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Gold 2008-2011

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  • Gold 2008-2011

    Just received this from M. Belkhayate, the moroccan gold trader (do not smirk, he's been awarded several world distinction for its trades).

    Sorry, iTulipers, it's in french…:cool:

    Evolution probable de l’or entre
    Novembre 2008 et Novembre 2011
    Marrakech, lundi 27 Octobre 2008
    Le cours de l’or a chuté de ses plus hauts historiques, 1050 USD l’once, atteints en Mars 2008, à 680
    USD, point bas de ce vendredi dernier pour rapidement rebondir et clôturer à 730 USD. Que signifie
    cette chute de 370 USD, soit prés de 35% ? Le roi des métaux a-t-il perdu son caractère de valeur
    refuge ? Les investisseurs « OR » sont déçus devant cette chute violente de l’or alors que la crise
    financière d’aujourd’hui devrait lui être profitable. Déçus car ils s’attendent à un comportement
    logique, par rapport aux principes d’économie académique. Mais les marchés ont depuis longtemps
    cassé les limites de ces principes. Désormais, ils sont livrés non pas à eux-mêmes, mais au besoin à
    court terme d’une poignée de gérants de portefeuille, qui en un seul clic, et sans avoir à passer par un
    conseil d’administration, passent des ordres d’un poids astronomique, donnant la priorité absolue aux
    profits qu’ils peuvent réaliser le plus vite possible. Dés lors, est-il néanmoins possible d’anticiper
    l’évolution probable du métal jaune sur les 3 prochaines années ? En étudiant les véritables raisons de
    cette chute vertigineuse et le besoin futur et inéluctable des grands détenteurs de dollars américains
    (chinois, japonais, arabes et japonais) on peut répondre « oui ».
    Les ventes des banques centrales, non coupables
    Depuis que l’or a commencé à baisser, on a entendu ici et là qu’une banque centrale vient de vendre X
    tonnes d’or. Ces ventes n’ont pratiquement rien à voir avec ce qui se passe. Depuis 1999, l’agrément
    entre les banques centrales européennes permettant de vendre jusqu’à 400 tonnes par an, puis jusqu’à
    500 tonnes par an n’a jamais empêché l’or de passer de 280 à 1000 USD l’once. Les ventes d’or des
    banques centrales, même si des fois elles sont importantes, sont devenues au fil du temps, une donnée
    constante qui n’a plus de réelle influence sur le prix de l’or. Par contre …
    Les prêts en or des banques centrales, un frein à la hausse de l’or
    En ce moment les prêts en or des banques centrales connaissent une très forte accélération. Tout
    simplement parce qu’il s’agit là d’un moyen « invisible » de se procurer de la liquidité, denrée
    indispensable par ces temps orageux. Ces prêts en or déclenchent un véritable frein à la hausse de l’or
    car les sommes en jeu sont colossales et les intervenants « jouent » dans un cadre fermé qu’ils ont pris
    soin de cloisonner. Je suis quotidiennement la courbe du cours de l’or depuis une vingtaine d’années.
    Voici mes convictions :
    1. Le cours de l’or est manipulé de manière indiscutable.
    2. Ceux qui le manipulent (toujours les mêmes) bénéficient d’une information privilégiée à
    laquelle le public n’a jamais accès.
    3. Depuis des décennies, cette manipulation leur permet de s’enrichir facilement tout en freinant
    la hausse de l’or.
    4. Cette manipulation dérègle totalement le déroulement naturel du compartiment Or dans les
    réserves de change des banques centrales, et par conséquence directe, les compartiments
    devises étrangères.
    Le FMI devrait exiger des institutions financières qui empruntent de l’or aux banques centrales d’en
    publier les détails (montant exact des emprunts, le taux d’emprunt et les échéances).
    Aujourd’hui, elles se contentent de reporter leurs positions d’achat et de vente d’or physique mais
    absolument pas les détails des prêts en or. Et exiger également des banques centrales de reporter les
    détails de leurs prêts en or. Ce sera une révolution !
    Pour nous, professionnels privés du métal jaune, ce type d’information vaut largement son pesant d’or.
    Voici pourquoi :
    · Le cours de l’or est loin d’être déterminé par le rapport offre/demande
