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The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

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  • The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

    Mega's Thoughts:-

    You Motherf*cking SOB's !

    From Day one "New Labour" rode into town it was SPEND SPEND SPEND!...........You agreed no new tax's...Then Tax (& killed) Personal pensions!

    Every Year you sat around dreaming up more ways to ramp house prices & invent Odd Little "Guilt" taxes!

    Then came the GRAND-E-ous plans, an NHS computer system that cost £10 Billion & still doesn't work!

    The 2012 Games.....£3 billion budget........we are up to £9.8 billion so far!

    You blew the house prices to mars, you invented every possable way to inflate their values & you made DAM sure that even the lowest, pennyless prick could get 125% loans!

    UK Comusmer Debt stand at just over £1.5 TRILLION!

    The Banks are collasping & your "Great leader" has said that Britians best hope is if anyone now goes out & spends some more.............I don't know if to laugh or cry.

    Now having crashed, you want to Print your way out, to hell with those whom had savings........those who tried to manage with out state "Help".

    As a child of the 70's i will remember the dying days of the THEN Labour goverment........I see them again!

    Well, You lost power for 15 years or so, lets hope its 25 years this time!


  • #2
    Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

    Here in East Sooke, BC, I have been hammering away at my MP in the Canadian Parliament, Jennifer Burgis, NDP. I have been telling Jennifer that although I am a member of the NDP in Canada, I will not stand for deficit spending and endless bail-outs.

    I don't know if Jennifer agreed with me or not, but perhaps the message will get back to Jack Layton, the leader of the NDP in Ottawa. That is why I spoke to Ms. Burgis.

    Finally, if the NDP wants to deficit spend, also to support bail-outs, also to lower interest rates in order to cheapen the currency and punish savers, and also to launch a stimulus plan for the economy, then how is the NDP any different than the Republicans in the U.S.A? This is what I told Ms. Burgis on the telephone.

    I am very confused about the politics to-day, not just in Canada, but everywhere. The political parties just don't seem to be connecting with economic reality and the needs of people.


    • #3
      Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      Finally, if the NDP wants to deficit spend, also to support bail-outs, also to lower interest rates in order to cheapen the currency and punish savers, and also to launch a stimulus plan for the economy, then how is the NDP any different than the Republicans in the U.S.A? This is what I told Ms. Burgis on the telephone.

      I am very confused about the politics to-day, not just in Canada, but everywhere. The political parties just don't seem to be connecting with economic reality and the needs of people.
      I think that in any society, there are always far more citizens who support themselves by working than those who support themselves primarily from their savings. Thus, in a democracy, there will always be a natural bias toward policies which punish savers, support the un- or under-employed, and attempt to stimulate the economic activity which will keep the wolf from wage-earners' doors. To the extent that these policies risk a currency collapse and prop up non-productive economic activities, they may not connect with economic reality. There is much to decry about banking and asset price bubble bail-outs in this regard, but I think that to the extent that hand-outs and stimulus spending put money in the hands of the majority who cannot live off their savings, those policies probably do connect with the needs of the "people". The retiree with savings sees the purchasing power of his or her savings plummet and laments, but the retiree without savings and the worker without a job sees some income with falling purchasing power as superior to no income and stable purchasing power.

      I personally feel that this dynamic is at the heart of the American Fed's institutional bias toward inflationary policies. I am fond of Bill Fleckenstein's saying that "In a social democracy with a fiat currency, all roads lead to inflation."


      • #4
        Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

        Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
        Here in East Sooke, BC, I have been hammering away at my MP in the Canadian Parliament, Jennifer Burgis, NDP. I have been telling Jennifer that although I am a member of the NDP in Canada, I will not stand for deficit spending and endless bail-outs.

        I don't know if Jennifer agreed with me or not, but perhaps the message will get back to Jack Layton, the leader of the NDP in Ottawa. That is why I spoke to Ms. Burgis.

        Finally, if the NDP wants to deficit spend, also to support bail-outs, also to lower interest rates in order to cheapen the currency and punish savers, and also to launch a stimulus plan for the economy, then how is the NDP any different than the Republicans in the U.S.A? This is what I told Ms. Burgis on the telephone.

        I am very confused about the politics to-day, not just in Canada, but everywhere. The political parties just don't seem to be connecting with economic reality and the needs of people.
        The difference between the Canadian federal NDP and the US Republicans is that the NDP could never, ever get elected to government. The only way they can get their grubby hands on the levers of power is to cut a behind-closed-doors deal with the Bloc, a party who's principal objective is the partion of the country. Layton should be tried for treason.

        Our worthless politicians in Ottawa [and I mean all of them] have demonstrated conclusively that they are completely incapable of behaving at a level much above a 5-year old.


        • #5
          Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

          Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
          The difference between the Canadian federal NDP and the US Republicans is that the NDP could never, ever get elected to government. The only way they can get their grubby hands on the levers of power is to cut a behind-closed-doors deal with the Bloc, a party who's principal objective is the partion of the country. Layton should be tried for treason.

          Our worthless politicians in Ottawa [and I mean all of them] have demonstrated conclusively that they are completely incapable of behaving at a level much above a 5-year old.

          Common bro, don't let the current turmoil upset your mind.

          The song is completely different out here:
          Repeat after me : The Bloc only objective in Ottawa is to defend Quebec's ''interests''. :eek: ( And collect federal deputy life pensions after 2 terms)

          It is the PQ who want to segragate :mad:

          Now , Let's seriously revise Rubin's projected balance sheets :rolleyes:.

          Between 2 evils , I would rather go back to the polls than have the beaver at the helm of a triumvirat.


