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Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

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  • #16
    Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

    Do the American People really think that even if they were able to organize and put forth any sort of tactical effort to "take back this country" that they'd be able to do anything other than get tens of thousands of themselves killed?

    If this ever does happen it'll be a bloodbath. Last I checked, "they" have airplanes that are capable of dropping bombs that can level entire towns in a matter of minutes. I don't think that shotguns and rifles are going to be much of a match for that.

    (I don't for a second doubt that if it came down to it they "they" would carpet bomb an entire city into the ground either)


    • #17
      Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

      Originally posted by Wild Style View Post
      I was about to ask you if you are American, but then I read your location "London". So allow me to explain. We American's as are extremely ignorant. Someone on itulip likened the citizenry to the movie idiocracy. I must admit that sums up a vast majority of Americans. itulip is NOT representative of the average joe here. For example, if you ask people what is going on right now as far as economics, many will tell you its a normal business cycle, or that its not that serious. Others will tell you its because Clinton tried to introduce socialism and we are now seeing the affects of that. Those are just some of the absurd things I have heard over the last year.

      My point is, people are clueless about how economics work, political systems etc. Couple that with a inherently individualistic society and you will get people blaming everything from "the white man, the black man, Muslim jihadist, those Latinos etc". Our govt. has done a great job of deflecting blame and and keeping people in a mental state of unadulterated ignorance. Before Obama won, I had a conversation with these women at my job. they all sung the praise of Obama and said how Bush created all this mess. I told them nope, he didn't. He darn sure didn't help but the root of this isn't with Bush. I explained how it was a long chain of bad decisions, and that the problem was systemic. I also said, WE the people are partly to blame for our over indulgence in debt. I then told them what I felt about the housing mess (if people can't afford the homes then they should lose them). One girl then goes on to tell me that's not the fault of the people. Because in her mind, if someone tells a person they can have a home that is 500,000 dollars and they only make 30,000. Of course they would buy it, its the American dream. That's when it dawned on me, people are clueless.

      So in such a misguided mental state, I don't think we the American people have the capacity (at this time) to properly connect the dots. You have tons of people still walking around thinking gas was a bubble. What happens when inflation kicks in and it goes up? Oh I know, lets blame the Arabs. *sigh*
      Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately it just confirms the prejudices. I guess the GAP are going to get a good hard lesson in responsibility.
      It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


      • #18
        Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

        Strip mall of the near-future:

        1. Euthanasia parlor.
        2. Gambling parlor.
        3. Private vest-pocket prison.
        4. Amsterdam-style cafe where you can have a drink, a cup of coffee, or a joint and think the whole thing over.

        Talk about your United States of Amurica service economy!


        • #19
          Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

          What burns my shorts is the "patriots" who turn to revolution and armed insurrection because their party didn't win. Isn't a free and fair election process the whole F#$@ing point of Democracy?

          Country First was a vacuous enough slogan, but it looks like they meant Party First.

          The problem with Democracy is that every idiot gets a vote. Maybe we need to weight votes. Let's say men get a single vote and women get two. This solves a lot of the overspending, overly macho military stance we seem so fond of. Next, a Bachelor's degree gets you a 50% boost; one and a half votes for men, three for women. Any post grad degree and you're at two for men and four for women. I'd like to drop the vote to zero point five for ever attending a monster truck rally or NASCAR event, but I digress.

          Hey, just how much worse could it be?
          "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide enough for those who have little." - Franklin D. Roosevelt


          • #20
            Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

            Originally posted by tree View Post
            Strip mall of the near-future:

            1. Euthanasia parlor.
            2. Gambling parlor.
            3. Private vest-pocket prison.
            4. Amsterdam-style cafe where you can have a drink, a cup of coffee, or a joint and think the whole thing over.

            Talk about your United States of Amurica service economy!
            don't forget the brothels after prostitution is legalized in all 50 states in 2010... sharper image 2002 = hour lounge 2010.

            that's my name, by the way. now stealing it! can't you just see the bright pink heart shaped energy efficient 'Hour Lounge' LED sign now?


            • #21
              Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

              Originally posted by Jeff View Post
              The problem with Democracy is that every idiot gets a vote. Maybe we need to weight votes. Let's say men get a single vote and women get two. This solves a lot of the overspending, overly macho military stance we seem so fond of. Next, a Bachelor's degree gets you a 50% boost; one and a half votes for men, three for women. Any post grad degree and you're at two for men and four for women. I'd like to drop the vote to zero point five for ever attending a monster truck rally or NASCAR event, but I digress.

              Hey, just how much worse could it be?
              That's what happens when you give away the franchise.

              Back in the founding days, only white male landowners over the age of 21 could vote. Looking past the obvious racism/sexism issues, the requirement for landholding was included to promote the principle that only those invested in the community had a right to a say or a vote within the community. E.g., "we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor . . ."

              The founders had real fear of mob rule, since they knew well that direct democracy ultimately facilitated its own destruction in the cases of Athens and Rome (mob elects dictator -> that's all folks).