    · Il est largement contrôlé par le circuit hermétique des prêts en or
    · Six banques internationales se partagent le monopole de ce circuit.
    Entre l’offre et la demande il y a environ un déficit annuel de 500 tonnes d’or alors que le business des
    prêts en or peut dépasser 4000 tonnes par an. Voici le déroulement d’une bonne affaire d’une des
    banques internationales :
    La banque X emprunte à une banque centrale 100 tonnes d’or, à un taux d’intérêt de 1% sur un an par
    exemple. Puis elle le vend sur le marché pour récupérer du cash qu’elle va placer sur des bonds de
    trésor qui, eux vont rapporter 5%. Rien à reprocher ici. Seulement, cette banque de Londres, qui a une
    filiale à Dubaï et Tokyo, sait exactement quand et combien d’or elle va mettre sur le marché. Une
    information précieuse qu’elle seule détient et qui lui permet, à travers les différents marchés
    internationaux de l’or de réaliser des profits rapides et faciles. Et cela, depuis des décennies.
    Le cash généré par ces prêts en or est immédiatement recyclé dans les bons américains, d’où achat
    massif de dollars US. Ce qui nous amène au troisième point :
    Quelle crédibilité accorder à la hausse effrénée du dollar US ?
    Depuis Août dernier, le dollar monte avec force. Que signifie cette hausse ? Va-t-elle durer ? Il est
    essentiel de pouvoir répondre à ces 2 questions car l’avenir de l’or en dépend directement ; quand l’un
    monte l’autre baisse et vice versa. Regardons avec attention ce graphique mensuel de l’indice du
    dollar :
    Graphiquement, le dollar est en ce moment même en train de chercher à revenir à tout prix sur le
    niveau de retracement du nombre d’or 1,618 par rapport à son mouvement d’impulsion haussière entre
    1996 et 2001. Ce niveau sera une très forte résistance technique. A partir de cette zone, on devrait
    assister à un retournement de marché qui remettrait à nouveau le billet vert dans sa tendance de fonds
    baissière. Et dans ce cas, l’objectif dans les 3 prochaines années serait 60, qui correspond à une baisse
    de 30%.
    Pour moi la seule explication valable de la hausse actuelle du dollar réside dans l’illusion que les
    grands investisseurs ont à l égard des bons de trésor américains à court terme, les T. Bills. Ils croient
    dur comme fer que ces derniers sont les produits les plus sûrs de la planète. Et comme les investisseurs
    étrangers ont besoin d’abord de convertir leur devise locale (euro, yen, franc suisse etc.) en dollar
    américain, pour acheter ces bons, on assiste à une véritable panique à l’achat. En effet, pour la
    première fois, depuis une dizaine d’années, je vois défiler sur le Forex des ordres d’achat très lourds
    …au prix du marché ! On achète à tout va, à tout prix. La motivation est uniquement le gain à très
    court terme. Ou plus précisément on cherche à ne pas perdre. Cela amène à un gag : la demande de T
    Bills est si forte que le rendement est passé de 1% il y a un mois à un rendement pratiquement
    négatif aujourd’hui! Voilà une situation ironique où l’investisseur est disposé à payer de sa poche pour
    se réfugier dans un produit financier ! Lorsqu’on arrive à cette extrémité, quelque chose ne va pas. La
    bulle ne peut qu’exploser, comme on l’a vu par le passé.
    Par conséquent, le dollar monte pour une seule raison : les investisseurs américains et internationaux
    ont peur et cherchent la sécurité. Que pensez-vous que le dollar va subir lorsque cette peur se
    dissipera ?
    La clé de ce film réside dans le concept suivant : les investisseurs ont acheté le dollar non pas parce
    qu’ils font confiance dans l’économie américaine mais parce qu’ils jugent que, sur le court terme,
    c’est la meilleure solution pour ne pas perdre de l’argent. Et l’histoire des marchés financiers nous
    apprend qu’à chaque fois que des décisions ont dû être prises dans l’urgence, basées sur le court terme,
    le produit sous-jacent finit par s’effondrer.
    Cette explication fondamentale confirme l’analyse technique ci-dessous. Le dollar américain est voué
    à perdre au moins 30% sur les 3 prochaines années.
    La prochaine accélération de l’or
    Il y a une forte probabilité que le dollar s’écroule aussi vite qu’il n’ait monté. Et l’on assistera au
