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Gold forbidden in Europe ?

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  • Gold forbidden in Europe ?

    Instructions to forbid sales of gold in Europe are in the loop.
    Instructions to german banks to not sell gold to private individuals
    are already taken.

    Sorry, it's in french…

    Message de la part d’un changeur autrichien.

    Cher M. Murphy :

    Je suis l’éditeur du Web et je tiens à vous informer que j’ai reçu plusieurs messages allant tous dans le sens que l'Union européenne allait prochainement entamer une chasse aux détenteurs d’or. Les autorités craignent qu'une panique bancaire ne génère une fuite vers l’or qui ne puisse pas être arrêtée.

    Plusieurs rumeurs circulent dans les cercles bancaires :

    Rumeur N° 1 : (d'un haut banquier en Allemagne) : si les mesures présentées la semaine dernière échouent et qu’un crash boursier massif se produit au cours des prochaines semaines, des limitations dans le négoce de l’or seront mises en œuvre immédiatement dans toute l’Union Européenne, à savoir :

    - l’achat, la vente et la détention d’or seront interdites

    - les retraits des comptes seront limités, et les entreprises devront justifier tous leurs transferts de fonds.

    En tout état de cause, même si cela ne se produit pas maintenant, les plans sont dressés pour mettre tout ceci en œuvre très rapidement.

    Rumeur 2 (d’un ancien banquier autrichien qui a gardé d'excellents contacts) :

    - Les banques allemandes ont reçu pour instruction de ne plus vendre d’or au public :

    Ci-joint un article en Allemand détaillant cette instruction :

    - des efforts sont faits pour réduire la quantité d'or et d'argent achetés par le marché du détail pour limiter le stress actuel sur les lingots, notamment la barre de 400 onces d’or à Londres, qui est essentielle dans la détermination du prix du fixing. De cette façon ils découplent la demande et le mécanisme de formation du prix.

    Le système financier international fait face aujourd’hui à ses plus extrêmes limites des deux cotés de l’Atlantique. Il semblerait que des mesures de désespoir comme celle mentionnée plus haut soient envisagées, mais en tout état de cause, et comme le dit si bien Richard Russel, pour eux c’est « inflate or die », l’inflation ou la mort. Il est à craindre que si la rumeur N° 1 devient réalité dans les très prochaines semaines on assiste à des scènes de soulèvement général.

    II n'y a presque aucun or disponible ici en Europe. En Allemagne les banques refusent désormais de vendre de l’or, soit parce qu’elles n’ont plus de marchandise, soit en raison de la directive mentionnée plus haut. Ici, en Autriche, il reste encore un peu d’or disponible auprès de quelques banques, bien que les quantités soient limitées.

    Il y a également des retraits massifs de billets dans les agences bancaires, même les banquiers centraux l'admettent.

    J’ai pensé que ces informations pourraient intéresser vos lecteurs.

    Avec mes meilleures salutations de Vienne, Autriche

    Walter K. Eichelburg

  • #2
    Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

    Care of Google Translate....

    Message from an Austrian changer.

    Dear Mr. Murphy:

    I am the publisher of the Web and I wish to inform you that I have received several messages from everyone in the sense that the EU would soon begin a hunt for holders of gold. The authorities fear that a bank panic not generate a flight to gold that can not be stopped.

    Several rumors circulating in the banking circles:

    Rumor No. 1: (a top banker in Germany) if the measures outlined last week failed and a massive stock market crash occurs in coming weeks limits in the trading of gold will be immediately throughout the European Union, namely:

    - The purchase, sale and possession of gold will be banned

    - Withdrawals accounts will be limited, and companies must justify their remittances.

    In any event, even if this does not happen now, plans are prepared to put all this out very quickly.

    Rumor 2 (a former Austrian banker who has maintained excellent contacts):

    - German banks have been instructed not to sell gold to the public:

    Herewith an article in German retailer this instruction:

    - Efforts are being made to reduce the quantity of gold and silver purchased by the retail market to reduce the current stress on the ingots, including the bar of 400 ounces of gold in London, which is essential in determining the price fixing. In this way they découplent demand and the formation mechanism of price.

    The international financial system today faces its most extreme limits on both sides of the Atlantic. It would seem that measures of despair like the one mentioned above are envisaged, but in any event, and as so aptly Richard Russell, for them it is "inflate or die", inflation or death. It is feared that if the rumor No. 1 becomes reality in the very next week we see scenes of uprising.

    There is almost no gold here in Europe. In Germany banks now refuse to sell gold, either because they have more goods, either because of the directive mentioned above. Here in Austria, there is still some gold available from some banks, although the quantities are limited.

    There are also massive ticket in bank branches, even the central bankers admit.

    I thought this might interest your readers.

    With my best greetings from Vienna, Austria

    Walter K. Eichelburg


    • #3
      Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

      Very interesting.

      I know it's a rumour and so should be taken as such, but a gold ban would not surprise me as it is the last place to run.

      I have a question though. When they say Europe, would that include just the Euro zone, or is it the EU? What about Switzerland?

      Switzerland normally gives the finger to anyone prying too deep, although it had been fairly compliant in recent years had it not? I'm pretty sure Switzerland would not agree to such a measure as that is a part of its livelyhood. Of course, physical gold is the only way to be 100% sure, but it costs quite a lot more.

      I read that the gold merchant in the UK has to tell the UK government about any gold purchase over £5000 or any number of them totalling over £10,000 in one year.


