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Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

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  • #31
    Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

    Originally posted by hugh_lawson View Post
    What was your definition of cesspit again?

    If you've ever been to Detroit or Boston, you know what a cesspit is.


    • #32
      Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      Considering the state of the U.S. economy right now and the state of the Russian economy, my bet for economic survival would be in favour of the Russian economy right now. My bet would be in favour of the ruble, not the dollar.

      Russia has oil and gas for export. What does the U.S. have? --- toxic mortgages and solar power?:rolleyes:
      Your lack of nutrition is affecting your thinking. We have enough coal to last for a century or two and plenty of oil and natural gas. Unfortunately, we also have plenty of arugula-nibbling eco-nitwits who want to hamstring our use of these resources. Our gold reserves, both in the ground and in Ft. Knox, dwarf the Russkies. And then, there's our Ag resources. Need I go on?

      Apart from natural resources, no one's even close to our collective intellectual reserves, despite decades of dumbed down government schooling.

      Feel free to move to Russia if you think there in better shape than we are. Here's a suggestion for you, though: don't talk bad about Putin or his cronies. They don't take kindly to free speech, as many journalists and other critics have found out in recent years.
      Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


      • #33
        Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

        Originally posted by Master Shake
        Feel free to move to Russia if you think there in better shape than we are. Here's a suggestion for you, though: don't talk bad about Putin or his cronies. They don't take kindly to free speech, as many journalists and other critics have found out in recent years.
        In the US, on the other hand, journalists talking about unpleasant possible truths are treated really well...


        • #34
          Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

          Originally posted by labasta View Post
          Everytime I read some Russian doom story for America, I get the sense of "cold war envy".
          I think it is resentment for what happened after the USSR collapsed. Back in 1980 – 1990 most russians looked at America with hope and had lots of trust in it. The good will was squandered by what happened after the collapse. The “shock therapy” proposed and implemented by the West didn’t work well, did it?

          I mean the Russia/China rule the world thing gives it completely away.
          It does sound ridiculous. When I visited Russia, I noticed that China dominated all conversations about the economy and economic power. 15 – 20 years ago it used to be US. To my surprise, Russians are very open collaborating with China. I know that Russian mathematicians and physicists do some work for China. It's 180 degree change since I left Russia.

          Saying good-bye to the South and those religious-right idiots down there could only be a big big PLUS for the entire North American continent.
          I know some people displaced by a country’s breakup. It is always a huge tragedy and has negative effects on everyone. I hope it will never happen here.


          • #35
            Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

            You left out this link.


            Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


            • #36
              Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

              You guys are really far down the rabbit hole. Do you all want to see a collapse? When you go out of your house do you see people dying in the street? Is everyone you know unemployed?

              It's weird because my work is busier than it was in spring. Do I expect rough times: sure. But this country has survived a lot of rough stuff. Depression, Civil War, Hitler...


              • #37
                Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

                Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
                You guys are really far down the rabbit hole. Do you all want to see a collapse? When you go out of your house do you see people dying in the street? Is everyone you know unemployed?

                It's weird because my work is busier than it was in spring. Do I expect rough times: sure. But this country has survived a lot of rough stuff. Depression, Civil War, Hitler...
                Personally, I do want to see a collapse. I doubt it will cause people to die in the streets, and only a couple people I know are unemployed.

                I'm not sure where you were going with that.

                I've got plenty of gold if it gets kinda bad, plenty of food and necessities if it gets really bad, and plenty of ammo if it gets super bad.

                It's true that this country has made it through rough stuff, but is that good allegory to present? It's equally fair to say that we're approaching the magnitude of "rough stuff" which has toppled other civilizations.


                • #38
                  Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

                  Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
                  Your lack of nutrition is affecting your thinking. We have enough coal to last for a century or two and plenty of oil and natural gas. Unfortunately, we also have plenty of arugula-nibbling eco-nitwits who want to hamstring our use of these resources. Our gold reserves, both in the ground and in Ft. Knox, dwarf the Russkies. And then, there's our Ag resources. Need I go on?

                  Apart from natural resources, no one's even close to our collective intellectual reserves, despite decades of dumbed down government schooling.

                  Feel free to move to Russia if you think there in better shape than we are. Here's a suggestion for you, though: don't talk bad about Putin or his cronies. They don't take kindly to free speech, as many journalists and other critics have found out in recent years.
                  We wouldn't be in this mess if the U.S. actually exported things of real value, but it doesn't. It lives off of the savings of other nations in a confidence game.

                  If the U.S. actually put up its gold in Ft. Knox or its coal or its natural gas reserves, or its light sweet oil off of Santa Barbara for EXPORT, the U.S. dollar would be in good shape. But it doesn't.

                  Now the entire confidence game is falling apart, and Bernankee hasn't a clue what to do.... So, he punishes savers with zero interest rates. He destroys retirement hopes. He destroys investments in the stock market. He punishes producers such as oil and gas producers who depend upon investments. The result is to poison the confidence in the dollar and drive money OUT of America.

                  And this is the kind of economics they teach at Princeton? I am flabbergasted!