    triomphe du roi des métaux. Certains abonnés m’ont écrit pour me signaler que je me suis trompé cette
    fois ci : j’avais annoncé qu’en septembre l’or allait monter et qu’il avait même pour objectif 1280
    USD l’once avant la fin de l’année. Le marché m’a donné tort…pour le moment. Lorsque je publie
    une analyse, j’estime sa probabilité de réalisation d’environ 75%, les autres 25% représentant le
    caractère imprévisible du marché.
    Contrairement à certains de mes abonnés, le comportement récent de l’or m’a fait plaisir. Il a tenu,
    relativement à ce qu’il aurait pu faire, face à cette ruée sur le dollar. En fait, la hausse de l’or annoncée
    en septembre est passée inaperçue parce que masquée par la vague baissière qui a submergée les
    matières premières. Allez acheter des lingots d’or auprès d’un raffineur suisse : vous serez surpris par
    le délai de livraison. Demandez à raffiner quelques kilos de poudre d’or et vous devrez faire une queue
    de plusieurs mois !! Regardez sur internet : plusieurs pièces d’or ne sont plus disponibles, quelque soit
    le prix que vous voulez payer. Les primes ont explosé.
    En ce mois d’octobre 2008, la demande en lingots d’or physique n’a jamais été aussi forte de toute
    l’histoire du métal jaune.
    Comme c’est justement la demande qui fait le prix de l’or, la baisse récente du cours de l’or a pris les
    investisseurs « or » au dépourvu. Il suffit qu’ils comprennent que l’or a en réalité très bien tenu, car
    sans cette demande forte il aurait cassé le niveau des 600 USD. Jusqu’à quel niveau pourra-t-il monter
    d’ici la fin de l’année ?
    Je baisse mon objectif de 1280 USD à 980 USD, considérant que la peur généralisée va retarder l’or de
    300 USD. Malgré tout, cela peut sembler un objectif très optimiste car il s’agit une hausse de 36% sur
    2 mois seulement, passant de 720 à 980. Voilà mes arguments :
    · Les gérants de milliards vont se rendre compte qu’ils sont en train de perdre la face à placer
    avec un rendement aussi faible sur les bons US. Dés que la peur commencera à les quitter, ils
    ne vont pas hésiter à foncer sur des produits plus rentables en Europe, en Asie et ailleurs et ce
    sera la débandade pour le billet vert. La probabilité pour qu’il plonge aussi sec qu’il est monté
    est supérieure à 80%.
    · La probabilité pour que Obama soit président est de 99%. Le 1% restant pour le cas où il lui
    arrive quelque chose. Et contrairement à ce que pensent les économistes américains, le dollar
    ne va pas s’en trouver renforcé, bien au contraire. Tout simplement parce que ce président,
    ramenant un grain de confiance sur les marchés, va sonner, sans le vouloir, le glas du dollar :
    les T Bills peuvent sembler le placement le moins dangereux en période de crise mais ils
    deviennent ridicules en période de relative confiance. Les étrangers vont liquider leurs avoirs
    dollars et l’or se trouvera alors excellemment bien placé pour profiter de cette manne colossale
    de liquidité. Les hedge funds vont perdre en crédibilité et le retour vers le concret, le matériel
    (lingots sonnants et trébuchants) devient inéluctable.
    · Les chinois et les japonais attendent tranquillement que l’or casse avec force le niveau des 800
    USD pour recommencer à accumuler les lingots. Les russes et les arabes leur emboîteront le
    pas et l’on verra des progressions de plus de 80 US en une seule journée, après les élections
    Sur les 3 prochaines années, le cours de l’or est voué à monter fortement pour quatre principales
    raisons :
    1. Le dollar va recommencer à s’effriter.
    2. Les banques centrales vont moins s’amuser à prêter leur or et plus tenter d’augmenter leur
    stock or.
    3. Les gros détenteurs dollars (chinois et japonais), ne voudrant plus prendre le risque de garder
    une devise qui contient un potentiel considérable de baisse, commencent à accumuler des
    lingots d’or.
    4. Après la crise financière, la liquidité est disponible, toute prête à foncer sur un actif matériel
    comme l’or, tandis que les actifs virtuels seront à bannir.
    L’or peut atteindre le niveau de 2000 dollars US l’once dans moins de 3 ans.
    El Mostafa Belkhayate