              • #22
                Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

                Originally posted by dbarberic View Post
                Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research Institute, is renowned for his accuracy in predicting future world and economic events, which will send a chill down your spine considering what he told Fox News this week.

                Celente says that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.


                (Fred, you may want to add this to the iTulip video section)
                Here is a better link in writing about what Celente apparently thinks.

                Jim 69 y/o

                "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

                Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

                Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


                • #23
                  Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

                  Originally posted by roxtar View Post
                  Do the American People really think that even if they were able to organize and put forth any sort of tactical effort to "take back this country" that they'd be able to do anything other than get tens of thousands of themselves killed?

                  If this ever does happen it'll be a bloodbath. Last I checked, "they" have airplanes that are capable of dropping bombs that can level entire towns in a matter of minutes. I don't think that shotguns and rifles are going to be much of a match for that.

                  (I don't for a second doubt that if it came down to it they "they" would carpet bomb an entire city into the ground either)
                  Speaking as one of "they" you can rest assured that if the US military was called into action against it's own citizenry, there would be "problems".

                  See the oath of office. WE ALL take that oath VERY SERIOUSLY. Each and Every part.


                  • #24
                    Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

                    Originally posted by Jeff View Post
                    The problem with Democracy is that every idiot gets a vote. Maybe we need to weight votes. Let's say men get a single vote and women get two. This solves a lot of the overspending, overly macho military stance we seem so fond of. Next, a Bachelor's degree gets you a 50% boost; one and a half votes for men, three for women. Any post grad degree and you're at two for men and four for women. I'd like to drop the vote to zero point five for ever attending a monster truck rally or NASCAR event, but I digress.

                    Hey, just how much worse could it be?
                    A lot worse - and that's where it's going. And it's not because of the "common man and woman". "Modernsism" and its henchmen have infected every element of society and education over the last 100 years and has succeeded in turning common sense on its head. The respect of science as a means for technological innovation has been transformed into a worship of science as truth and an end in itself and to justify many of the half brained schemes of the 20th century. And the purveyors of this are the "experts" with advanced degrees (mostly social pseudo-scientist who piggy back on the reputation of the hard scientists) who foist their atheistic world view on society couched in sentimental tripe.

                    The mob may be undereducated and easily duped, but the mob retains common sense (hic or not). I'd much rather have 12 random citizens judge me at trial than 12 PhDs who have risen to their rank by selling their souls to whatever was the fad view of the day.

                    As GKC said"
                    "those who marry the spirit of the age will be a widower in the next".

                    The crux of this issue comes down to whether you subscribe to natural law (lockian, jeffersonian natural rights inherent in every individual and not subject to abrogation or manipulation by any human authority including Kings or well meaning social workers) - or whether you are a legal positivist - the law is valid if it is so decreed by a legal authority - positivism is the sliipperry slope where anything can ulitmately happen. Natural rights are a problem for those in power and the experts because they're absolute - and no legalism, sophistic casuistry or other BS can remove them - and it doesn't take a PHD to understand what it means to have an absolute right to life, liberty, and property - these are common sense principles


                    • #25
                      Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

                      Originally posted by roxtar View Post
                      Do the American People really think that even if they were able to organize and put forth any sort of tactical effort to "take back this country" that they'd be able to do anything other than get tens of thousands of themselves killed?

                      If this ever does happen it'll be a bloodbath. Last I checked, "they" have airplanes that are capable of dropping bombs that can level entire towns in a matter of minutes. I don't think that shotguns and rifles are going to be much of a match for that.

                      (I don't for a second doubt that if it came down to it they "they" would carpet bomb an entire city into the ground either)
                      Yeah, just like how the Soviets managed to stay in power to this day with their state of the art military....

                      In terms of real actual revolutions, it's a battle to cross a threshold. The threshold is how many people you can get agreeing to one message at the same time to overcome the will of the government.

                      You see, as much as people love to use pessimism, this whole "I'll wage total war against myself" just doesn't really work in the real world.

                      The Government can destroy the anyone who stands in its way, but when it does, it also destroys a little part of itself. The more the government has to destroy, the weaker the government gets, and the stronger the forces against the government grow. The governent can keep growing and growing and growing, but more people agree to the same message at the same time.

                      Let's say your the government

                      You kill a man and his family has now joined the revolution. They put up a firefight in Greenwich, you destroy a city block. Residents get angry, but you do nothing, because their demands are unachievable to the tyrant. More firefights occur, so you "AIRSTRIKE" Greenwich village with your state of the art technology. Now, New York City turns against you. The rioting is crazy and you do not have enough manpower to control the city, so you destroy New York City, then your economy goes to shit as Wall Street now lays in ruins and millions of people are fleeing the country in panic. Congratulations, you've lost Baghdad....errr New York City. Now your military is split in half and militias are periodically springing all over the country.

                      However, we don't have to go so far. Let's make pretend and we say, "Oh Gee, I won't be so violet. I'll just anyone who gets in my way". You jail a few people, and you get a scared crowd but a angry crowd. "Fine I'll live away from the majority in a gated community...."