      • #4
        Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

        Someone I know talked to the only big dealer in Norway. He talked to a person there on Monday. Apparently a person at the dealer said "they're not allowed to order more". The management there may be hedging their bets against such rumors - quite possible they've heard of the rumors as well.

        A run to gold was on the Norwegian TV news a few Saturdays back.

        For all the theoretical armchair general gold bugs out there. What would you do? Sell out, take it up the a** with the other J6Ps? Or load your stash up the a**:eek: and go to Swissie or some place? Problem is, you'd be dealing with some pretty shady characters if it is illegal. Not sure I would want to go to Bosnia to sell.


        • #5
          Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

          Ho ho, the irony: your gold is safest in the US, where reserve-currency status makes all-else irrelevant.

          You can trade gold all you want here, but don't expect any left to buy it....


          • #6
            Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

            Originally posted by phirang View Post
            Ho ho, the irony: your gold is safest in the US, where reserve-currency status makes all-else irrelevant.

            You can trade gold all you want here, but don't expect any left to buy it....
            Canada could be a good choice IMHO. It's a smaller country (and government) that is heavily reliant on commodities including gold i.e. the gold miners have a lot of political clout in Canada. Check out CEF.


            • #7
              Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

              Originally posted by krakknisse View Post
              Someone I know talked to the only big dealer in Norway. He talked to a person there on Monday. Apparently a person at the dealer said "they're not allowed to order more". The management there may be hedging their bets against such rumors - quite possible they've heard of the rumors as well.

              A run to gold was on the Norwegian TV news a few Saturdays back.

              For all the theoretical armchair general gold bugs out there. What would you do? Sell out, take it up the a** with the other J6Ps? Or load your stash up the a**:eek: and go to Swissie or some place? Problem is, you'd be dealing with some pretty shady characters if it is illegal. Not sure I would want to go to Bosnia to sell.
              Drug dealers LOVE hard currency;)


              • #8
                Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

                Originally posted by trex View Post
                It's a smaller country...
                Canada is the second largest country in the world!


                • #9
                  Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

                  Originally posted by hellstan View Post
                  Instructions to forbid sales of gold in Europe are in the loop.
                  Instructions to german banks to not sell gold to private individuals
                  are already taken.
                  So ... can you answer the following question for me?

                  Who would be most likely to start a rumour such as this?

                  1. Central banks, trying to suppress gold.
                  2. Some devious gold bug, trying to push the price of gold back up.

                  This rumour sounds suspicious to me.
                  Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                  • #10
                    Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

                    have mailed a couple of dealers, including the one mentioned in norway, to see if they want to say anything about this rumour. hardly worth forbidding it, as there is almost none for sale now anyway. i know of none for sale in oslo, and rang round all the dealers in the UK yesterday. 5 krugers for sale in the entire country.


                    • #11
                      Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

                      Originally posted by Tulpen View Post
                      Canada is the second largest country in the world!
                      Which occasionally fields a decent hockey team


                      • #12
                        Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

                        Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                        So ... can you answer the following question for me?

                        Who would be most likely to start a rumour such as this?

                        1. Central banks, trying to suppress gold.
                        2. Some devious gold bug, trying to push the price of gold back up.

                        This rumour sounds suspicious to me.
                        It is.
                        Still, the document I saw (in german) does exist, and it seems to be a sheet
                        of instructions to the german banks recommending not to sell gold.
                        Still, gold seems to be in the pit lane for some big move - up or down.
                        See Norcini here :

                        and here (from another thread on the Tulip) :

                        See minute 11>13

                        And, just for fun, more so-called rumours :
                        "Bis $1000/oz ist Gold superbillig, bis $3000 ist es billig, erst ab $10000 wird es teuer.
                        Bis $50/oz ist Silber superbillig, bis $150 ist es billig, ab $500 wird es teuer."

                        About the gold war raging :

                        Or this :

                        Or that for the bravest :
                        Last edited by hellstan; October 25, 2008, 10:19 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

                          Originally posted by uranian View Post
                          have mailed a couple of dealers, including the one mentioned in norway, to see if they want to say anything about this rumour. hardly worth forbidding it, as there is almost none for sale now anyway. i know of none for sale in oslo, and rang round all the dealers in the UK yesterday. 5 krugers for sale in the entire country.
                          Everything should be for sale, at a price. Is the problem that the price is so far above spot that nobody bothers buying in Europe?

                          That would make a lot of sense.


                          • #14
                            Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

                            Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
                            Drug dealers LOVE hard currency;)
                            Isn't it interesting how governments in recent years have become increasingly interested in the transactions and movement of $10,000 amounts of gold and cash? Even smaller amounts of such (amounts as small as $3000) are deemed suspicious by such agencies as the IRS in the U.S. and Canada Customs and Revenue Agency in Canada. Dealers and banks are required to keep records of transactions and monitor the total amount transacted in a year per customer in order to not provide a service for money laundering.

                            And who is a dealer? It may be a cheque casher, a car dealer, a banker, a coin dealer, a foreign exchange service, a smelter, a jeweler, even a commodity broker, stock broker, etc. So just about anybody in any business is a dealer, and they are required to report to the government. :eek:
                            Last edited by Starving Steve; October 25, 2008, 02:06 PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: Gold forbidden in Europe ?

                              Originally posted by Tulpen View Post
                              Canada is the second largest country in the world!
                              ...with 30MM souls only all glued to the US border cause its so damn cold.