    PS / Just WHY those bloody images don't display correctly ? Only here…
    Attached Files
    Last edited by hellstan; October 27, 2008, 03:17 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Gold 2008-2011

    Google translation:

    Likely evolution of gold between November 2008 and November 2011
    Marrakech, Monday 27 October 2008
    The price of gold fell to its highest historic 1050 USD per ounce, reached in March 2008, 680
    USD, this low point last Friday to bounce back quickly and close to 730 USD. That means
    This fall of 370 USD or almost 35%? The king of metals has lost its value
    refuge? Investors' OR 'are disappointed in this violent fall of gold as the crisis
    Financial today should be profitable. Disappointed because they expect to behave
    Logically, compared with the principles of academic economics. But markets have long
    broken the limits of these principles. Now they are not delivered to themselves, but need to
    short term a handful of portfolio managers, which in a single click, without having to go through a
    Board of Directors, pass orders weighing astronomical, giving priority to
    profits they can achieve as soon possible. Since then, it is nevertheless possible to anticipate
    the likely evolution of the yellow metal on the next 3 years? By studying the real reasons for
    this fall and the future need and inevitable major holders of U.S. dollars
    (Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Japanese) can be answered "yes".
    Sales of central banks, not guilty
    Since gold started to fall, we heard here and there a central bank has to sell X
    tonnes of gold. These sales have almost nothing to do with what happens. Since 1999, approval
    between European central banks to sell up to 400 tons per year, then up
    500 tonnes per year has never prevented gold from 280 to 1000 USD per ounce. Sales of gold
    central banks, although they are important times, have become over time a given
    constant that has real influence on the price of gold. As against ...
    Loans or central banks, a brake on rising gold
    At the moment loans or central banks have a very strong acceleration. Everything
    simply because this is an "invisible" to obtain liquidity, foodstuff
    needed by these stormy times. These loans or trigger a brake on rising gold
    because the sums involved are colossal and stakeholders "play" in a closed they made
    Caring for partition. I am daily curve gold price past twenty years.
    My belief:
    1. The gold price is manipulated so indisputable.
    2. Those who manipulate (the same) are privileged information
    the public never access.
    3. For decades, this manipulation allows them to easily get rich while slowing
    the rise of gold.
    4. This manipulation totally disrupts the natural course compartment in Gold
    foreign exchange reserves of central banks, and direct, compartments
    foreign currency.
    The IMF should require financial institutions to borrow gold to central banks to
    publish the details (exact amount of loans, loan rates and maturities).
    Today, they are content to defer their positions for buying and selling physical gold but
    absolutely not the details of the loans in gold. And also require central banks to postpone
    details of their loans in gold. It will be a revolution!
    For us, professionals deprived of yellow metal, such information is well worth its weight in gold.
    Here's why:
    The gold price is not determined by the supply / demand
    It is largely controlled by the tight circuit loans gold
    Six international banks share a monopoly on this circuit.
    Between supply and demand is about an annual deficit of 500 tonnes of gold while the business of
    Loans in gold may exceed 4000 tonnes per year. Here is the conduct of a good deal of
    international banks:
    The bank borrows X to a central bank 100 tons of gold at an interest rate of 1% on a year
    example. Then she sells on the market to recover the cash it will place on hops
    Treasury, who will return 5%. Nothing to blame here. But this bank in London, which has a
    subsidiary in Dubai and Tokyo, knows exactly when and how much gold it will put on the market. A
    valuable information it holds and only allowing it, through the various markets
    International gold to make profits fast and easy. And that, for decades.
    The cash generated by these loans immediately recycled gold is in good American, where purchase
    massive U.S. dollars. Which brings us to the third point:
    How credible the skyrocketing U.S. dollar?
    Since last August, the dollar rises strongly. That means this increase? Will it last? It is
    essential to answer these 2 questions for the future of gold is directly, when one
    rises another decline and vice versa. Look carefully this chart monthly index
    Graphically, the dollar is right now in the process of trying to come back at any price on the
    level of tracing the number of gold in 1618 compared to its movement upward momentum between
    1996 and 2001. This level will be a very strong technical resistance. From this area, we should
    attend a market downturn would again the greenback in its trend of funds
    downward. And in this case, the objective in the next 3 years would be 60, reflecting a decrease
    For me the only reasonable explanation of the current rise of the dollar lies in the illusion that
