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The next enemy

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  • The next enemy

    Soon the government will take exceptional measure to fight an imminent threat to America.
    The Free Lakota Bank is the world's first non-reserve, non-fractional bank that issues, accepts for deposit, and circulates REAL money...silver and gold. All of our deposits are liquid, meaning they can be withdrawn at any time in minted rounds.

    Some may confuse our economic structure with isolationism...which it is not. Since we currently produce much more than we consume, we have the right to decide what medium of exchange to accept for our effort. And so, we accept only value for value. Across our great land, over thousands of tribes and merchants participate in our system of trade. We invite others to trade with us and bring value back into our transactions.
    Hill City, Lakota - November 24, 2008 - In a stunning development, the Free & Independent People of Lakota announced today the introduction of the world's first non-reserve, non-fractional bank that accepts only silver and gold currencies for deposit.

    "Today is a great day for us, a day that we begin to exercise our rights as a sovereign people with strength and pride," comments Canupa Gluha Mani, Tetuwan Council Judicial Member of the Cante Tenza "Strong Heart" Warrior Society. Mani's 2500 member warrior society has contracted to provide private security services for the Free Lakota Bank.

    "We invite people of any creed, faith or heritage to unite in an effort to reclaim control of wealth. It is our hope that other tribal nations and American citizens recognize the importance of silver and gold as currency and decide to mirror our system of honest trade." Mani, also known as Duane Martin Sr, is a member of the delegation that declared Lakota independence on December 17th, 2007.

    The launch of the Free Lakota Bank is also an incredible victory for StrikeForce Technologies, the access control experts providing depositor Out-of-Band Authentication. As the Free Lakota Bank does not require a name, photo identification or social security number to transact, StrikeForce's technology met the challenge of limiting fraud without requiring controversial biometric technology.

    The People of Lakota invite depositors to establish accounts and invest in the Free Lakota Bank's General Investment Fund, the fund it uses to develop profitable free-market enterprise inside Lakota territory. Mani comments that the nation despises donations and charity, and instead insists instead on "earning our wealth by creating value for those that place their faith and trust in our system."

    The Free Lakota Bank issues an American Open Currency Standard Approved currency, making it readily accepted for trade by over 10,000 merchants and businesses across the continent.
    This may be a dubious scheme , but still ... 100% reserve banking completely backed by PM certificates ... doesn't sound bad....

  • #2
    Re: The next enemy

    $40 / oz silver!?!?!?!
    It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


    • #3
      Re: The next enemy

      This does not instill confidence, unless it is a little bigger and widely used.
      Until then, better to live in the pit of paper currency - at least we know our adversaries.


      • #4
        Re: The next enemy

        Very interesting & provocative. I wonder how long this will last? Will DHS or similar take an active interest? If nothing else IMO this is a pro-active, responsible stance to irresponsible govt. / monetary policy. I cannot help but find the action very patriotic.

        True American spirit from a people whom America disenfranchised. Ironic.


        • #5
          Re: The next enemy

          Originally posted by DToM67 View Post

          NO, ICONIC. That's what's great about this place. Nowhere else can match it.


          • #6
            Re: The next enemy

            Originally posted by DToM67 View Post

            True American spirit from a people whom America disenfranchised. Ironic.

            That's what I thought. It is a true patriotic stand.

            Good luck to them. Hope the fed don't put them all in prison and confiscate their computers etc.

            Isn't that what happened to the Liberty dollar?


            • #7
              Re: The next enemy

              fbi has 200 of my copper ron paul liberty dollars !


              • #8
                Free Lakota Bank

                The Lakota tribe of the Dakota/Montana region of the US, has formed a bank whose stated main priority is to convert America from paper currency to silver. Deposits in the bank are denominated in silver and offer a 7.24% interest rate. You gotta' love their wordmark: "Sovereignty Through Economic independence"

                Interesting to note how the Indian tribes have used their sovereignty first to sell tax free cigarettes, then move on to high cash flow casinos and now banks. Fascinating. The US has tolerated casinos but I'm not sure how the US Treasury will take to the idea of a competitor to fiat money, right within their own borders.

