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The British are out to Steal Congo!

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  • The British are out to Steal Congo!

    A week or so this Shit Head merc killer type "Apeared" and started this shit. "Someone" armed him & gave him his orders!

    Guess Who?


  • #2
    Re: The British are out to Steal Congo!

    I'm living inthe Midlands of Ireland around an hour West of Dublin.

    I foresee the 80s revisited for Ireland, without the opportunity for emmigration.

    The young will be restless, and Ireland has the highest birthrate in Europe, even though it isn't quite high enough for sustained population.

    I'm not sure what they will do come 2010 onwards.


    • #3
      Re: The British are out to Steal Congo!

      That's my great fear, as an Ex rioter (Liverpool Riots 1981) i can tell you we were a mixed bag. From Dumb to smart, all differant walks of life, if MASSIVE unemployment had NOT been there............well it would not of happened!



      • #4
        Re: The British are out to Steal Congo!

        Yes Mega,

        I think the only thing politicians really listen to is violence and money.

        Rioting seems the only thing that makes them back down. I saw a documentary on the 81 riots and the 50s race riots. I remember the poll tax riots in London with smashed up police cars. Thatcher backed down and was booted out. If they hadn't rioted, my bet is Thatcher would have still been in power. Talk about a democracy. I think things are so far gone, that democracy is a show like the world wrestling federation (as someone else posted). I think in America if everyone voted for the "third party", a first party would still get in as who counts the votes? Who counts the electronic votes? It's a circus, but we have to believe in it as there is nothing else but either powerlessness or riots. That's the real choice. If I had a ton of unlimited money, then I would have a third option, but I don't.

        Compassion and sense of oneness from our leaders (or people with influence) are our only hope otherwise Rone will burn.

        I imagine it's already to late. I'm waiting for Rome to burn. Not a bad thing as long as the new system works.

        Actually, when I think about it, there is another option and that is dropping out completely. You know, being as self-suficient as you can. Quality of life is... not declined..but different depending on your point of view. Rioting is another way of saying I'm not getting my fair due in this (read "your") soceity. If you drop out you are saying that "your" soceity is not for me, I choose my own way. It's giving up on the system rather than demanding your place in it.

        That would really change things. I think the 93 waco thing was the government's way of saying that they'll be none of that as the dropping out option (commmunal living outside the system) takes the system down completely and they don't want that at all costs. I bet the hippy 60s thing scared the bejesus out of them.