    Major investors in respect of U.S. Treasury bonds in the short term, T. Bills. They believe
    hard as iron that these products are the safest in the world. And as investors
    foreigners need first to convert their local currency (euro, yen, Swiss franc etc.) dollar
    U.S. to purchase these bonds, there is real panic buying. Indeed, for
    the first time since ten years, I see scrolling on Forex orders very heavy
    ... At the market price! It all goes to buy at any price. The only motivation is to gain very
    short term. Or more precisely trying to not lose. This leads to a gag: the demand for T
    Bills is so strong that the yield has increased from 1% a month ago almost to a return
    Negative today! This is an ironic situation where the investor is willing to pay for his pocket
    take refuge in a financial product! When we arrive at this end, there is something wrong. The
    bubble can not explosives, as seen in the past.
    Therefore, the dollar amounts for one reason: American investors and international
    fear and seek safety. What do you think the dollar will suffer when this fear is
    The key to this film lies in the concept of investors bought the dollar not because
    they have confidence in the U.S. economy but because they consider that in the short term,
    is the best way to not lose money. And the history of our financial markets
    learns that whenever decisions have been taken in haste, based on the short term,
    the underlying eventually collapse.
    This explanation confirms the basic technical analysis below. The U.S. dollar is doomed
    to lose at least 30% over the next 3 years.
    The next acceleration of gold
    There is a strong probability that the dollar collapses as quickly as it has mounted. And we sit on
    triumph of the king of metals. Some subscribers have written to me that I deceived myself this
    After this: I announced in September that gold would climb and had even aim 1280
    USD per ounce before the end of the year. The market gave me wrong ... yet. When I publish
    an analysis, I think the probability of achieving about 75%, other 25% representing the
    unpredictability of the market.
    Unlike some of my subscribers, the recent behavior of gold made me happy. He held
    regarding what he could have done, faced with this rush to the dollar. In fact, the rise of gold announced
    in September to go unnoticed because hidden by the downward wave that has overwhelmed the
    raw materials. Go buy gold bars from a refiner Swiss: you will be surprised by
    delivery. Ask refine a few kilos of gold dust and will require a tail
    several months! Look on the Internet: several gold coins are no longer available, whatever
    the price you want to pay. Premiums have exploded.
    In the month of October 2008, the demand for physical gold bullion has never been any strong
    the history of the yellow metal.
    As it is precisely the claim that is the price of gold, the recent decline in the price of gold has taken the
    Investor "or" unprepared. Just understand that gold has actually held very well, because
    without that demand would have broken the level of 600 USD. To what level will it climb
    by the end of the year?
    I drop my goal of 1280 USD to 980 USD, whereas fear will delay the widespread gold
    300 USD. Nevertheless, this may seem a very optimistic as there is an increase of 36%
    2 months from 720 to 980. That is my arguments:
    The managers of billions will realize that they are losing face in place
    with a low yield on the good U.S.. When the fear begin to leave, they
    do not hesitate to go on more profitable products in Europe, Asia and elsewhere and
    will be the stampede for the greenback. The probability that plunges as dry it is mounted
    is more than 80%.
    The probability that either President Obama is 99%. The remaining 1% in case he
    something happens. And contrary to what economists think the U.S. dollar
    will not be strengthened, quite the contrary. Simply because this president,
    bringing a grain of confidence in the markets, will ring unintentionally, the death knell of dollar:
    T Bills placement may seem the least dangerous crisis period but
    become ridiculous in times of relative confidence. Foreigners will liquidate their assets
    dollars and gold will be excellently positioned to take advantage of this huge windfall
    liquidity. Hedge funds will lose credibility and return to the concrete, equipment
    (ingots and stumble sonnants) becomes inevitable.
    The Chinese and Japanese are waiting quietly as gold breaks with the force level of 800
    USD to begin to accumulate bullion. The Russians and Arabs will follow
    not and we will see increases of more than 80 U.S. in just one day after the elections
    On the next 3 years, the gold price is bound to rise sharply for four major
    1. The dollar will begin to erode.
    2. Central banks are less fun to pay their gold and attempt to increase their
    gold stock.
    3. Large holders dollars (Chinese and Japanese), would want to take more risk to keep
    a currency that has a potential downside, are beginning to accumulate
    gold ingots.
    4. After the financial crisis, liquidity is available, ready to go on an active material
    like gold, while the virtual assets will be banned.
    Gold may reach the level of 2000 U.S. dollars an ounce in less than 3 years.


