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Six found dead in Porter Ranch home

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  • #31
    Re: Six found dead in Porter Ranch home

    I'm not big on the Catholic church or the rest, but in this situation perhaps they could show that they are at least worth the words they quote. Needless to say, in times like these all need to pull together and give hope to those who see no hope ahead.

    Another thing I was thinking about is that those Mac Mansions could potentially be modified to allow two families to live in them. Heck, in this way people could find a means to lower their costs of living.

    Some constructive thinking along these lines needs to be initiated, IMO.


    • #32
      Re: Six found dead in Porter Ranch home

      Originally posted by Shakespear View Post
      Another thing I was thinking about is that those Mac Mansions could potentially be modified to allow two families to live in them. Heck, in this way people could find a means to lower their costs of living.

      Some constructive thinking along these lines needs to be initiated, IMO.
      well wouldn't ya know.............

      Dallas-Fort Worth Families Seek Roomates To Defray Living Expenses

      2:06 minute video


      • #33
        Re: Six found dead in Porter Ranch home

        Amazing that it should be Dallas. I used to work/live their and still have friends there whom I visit often :-)

        Smart lady !!!! You need to adjust to the World to survive.


        • #34
          Re: Six found dead in Porter Ranch home

          Originally posted by a warren View Post
          That is terribly sad. But it is also sad that you come up with the 'we're Americans' nationalism. Whats that got to do with it? You think everyone in Europe, Australasia, Russia, Asia etc is having a swell old time?

          Nationalism is half the problem, not the solution. I guess I can't understand what it is like to come from a country that has always believed in its own superiority.....
          Well said. It's sad that an official itulip 'antispin' view needs to be tainted by what looks like (to me too) nationalism. I wonder if many non americans on this board feel the same way, but feel they may be shouted down if they object?


          • #35
            Re: Six found dead in Porter Ranch home

            Well, I for one am not American and I have no problem at all with Fred's comment. Each of us will be stretching out to find a way of quelling despair in others and each will have their own viewpoint. No one is perfect.., whats that old saying: He who is without sin cast the first stone.

            You have to have been there to understand the turmoil of that sudden moment in time where your whole world collapses. I survived one such period and in the process discovered new friends and a new way of life. One friend in particular who would turn up on the doorstep with bags of food and wine, is now living in New Zealand, bless him. When you are down, flat on your face, by far the best thing is someone, indeed, anyone.... to talk to.

            There is an upside, those that have gone through such "events" will find a wonderful camaraderie among the many others that have also "been there" and you will find you make true friends for life. And remember, it might be your turn next.


            • #36
              Re: Six found dead in Porter Ranch home

              Completely agree, Chris. One of the many examples of when nationalism (or other forms of localism) could be a problem on an individual level is when it could possibly hinder one in finding friends when in need. As things get worse, the occurance of many different forms of protectionism will increase.


              • #37
                Re: Six found dead in Porter Ranch home

                As things get worse, the occurrence of many different forms of protectionism will increase.
                I think EU is showing signs of this. It was just announced that Renault will move back its plant from Slovenia to France. Seems that at home the workers have suddenly gotten to be cheaper. Or better yet, Sarko feels heat and needs Renault help to make it look like he it there working for the little guy through his maverick policies.

                I told many friends in Poland that I think the unity of EU is only good as long as things are good for the core EU. When things get tough it will be back to the Old Europe ways.


                • #38
                  Re: Six found dead in Porter Ranch home

                  "Running amok" is a defined term originally studied in S.E. Asia for someone in an uncontrolable rage, often killing all family members, then neighbours, continuing to the person gone amok is killed themselves.

                  The explanation which is now most widely accepted is that amok is closely related to male honor (amok by women is virtually unknown). In many cases where the background of the amok-runner is known, there seems to have been some element of deep shame which prevented the man from living honorably, as he saw it, in his own society. Running amok was both a way of escaping the world (since perpetrators were normally killed) and re-establishing one's reputation as a man to be feared and respected. Some observers have related this explanation to Islam's ban on suicide, which, it is suggested, drove Malay men to create circumstances in which others would kill them. Evidence for this explanation is that the incidence of amok seems to be less where amok runners are captured and tried, rather than being beaten to death on the spot.
                  Last edited by Glenn Black; March 21, 2009, 05:50 PM.


                  • #39
                    Re: Six found dead in Porter Ranch home

                    Originally posted by renewable View Post
                    Well said. It's sad that an official itulip 'antispin' view needs to be tainted by what looks like (to me too) nationalism. I wonder if many non americans on this board feel the same way, but feel they may be shouted down if they object?

                    I'm an American, and to me it's just a matter of national pride. I certainly wouldn't think anything of it had the tragedy happend in Canada, or Australia, or where ever, and Fred had said the same thing. "Remember we are Canadians."

                    It is a tragedy no doubt. Sometimes it helps people to rally around their flag a little. If you lived in New York, Or New Jersey right after 9/11, there was that same desire to rally as New Yorkers first, then Americans. The feeling that New York took one for the country.


                    • #40
                      Re: Six found dead in Porter Ranch home

                      Dallas is where clip is published. Lady & family is in San Francisco.

                      Ready made family, just add room mate.

                      Let me guess... husband leaves house with wife while he takes the bank accounts, wife can't afford PITE monthly payments, close to forclosure, need room mate quick or they lose house and have to go to shelter. I hope she screens all applicants very carefully, as the video could give somebody the wrong idea.

                      But when you're desparate, just how carefully can you afford to screen. One fate is guaranteed and very uncomfortable (foreclosure), the other fate is more risky but only a fractional probability (pervert attack in your own home).

