to think that Arabs are semites. Being anti-Arab is the only form of anti-semitism accepted in the public sphere.
                              Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.