                      Yet who feeds you?
                      Who clothes you?
                      Who entertains you?
                      Who serves you?
                      Who crafts for you?
                      Who works for you?

                      The crowd. Your forced to live with the crowd. And this crowd could be anyone at any moment. Your food could be poisoned because you jailed the owner's uncle. Your car could be rigged with bad brakes because you killed someone's daughter. People could "forget" priceless things in gutters because they having nothing to eat at night. Your child is ostriched because you belong to the party while your sibling has decided to turn against you. Or if your the violent type, someone can just walk into a police station and start stabbing police officers and you happen to be on shift. You can pretend that your mighty tanks and powerful aircraft give you the control, but in the end, no gun in the world can butter your bread.

                      Knowledge starts revolutions. Ironically, Pessimism is the #1 thing that kills revolution. The mere statement of, "gee, this is impossible" is really the only thing the government has to make people think to prevent Active revolution. Optimism vs Pessimism isn't a battle between Realism vs Fantasy. It's a battle between Action vs. No Action. In the real world, Hope is telling yourself whatever the hell you need to cross the bridge. Pessimism is telling yourself whatever you need to turn the other way.

                      If enough people at the same time with the same message act at once, then the revolution defeats the government. Why? Because the government no longer exists at that point, because there is no government to begin with.

                      PS: I am fully away that not all active revolutions are successful. And the ones that are not, are replaced by Passive Revolutions (the examples I've been talking about), and if neither are successful, then the civilization simply dies off because it is unable to adapt.

                      PSS: When I mean "you", I mean generically to any reader.


                      • #26
                        Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

                        The chief reason why Americans can not connect the dots--- can not think--- is their public school system which keeps kids dumb.

                        The American public school curriculum (kindergarten thru grade 12): a 150 year old ritual of white history, constitution worship, penmanship, English-only, phonics, timed test-taking skills, nationalism, obedience training, absurd skill drills, and flag salutes. And Sarah Palin wants to add creationism to the curriculum.

                        Then add guns to the dumbed-down population trained by the public schools, add a corrupt government, and accelerating economic decline, and you have American society the way it is now--- on the brink of chaos.
                        Last edited by Starving Steve; November 17, 2008, 01:26 AM.


                        • #27
                          Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

                          Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                          The chief reason why Americans can not connect the dots--- can not think--- is their public school system which keeps kids dumb.

                          The American public school curriculum (kindergarten thru grade 12): a 150 year old ritual of white history, constitution worship, penmanship, English-only, phonics, timed test-taking skills, nationalism, obedience training, absurd skill drills, and flag salutes. And Sarah Palin wants to add creationism to the curriculum.

                          Then add guns to the dumbed-down population trained by the public schools, add a corrupt government, and accelerating economic decline, and you have American society the way it is now--- on the brink of chaos.
                          during the last economic downturn I made ends meet by becoming a teacher for a short while. what you have said about the school system gives it WAY to much credit. For the first five to six months of the school year they are busy teaching the kids how to pass these standardized test. Never mind, history, maths, geography and on and on. They just need to past these tests so the school can up its grade. The rest of the year is then spent teaching the kids how the native American's land was taken but its ok because the new invaders (the Europeans) loved freedom and hence dealt with the native peoples equitably (the text book I read, actually said that). They are making these kids into zombies.


                          • #28
                            Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

                            There are some concerns. Debt deflation isn't one of them.

                            I am a bit worried about high unemployment and racist southerners though. Certainly makes me glad that I'm living in Canada..


                            • #29
                              Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

                              Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
                              Here is a better link in writing about what Celente apparently thinks.

                              Living in somewhat rural Northern California, some this doesn't seem far off.

                              We've already got the shells of incomplete neighborhoods in various parts of the state. Foreclosure neighborhoods, etc.

                              From what I've seen locally, the army of undead, near homeless, jobless, Meth fiends is growing every day.

                              Maybe this isn't the place to be when the SHTF.


                              • #30
                                Re: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 2012

                                Somehow I seem to be a bit more optimistic about situations in the face of collapse - in the USA at least.

                                The US seems to me to be the most active grass roots democracy in the world. US citizens regulate their own towns, schools etc, and organize at the drop of a hat - into little league, hiking groups, book clubs, and at the other extreme into pressure groups like MoveOn etc etc. I think there will be extreme loners who will decide to go it alone, but for the most part citizenry seems to display level headedness and common sense. For every road rage nut spouting off on the highway, there's the vast majority that stays calm. In addition, the US effectively has had self government in towns for the larger part of it's history, right ? - make your own laws, elect the sherrif etc.

                                A trivial example - what happens in America when the lights go off at a major intersection ? People treat it like a stop sign, and there's no jam. In most other countries - lotsa noise, BIG traffic jam, no progress, wait for somebody else to solve the problem.

                                Why wouldn't the undoubted self help pedigree of the average American help the nation in a crisis like this one?