                  • #39
                    Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

                    Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                    We wouldn't be in this mess if the U.S. actually exported things of real value, but it doesn't. It lives off of the savings of other nations in a confidence game.
                    We've only been living off Chinese savings for the last decade or two. The ability and means to be self-sufficient as a nation still lies strongly beneath the surface, in the memories and traditions of individuals and institutions.

                    Those who wait around like residents of New Orleans after Katrina for the Federal Government to bail them out are screwed. Those of us who get on with our lives as best we can will do ok, once we figure out that two BMW's in every garage is not a birthright.

                    One way I find useful to determine how things will unravel is to look back, and presume that in rough times things will regress to earlier times. It happens with people as we get old, and it happens with nations. Old habits die hard.

                    For over a century, the United States has been the industrial, agricultural, financial, military, scientific and technology powerhouse of the world. Many of us still remember how to do that, and the great wealth of this nations geography and people and freedom is by and large still with us.

                    First we have a little mess to clean up in the streets of lower Manhattan and in the aisle's of Congress.

                    And before that gets done, we've got to send a couple of generations of Americans through the School of Hard Knocks, for some of the essential training in life's basics that they apparently missed out on, during the incredible boom times of the last half century.

                    The past will not repeat; it never does. Most of the inroads of Socialism in our federal government are irreversible. America will likely never again dominate the world stage as it did since World War II.

                    But the old girl isn't dead yet.
                    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                    • #40
                      Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

                      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                      We wouldn't be in this mess if the U.S. actually exported things of real value, but it doesn't. It lives off of the savings of other nations in a confidence game.

                      If the U.S. actually put up its gold in Ft. Knox or its coal or its natural gas reserves, or its light sweet oil off of Santa Barbara for EXPORT, the U.S. dollar would be in good shape. But it doesn't.

                      Now the entire confidence game is falling apart, and Bernankee hasn't a clue what to do.... So, he punishes savers with zero interest rates. He destroys retirement hopes. He destroys investments in the stock market. He punishes producers such as oil and gas producers who depend upon investments. The result is to poison the confidence in the dollar and drive money OUT of America.

                      And this is the kind of economics they teach at Princeton? I am flabbergasted!

                      As a Kentuckian that lives near Ft. Knox, oil and gas minerals in the Mammoth Cave region, and just around the block from a sh*t load of coal, I'm thinking of running for KY's next governor/president? as a kleptocrappian dictator with real change...secession and the production/sale of assets with REAL wealth and demand.:cool:


                      • #41
                        Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

                        Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                        I'm pretty sure that for most people the current economic difficulties have been successfully blamed on Bush. I see little to no chance that Obama will ever get tagged with it.

                        Once the court of public opinion has firmly pinned the blame on you backside, it's neigh on impossible to get it unpinned unless you've got a willing and monopolistic Pravda rewriting history for your benefit.

                        Those of us who have other theories as to the cause(s) of our current economic problems have to be careful when and how we speak our minds, lest we invite ridicule or censure.
                        Oh COME ON .. there are tonnes of racist / republican partisan people who are just dying to lay this at the foot of Obama.

                        They will fine any reason, no matter how weak it might be, to blame it on barry.


                        • #42
                          Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

                          re possible breakup of USA into North and South, my only comment:


                          the South will rise again


                          • #43
                            Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

                            Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
                            You guys are really far down the rabbit hole. Do you all want to see a collapse? When you go out of your house do you see people dying in the street? Is everyone you know unemployed?

                            It's weird because my work is busier than it was in spring. Do I expect rough times: sure. But this country has survived a lot of rough stuff. Depression, Civil War, Hitler...
                            Word. OTOH, the country's a lot more pussified now.
                            Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


                            • #44
                              Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

                              I am surprised that no one has mentioned the upper midwest. I know everybody thinks the south is great, but the upper midwest has one key commodity- better than oil, coal, natural gas or even gold. It is the one of the world's best supply of fresh water. Lake Superior could cover the entire continental United States in water-5 feet deep.
                              So, unless some idiot drains the lakes, I think the uppermidwest has a great future!


                              • #45
                                Re: Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S.

                                Originally posted by Jeff View Post
                                Holy crap! I've been trying to figure out the American response to everything here, but didn't see the breakup of the US coming. I know I'd be glad to not have to share a country with Alabama, Mississippi and a few other cesspits.

                                Abe Lincoln could have saved us a lot of trouble by letting them secede. That way, by now Mexico would only be the second poorest country in North America.
                                Wow! Tell me, Jeff, what garden of peace, ubiquitous prosperity and altruistic perfection do you hail from? Having been born and raised in the cesspool of Mississippi I had no idea that I was so backward! So intellectually impoverished! I suppose I've spent far too much time clinging to my guns and religion. Perhaps if I lived in the "Pornbelt" I would learn to appreciate the finer things in life - like someone of your vast accomplishments, shown forth in humility. If only I had made many millions instead of just a couple of million - perhaps that would have given me the lack of character and surplus of pride to be an arrogant, condescending and insufferable ass.

