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First cracks in the "classless" US society?

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  • #16
    Re: First cracks in the "classless" US society?

    Originally posted by Jeff View Post
    This is what class competition looks like on my blog:

    We need a better social safety not to mention a social contract, and some of the big winners of the last quarter century are going to have to cough it up to pay for it. The rich bastards talk a good game, but they’ll fold like a house of cards the first time pictures like this surface. Visualize the scene of a public barbecue. Children playing, people drinking beer and sharing potluck. Men are taking turns with the handle on the spit. There are a few cops and the ambulance guys are there and it’s all pretty festive. That’s when you notice the body on the spit over the coals with the apple in it’s mouth is the field dressed body of the abusive rich bastard who closed the local factory and sent the work to China to save a few pennies on labor. No jury anywhere in the new America would convict anyone involved. The arrogant few who have been raping America these last decades talk tough, but the tough talk stops when they stop to realize what real class warfare looks like.
    Maybe they shoot themselves first?
    They say that Richard Cory owns one half of this whole town
    with political connections to spread his wealth around
    born into society a banker's only child
    He had everything a man could want power, grace and style
    But I work in his factory and I curse the life I'm living
    and I curse my poverty and I wish that I could be...Richard Cory...

    --Paul Simon; from Sounds of Silence, 1966 --


    • #17
      Re: First cracks in the "classless" US society?

      Now that the US is fully a political economy there are only two classes: the politicallly powerful/connected and the rest. All else is misdirection.


      • #18
        Re: First cracks in the "classless" US society?

        Originally posted by Judas View Post
        Now that the US is fully a political economy there are only two classes: the politicallly powerful/connected and the rest...
        Hasn't it always been so...


        • #19
          Re: First cracks in the "classless" US society?

          Originally posted by Jeff View Post
          As a Filthy Rich Bastard myself, I think it's fair to say that a free market must be tempered with a social contract. Everybody gets to vote, and if income inequality becomes radical enough, there will be plenty of BBQ for everyone. I'm not promoting cannibalism here, just noting what can happen when the proletariat get restless.

          I actually own a T shirt that reads, "Eat the other rich first".

          Jeff: Have you been consulting to the protest crowd in London for the G20?

          Last edited by GRG55; April 02, 2009, 03:07 PM.