    • #3
      Re: Gold 2008-2011

      Muchas Gracias and Milles Merrecys Canuckin TX. ;)
      Any idea why my graphs are not displaying correctly ? :confused:
      (They're normal jpg)


      • #4
        Re: Gold 2008-2011

        OK CanuckinTX beat me to it, but I worked up a translation of this also the other evening. BTW, Mr. Belkhayate is very close to Frank Veneroso in what he analyses of the gold lease programs. The gold leasing in the next few years will turn out to be a very, very big story. It's looking less "absurd and improbable" by the day!

        Probable evolution of gold between November 2008 and November 2011 - Marrakech, Monday October 27, 2008

        The rate of gold fell from it's highs at 1050 USD per ounce, attained in March 2008, down to 680 USD, before quickly rebounding and stabilizing at 730 USD. What does this fall of 370 USD, or 35% mean? Has the king of metals lost it's traditional safe haven attribute? Gold investors are disappointed by this violent fall in gold, having thought that it would have thrived in the financial crisis instead. They are disappointed because they had expected a rational behavior in response to the crisis (currencies in distress, particularly the USD!). But the markets have for a long time defied rationality. At this time, the markets are governed instead by the urgent need for cash money, so that fund managers can liquidate anything and everything to maintain profit levels or mitigate losses. In this environment is it possible to anticipate the probable evolution of the yellow metal's price over the next 3 years?

        We conclude that it is. By studying the real reasons for this vertiginous fall, and the future and inescapable need, for the larger holders of American dollars, (namely Chinese, Japanese, Arab and so forth) we can conclude that in the affirmative.

        When the gold price began falling hard, it was rumored that one or another central bank had just sold X tons of gold. These CB sales actually have practically nothing to do with what actually developed. Since 1999, the EU central banks reached an accord allowing the sale of 400 tons per year, then up to 500 tons per year. This indeed did impede gold's progress, from $280 to $1000 USD per ounce. The gold sales however became such a predictable and stable component of the market that although they are not negligible, have over time produced ever less of an effect on the market.

        On the other hand, the LOANS of gold by the central banks, have instead, stealthily, seen a very strong acceleration! This has accelerated because it has provided a powerful and "invisible" means of obtaining greater liquidity, which is like oxygen, or an essential nutrient to the banks in this highly stressed credit marketplace. These gold LOANS do in fact exert a genuine braking action to the rise of gold, because the sums concerned are colossal, and the contenders "play" within a closed and hidden framework that's "off the grid", and which they took good care to partition expressly for that stealthy purpose.

        I have been watching the gold lease rates and the "curve" for the past score of years. Here are my convictions from that close observation:

        1) The rate of gold (lease rate?) is "handled" leaving telltale signs which to me are indisputable.

        2) Those who do this "handling" (always the same ones) profit from insider information which they have permanent access to but the public does not.

        3) Therefore (very important that readers understand my assertion here!) for many decades now, this "handling" of gold has permitted these CB's and bullion banks to actually derive substantial wealth / income from this strategy, while also performing the (to them beneficial) task of slowing down the rise of gold.

