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I give up

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  • I give up

    No, i do:-

    Gold is low, oil is dropping......$ is rising............Not what logic sez it should do. I mean am stuffed, fed going to pack up.....i had enough of all this ecom stuff.......its a poker game & its fixed!


  • #2
    Re: I give up


    In nutshell, foreign banks got caught short of US Dollars (frozen in illiquid mortgage paper) when depositors demanded their money back. Since they cannot print foreign currency or sell mortgage paper, they need to sell other assets on the open market to buy dollars back.

    The Dollar Rally and Deflationary Imbalances in the US Dollar Holdings of Overseas Banks

    Last edited by idianov; October 03, 2008, 06:13 PM.


    • #3
      Re: I give up

      And can last a long time (12 months, 24 months, even 36 months?).


      • #4
        Re: I give up

        I explained it quite succinctly here


        • #5
          Re: I give up

          My "Mega gets pissed off" timing indicator just fired ;)
          The tide going out before a tsunami... the backdraught before the blowback... the ka before the poom...
          It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


          • #6
            Re: I give up

            Originally posted by Mega View Post
            No, i do:-

            Gold is low, oil is dropping......$ is rising............Not what logic sez it should do. I mean am stuffed, fed going to pack up.....i had enough of all this ecom stuff.......its a poker game & its fixed!


            I feel you Mike...

            You need to start relating to your investments more logically and technically.

            Take today's post bailout vote trading session. You'll find that right after the vote result (positive) the Toronto Stock Exchange crashed. 12% profit over here.

            If you're a retail investor you can trade this situation easily using HXD.TO.

            In this type of situation volatility and trends are your friend. We have the volatility - money is sloshing around.

            Pick your trend and profit! Simple behavioral psychology.

            You have multiple tools at your disposal from Horizon BetaPro ETFs. Denominated in CDN$, hedged against the falling USD and double LONG and SHORT options for all indices/commodities.

            Pick an index, TSX, S&P, DJIA, Nasdaq or any major commodity....

            More liquidity and much stabler trends to play.

            Let me know what you think.



            • #7
              Re: I give up

              I think that Rajiv has it close. Here is a slightly different twist.

              Derivatives have to have real dollars to "realize there value". There is a lot of virtual dollars (assets, securities, and such) chasing real dollars. The value of the dollar is going up because of this demand.

              The bailout puts more real dollars into the economy. Something that the Fed cannot do. It can only provide a multiple to capital and $10000000000000 times 0 is still 0!

              The dollar will drop, relatively at least, when these "real dollars" from the Treasury hit the market. My guess you will see an inflection point in about a week when this happens.


              • #8
                Re: I give up

                seriously, if you could trade this stuff, you'd be a godzillionaire


                • #9
                  Re: I give up

                  Originally posted by Mega View Post
                  No, i do:-

                  Gold is low, oil is dropping......$ is rising............Not what logic sez it should do
                  Mega, who's logic? If you had a tinfoil hat (as I do 0 you could have seen this coming 6-7 months ago.

                  Originally posted by Mega View Post
                  . .......its a poker game & its fixed!

                  It's fixed with respect to timing and individual companies banks, but the fundamentals cannot be fixed and the general trends are predictable if you analyze the correct fundamentals.


                  • #10
                    Re: I give up

                    i don't know if its a lackof supply of cash, its the hoarding of cash isn't it? It's there its just not in circulation, everyone is too scared to hold any assets. Once it starts circulating again.....POOM


                    • #11
                      Re: I give up

                      Cash is High Power Money -- the money that is being destroyed is Debt -- hence Debt deflation -- The Dollar is not only cash -- it also consists of many other instruments -- but it is primarily in the form of double entry book keeping entries.

                      During debt deflation, money ($) is being destroyed -- hence the shortage of money ($)


                      • #12
                        Re: I give up

                        Cui bono? ... WHO BENEFITS?

                        Fundamentals are easy enough to assume.

                        Technicals are for you to gauge w/understanding of fundamentals.

                        Take it to the threshold.



                        • #13
                          Re: I give up

                          Originally posted by Mega View Post
                          No, i do:-

                          Gold is low, oil is dropping......$ is rising............Not what logic sez it should do. I mean am stuffed, fed going to pack up.....i had enough of all this ecom stuff.......its a poker game & its fixed!

                          Chill, BIG TIME!

                          Just check out spot price to physical offer price, $4.00 / oz premium on silver over CMX

                          or Gold $30.oo / oz premium on delivery vs spot.

                          Your most profitable days are just ahead, relax and remember the line from
                          "Searching from Booby Fischer" (don't move until you see it) Mega, okay?

                          One last thing if you have physical you have CASH and the house only has CHIPS, don't trade you cash for CHIPS, BIG MISTAKE.

                          Sit back and sleep well, you did right, you know you did right, and remember the immortal words of George Soros "All you have to do to ve a billionaire is to find the FALSE PREMISE AND BET AGAINST IT".

                          Get a good rest, and remember Soros' words.




                          • #14
                            Re: I give up

                            ok yeah I get you, but the dollar appreciation is to do with high power money then isn't it. no will accept credits for payment so there is a big demand for high powered money


                            • #15
                              Re: I give up

                              Originally posted by marvenger View Post
                              ok yeah I get you, but the dollar appreciation is to do with high power money then isn't it. no will accept credits for payment so there is a big demand for high powered money
                              Exactly. Or better said at this stage... but I believe Ben has his finger on the switch. (probably he will pump $1-3 trillion more treasuries before changing the thermostat settings).

                              I'm just curious what excuse he will find next to flood the global financial system with more treasuries, in urgent "rescue" operations for:
                              -Federal Reserve Bank (this sounds surreal, but Ben has a sick sense of humor. I see him saying it with a straight face )
                              -ECB and EU markets
                              -foreign SWF's

                              This is going almost like a bad fiction novel ...