                Some Lakota have been spoiling to for a fight with the US and want to sever all ties and treaties with the US, becoming completely autonomous and independent. This is probably designed to make a clear statement as to their intention but may likely be a bridge too far. Comments?

                By the way, Sitting Bull, of General Custer fame, was a Lakota.

                A brief excerpt from their website

                Do you have the moral integrity and character of a person that deserves a loan from the Free Lakota Bank? If so, we may have a loan for you. Our first priority with the Free Lakota Bank General Investment Fund is to enhance the profitable development of exports from within the Nation of Lakota. We will consider any and all proposals to establish free enterprise within our territory above all other requests for loans. Please read the list of benefits of conducting business from within our Nation.

                The Free Lakota Bank issues loans based not on need, but instead on merit. During application, explain the value we will receive by lending money to you. Inform us as to why investing in you is in our best interest. What have you done in the past to create value for yourself and shareholders? What commitment will you make to ensure the success of our investment?

                The Free Lakota Bank frequently holds an equity interest in most projects we fund from an angel investor standpoint.

                General Investment Fund:

                All loans are funded through the Free Lakota Bank General Investment Fund. This fund is a combination of bank assets and depositor holdings. When you deposit with the Free Lakota Bank, you are invited to participate in the General Investment Fund. Simply indicate the number of ounces from your funds on deposit you would like to earmark for the Fund. Currently, any deposit made to the Fund will not be accessible for a period of 1 year. As the size of the fund grows, early withdraws will be permitted with a small fee. Access to withdraw from the Fund is limited simply because we do not participate in fractional reserve banking.

                The current annual rate of return for the Fund is 7.24%. Your Fund earnings are deposited in your account in ounces of AOCS silver.


                • #9
                  Re: Free Lakota Bank

                  This venture has the potential to run the gamut from fading into oblivion, to being snookered by off-tribal land loan sharks, to a Federal Waco finale. The political goals of the tribe would seem to be paramount at this stage of the game. Could you add anything to that aspect?

                  Sitting Bullion...I couldn't resist :cool:


                  • #10
                    Re: Free Lakota Bank

                    Originally posted by don View Post
                    This venture has the potential to run the gamut from fading into oblivion, to being snookered by off-tribal land loan sharks, to a Federal Waco finale. The political goals of the tribe would seem to be paramount at this stage of the game. Could you add anything to that aspect?

                    Sitting Bullion...I couldn't resist :cool:
                    I agree the main goal is political which makes them suspect and vulnerable. I'd bet there is some financial hired gun behind the scenes pulling the levers. Nonetheless, the concept is highly interesting.


                    • #11
                      Re: The next enemy

                      PieceOrderClosingStatusMin. CommitmentCostOrder Total
                      Lakota Silver Currency429December 30, 2008
                      12:00:00 PM
                      Open20 OuncesSpot + $5.250
                      Lakota Silver Currency430December 30, 2008
                      12:00:00 PM
                      Open500 OuncesSpot + $4.250

                      first comment: Damn, that is quite a premium!


                      • #12
                        Re: The next enemy

                        I LOVE THIS IDEA! Yes, indeed the original american spirit.


                        • #13
                          Re: The next enemy

                          Very interesting, thanks for the link.

                          Would be interesting if rather then guns this time, we see Lakota vs. the US Gov with hoards of Casino funded constitutional lawyers.

                          The timing also seems impeccable as the Obama admin would need to sign the FBI attack order.


                          • #14
                            Re: The next enemy

                            During application, explain the value we will receive by lending money to you. Inform us as to why investing in you is in our best interest. What have you done in the past to create value for yourself and shareholders? What commitment will you make to ensure the success of our investment?
                            Seems like a lot of the big banks could've learned a couple lessons from these guys about 5 years ago.