        4) This de-facto behind the scenes profitable activity completely disorders and obscures the natural progression, and the state, of the monetary reserves of central banks, and as a direct corollary to that, the interrelations and status of their foreign currencies.

        My assertion is, that the IMF should require financial institutions which borrow gold from the central banks, to publish the details of those gold loans - they must be required to publish the exact sum of those loans, the rate of the loans, and the expiration date.

        Today, these banks and financial institutions are willing to reveal their positions in the purchase and sale of physical gold, but they are absolutely unwilling to reveal the details of the gold loans! If they were ever forced to reveal the details of this very large gold loaning activity it would be a revolution! For us, the long time professionals dealing in and analysing the yellow metal, this type of information would literally be worth it's own weight in gold. Here is why: The real rate of gold is far from being reflected by the report / ratio / bid / ask. It is largely controlled by a hermetic circuit of gold loans. Six international banks share this monopoly and this hermetic circuit. Between supply and demand, there is in fact, and approximate annual deficit of 500 tons of gold. Meanwhile, the business of gold LOANS, can exceed 4000 tons per year.

        Here is a typical description of an international leased gold flow.

        Bank X borrows 100 tons of gold from a central bank, with an interest rte of 1% over a one year period. Then it sells this gold on the market, to recover cash, which it will place into tranches of treasuries, which will yeild them 5%. There is nothing to reproach in this process. The point worthy of note rather, is that this bank in London, which has a subsidiary in Dubai, and say another in Tokyo, knows exactly when and how much gold it will put on the market. This is in fact an invaluable piece of information, that only it has, and which allows it through the various international gold markets to regularly secure fast and easy profits. And this activity has proceeded with this "foreknowledge" tool for arbitraging for decades.

        The cash generated by these gold loans, is immediately recycled into USD, from which results in and of itself, a massive bid on US dollars. This brings us to the third point. To what do we ascribe the unrestrained rise of the US dollar? Since last August, the USD is shooting up with great momentum. What does this rise mean? Will it last? It is important to be able to answer these two questions, because the future of gold depends on this directly - they rise and fall reciprocal to each other. Let's look carefully at this monthly graph of the USD index. Graphically the dollar appears to be aiming to reach the golden section retracement percentage of 1.618 compared to it's impulse rise from 1996 to 2001. This level would provide very strong technical resistance. From that zone, one can expect another major trend reversal which would once again direct the USD downwards.

        And in that eventuality, the objective over the next 3 years would be down to 60, corresponding to a fall of 30%. For me, the only valid explanation for the rise of the USD presently is a collective global delusion that large investors have with regard to the USD as a store of value and safety, specifically for "the short run" - Treasury Bills. They share a collective belief as strong as iron, that this is the safest financial product on the planet. So clearly as this huge group of foreign investors initially convert their local currencies (Euro, Yen, Swiss Franc, etc) into USD to buy these treasuries, a true buying panic for USD unfolds. Indeed for the first time in a decade I see a panic wave of USD buying, all bids right at the market price! They are buying USD at all costs. The motivation is only to derive a comparative short term profit, or rather an comparative win by avoiding any other losses.

        And this brings me to my point: the request for T-Bills is so strong that the yeild went from 1% a month ago to almost a negative yield today. You have investors willing to pay out of pocket (negative yield) to take refuge in this financial product. When you get to that extreme, something is going to break in this mechanism, because it has no further room to move forward. The T-Bill becomes "bubble-like" and can only explode, as has been witnessed before. Therefore the USD is rising for only one reason. US and international investors are afraid and seeking saftey. What do you think will happen to the USD the moment this mass fear begins to thaw even just a little bit? The history of the financial markets teaches us that every time mass movements are attributable to decisions taken under pressure and with urgency, the underlying asset winds up crumbling.

        This then provides the confirmation for the technical analysis below. The USD is now destined to lose at least 30% over the next 3 years. And another point is, that there is a strong probability that the USD collapses as quickly as it went up, i.e. in weeks or brief months. A few subscribers have written to me to declare that I was mistaken this time. I had forecast that in September, gold was due to go up, and that it aimed at even as high as $1280 USD an ounce by the end of the year. The market proved me wrong ... but only for the moment! When I publish an analyis I generally estimate the probability of my own forecasting at 75%, because my estimations are cautious. The other 25% vairable is allocated to "unforseens" in the marketplace. Counter to the strong displeasure of some of my subscribers, the recent behavior of gold actually has pleased me.