          • #6
            Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

            Originally posted by Nicolasd View Post
            Common bro, don't let the current turmoil upset your mind.

            The song is completely different out here:
            Repeat after me : The Bloc only objective in Ottawa is to defend Quebec's ''interests''. :eek: ( And collect federal deputy life pensions after 2 terms)

            It is the PQ who want to segragate :mad:

            Now , Let's seriously revise Rubin's projected balance sheets :rolleyes:.

            Between 2 evils , I would rather go back to the polls than have the beaver at the helm of a triumvirat.
            Either that or start blockading all the international airports like they have in Thailand...


            • #7
              Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

              Originally posted by Nicolasd View Post
              Common bro, don't let the current turmoil upset your mind.

              The song is completely different out here:
              Repeat after me : The Bloc only objective in Ottawa is to defend Quebec's ''interests''. :eek: ( And collect federal deputy life pensions after 2 terms)

              It is the PQ who want to segragate :mad:
              You honestly act as if the Bloc representing the interests of Quebec residents in Ottawa is a bad thing. I wish I had such a thing where I live, it'd be nice if my congressman in North Carolina represented the interests of North Carolinians instead of the interests of his national party leader. And seeing as two-thirds of Quebec seats go to the Bloc, obviously the residents think the same. Imagine that, an MP voting based on whether he thinks the legislation benefits the people that voted him or her into office, it'd be nice if the U.S. Constitution provided for such a representative legislature...oh wait, it does, it's just the legislators got bought a long time ago.

              Why are people so upset at the notion of localism? If Albertans, Ontarians, Maritimers, etc. all thought the same way, Canada would be the better for it.


              • #8
                Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

                Well, two-third of the seats is great but that represents only 40% of the votes , so how is the remaining 60% having federalistic views fairly represented in Ottawa from Quebec deputies?

                The original premise of the Bloc when it was formed in 1993 was to prepare the separation for the up-coming referendum of 1995 while the PQ was in power.The results were very close (49.6% for vs 50.4% against) but status-quo prevailed.

                Since then , the polls for separation are constantly below 40% but the Bloc keeps dividing the votes in Ottawa and have no interest whatsoever for Canada , as a country , to work as a unified ,succesful and thriving entity since their agenda is to separate. So they routinely vote for against any and all motions presented in the parliament that is perceived as to strengthen the country and weaken the province.

                Hope this helps


                • #9
                  Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

                  Originally posted by rj1 View Post
                  ...Why are people so upset at the notion of localism? If Albertans, Ontarians, Maritimers, etc. all thought the same way, Canada would be the better for it.
                  I agree.

                  But then we wouldn't have to call it Canada any more either...:p


                  • #10
                    Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

                    Originally posted by Nicolasd View Post
                    Well, two-third of the seats is great but that represents only 40% of the votes , so how is the remaining 60% having federalistic views fairly represented in Ottawa from Quebec deputies?
                    Wow, so we're practicing proportional representation now? And no stopped and told me?

                    Cool. So that means the Libertarians are guaranteed 4 seats at a minimum in the U.S. House and the Greens are guaranteed 2 seats at a minimum based on their performance in the 2008 electons.


                    • #11
                      Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

                      Oh Canada...

                      Hey Canucks, press that Goldman Sachs Alum that runs your central bank to convert the Canadian reserves from USA funny money treasuries to GOLD now! How much higher can the USD and treasuries go???


                      • #12
                        Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

                        In a society where every warm body has an inalienable salable good: a vote - starvation is never going to happen.


                        • #13
                          Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

                          You still think it matters which party is ruling???

                          No, it does not. The UK had prosperity in the Thatcher era because of North Sea oil. Now, it is in rapid decline and the problems are starting.
                          Parties are irrelevant, they do the same thing in slightly different ways and with different propaganda.


                          • #14
                            Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

                            Originally posted by Mega View Post

                            Mega's Thoughts:-

                            You Motherf*cking SOB's !

                            From Day one "New Labour" rode into town it was SPEND SPEND SPEND!...........You agreed no new tax's...Then Tax (& killed) Personal pensions!

                            Every Year you sat around dreaming up more ways to ramp house prices & invent Odd Little "Guilt" taxes!

                            Then came the GRAND-E-ous plans, an NHS computer system that cost £10 Billion & still doesn't work!

                            The 2012 Games.....£3 billion budget........we are up to £9.8 billion so far!

                            You blew the house prices to mars, you invented every possable way to inflate their values & you made DAM sure that even the lowest, pennyless prick could get 125% loans!

                            UK Comusmer Debt stand at just over £1.5 TRILLION!

                            The Banks are collasping & your "Great leader" has said that Britians best hope is if anyone now goes out & spends some more.............I don't know if to laugh or cry.

                            Now having crashed, you want to Print your way out, to hell with those whom had savings........those who tried to manage with out state "Help".

                            As a child of the 70's i will remember the dying days of the THEN Labour goverment........I see them again!

                            Well, You lost power for 15 years or so, lets hope its 25 years this time!

                            I just read that article by the professor of economics and public policy at Harvard University... what a piece of shit article that was. Its truly pathetic that economic professors at one of if not the most prestigious schools in America would come up with a plan that has been tried and has failed miserably many times... however this is not unexpected from a Harvard economist...

                            Why does the innovative idea of cutting spending and letting bad businesses go bust never come up???


                            • #15
                              Re: The British Left stop begging for the Printing press!

                              Mega, you forgot the Millennium Dome.

                              Re. 70's, wasn't too keen on the Thatcher days either.
                              It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.

