Seems significant that Niall Ferguson is promoting the heterodox solution of Steve Keen and Hudson in the FT no less:
Some form of a debt jubilee seems inevitable to me. The creditor oriented solutions of the FIRE economy are a desperate form of denial and are self contradictory. It's as if they are trying to keep the patient alive by giving the parasite killing him a transfusion.
An example might be:
Can you convince a parasite to stop trying to maximise its advantage by pointing out that this can only lead to its killing off the host?
Some form of a debt jubilee seems inevitable to me. The creditor oriented solutions of the FIRE economy are a desperate form of denial and are self contradictory. It's as if they are trying to keep the patient alive by giving the parasite killing him a transfusion.
An example might be:
Can you convince a parasite to stop trying to maximise its advantage by pointing out that this can only lead to its killing off the host?