        It has held up quite well actually, considering the blistering rise of the USD. In fact, the rise in the gold price in September was largely masked and not noticed due to the generalized and steep decline across all raw materials. If you buy gold ingots from a Swiss refiner, you will be surprised at the length of the delivery period. Ask them to refine a few kilos of gold powder, and I assure you, that you will be looking at a delay of several months! Just look around on the Internet. A variety of gold coins are simply not available any more, if you are looking to pay a reasonable price. The premiums have exploded. This month, October, the demand for physical gold ingots is to my reckoning the strongest in the entire history of the yellow metal that I've observed.

        As it is precisely this incredibly strong demand which has produced outrageous premiums, the recent fall of gold has left investors considerably depressed at it's prospects. It is enough that they understand that actually gold held up very well, because without this strong demand it would have broken the $600 level. Now, how far will it be able to rise from here to the end of the year? I am lowering my target price from $1280 to $980, estimating that the state of high and generalized fear in the markets will deprive gold of that extra $300 USD of upside. Despite that disappointment, this is actually an exceedingly strong forecast, because that represents a rise of about 36% over barely another 2 months, as it rises from $780 to $980.

        Here are my arguments. The bullion dealers will realize that they are at risk placing more bullion onto the US markets with such a weak consumer environment. As soon as fear starts to abate, they will not hesitate to place fresh bullion into more profitable trades in Europe, Asia and elsewhere. And for the greenback, the greatest likelihood is for a rout. I assign a probability to this of 80%. The probability meanwhile of an Obama victory is 99%. And this Obama victory will not be dollar supportive. Quite the contrary. The arrival of this president will involuntarily sound the death knell fo rthe USD. T bills may appear to be the safest allocation in a time of crisis, but these particular T Bills become ridiculous in a period of relative confidence. The foreigners will liquidate their USD assets, and gold will then be in an excellent position to benefit from this collossal pile of liquidity in search of a new home. Hedge funds will meantime have lost credibility, driving further attention towards gold's substantiality.

        The Chinese and Japanese also, quietly await gold's breaking out with force past the $800 level to begin once again accumulating ingots. Russians and Arabs will also seek to secure it, and I predict we'll see rises of over $80 in a single day all over again after the US elections. In conclusion: Over the next 3 years the gold price is destined to rise strongly for up to four main reasons. 1) The USD rise will run out of steam. 2) Central banks will become much less enthusiastic to lease out ever more gold, and instead will reverse that trend and begin to seek to acumulate gold. 3) The large USD holders, China and Japan, will become ever less keen to hold the same amount of risk in USD, a currency which will maintain a considerable potential to fall sharply. They will also start to accumulate gold ingots. 4) After the financial crisis, liquidity will be available further facilitating the securing of hard credits such as gold, while "virtual credits" will be increasingly shunned. Through all these avenues, gold can reach $2000 per ounce within only 3 more years.

        El Mostafa Belkhayate


        • #5
          Re: Gold 2008-2011

          Suppressing price of gold, a managed market :

          In a lawsuit filed in December 2001 by Reginald H. Howe versus Bank for International Settlements, Alan Greenspan et al, it was alleged that "according to reliable reports received by the plaintiffs…", Sir Edward George, Governor of the Bank of England, made the following comment to Nicholas J. Morrell, Chief Executive of Lonmin plc in the aftermath of the Washington Agreement:
          "We looked into the abyss if the gold price rose further. A further rise would have taken down one or several trading houses, which might have taken down all the rest in their wake. Therefore at any price, at any cost, the central banks had to quell the gold price,
          manage it. It was very difficult to get the gold price under control but we have now succeeded. The US Fed was very active in getting the gold price down. So was the UK."

          From Cheuvreux Gold Report 2006


          • #6
            Re: Gold 2008-2011

            Hellstan - Many thanks for posting.
            Lukester and CanuckinTX - Sincere thanks for taking the time and effort to translate. Great read.

