Re: Why is Oil falling?
We have no real divergence here GRG55. I'm just saying that as long as a greedy crowd is allowed free reign over commodities markets, and they are wrecking havoc with impunity using an "innovation" (started under Hank Paulson's leadership at Goldman Sachs) which generates obscene profits from investing (not hedging) in futures, then it's unreasonable to believe that physical supply and demand of oil are the fundamentals determining the oil price. When this "index investing innovation" is stopped things will return to normal fast.
The point where we have a major divergence is that IMHO you refuse to accept that a market dominated in proportion of over 90% by Vitols and "commercial swap dealers" such as Goldman, Morgan and Merrill has nothing to do with physical supply and demand fundamentals. Do you remember the last CFTC interim report? This is what they consider commercial hedger exempted from position limits, where you have commercial swap dealers like Goldman Sachs and commercial dealers like Vitol (which in July had 10% of all oil futures contracts).

On top of that you have straight hedge funds and managed money funds plus the classic futures speculator and floor traders...

When the producers and manufacturers are the only ones who actually buy (use) or sell (produce) physical/real oil, and their presence on the market is dwarfed by the buyers and sellers of financial oil, how can you expect to have the oil price determined by physical supply and demand fundamentals? This is where we have a major divergence.
Did the final report came out with the correct classification?
Originally posted by GRG55
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The point where we have a major divergence is that IMHO you refuse to accept that a market dominated in proportion of over 90% by Vitols and "commercial swap dealers" such as Goldman, Morgan and Merrill has nothing to do with physical supply and demand fundamentals. Do you remember the last CFTC interim report? This is what they consider commercial hedger exempted from position limits, where you have commercial swap dealers like Goldman Sachs and commercial dealers like Vitol (which in July had 10% of all oil futures contracts).
On top of that you have straight hedge funds and managed money funds plus the classic futures speculator and floor traders...
When the producers and manufacturers are the only ones who actually buy (use) or sell (produce) physical/real oil, and their presence on the market is dwarfed by the buyers and sellers of financial oil, how can you expect to have the oil price determined by physical supply and demand fundamentals? This is where we have a major divergence.
Did the final report came out with the correct classification?