Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.
The Upper Midwest is blue. It is politically aligned with progressive politics and Obama. It is politically similar to Canada's politics, especially Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Minnesota's Democratic-Farmer-Labour Party (the D.F.L) is similar to the N.D.P. in Canada.
Head west from the Upper Midwest, and the Great Plains is a different story and solidly red. The Great Plains is addicted to Farm Aid and ethanol grants from the Republicans. While Republican like the South, the politics of the Great Plains is not redneck until you get south of Kansas.
Cross into Oklahoma, and put the guns in your gun-rack and the flag in your back window. You'd better put the Jesus fish on your tail-gate and maybe an NRA sticker too because you have justed crossed into the twilight zone. :rolleyes:
The Upper Midwest is blue. It is politically aligned with progressive politics and Obama. It is politically similar to Canada's politics, especially Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Minnesota's Democratic-Farmer-Labour Party (the D.F.L) is similar to the N.D.P. in Canada.
Head west from the Upper Midwest, and the Great Plains is a different story and solidly red. The Great Plains is addicted to Farm Aid and ethanol grants from the Republicans. While Republican like the South, the politics of the Great Plains is not redneck until you get south of Kansas.
Cross into Oklahoma, and put the guns in your gun-rack and the flag in your back window. You'd better put the Jesus fish on your tail-gate and maybe an NRA sticker too because you have justed crossed into the twilight zone. :rolleyes: