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Mysterious Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns

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  • Mysterious Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns

    Mysterious Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns,2933,430681,00.html

    As Somali pirates brazenly maintain their standoff with American warships off the coast of Africa, the cargo aboard one Iranian ship they commandeered is raising concerns that it may contain materials that can be used for chemical or biological weapons.
    Get ready!

  • #2
    Re: Mysterious Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns

    If the reports are credible some OECD nation or INTERPOL should sieze the ship and examine the contents. With the ship in pirate hands and out in international waters it would be a perfect opportunity to intervene. Such opportunities are exceedingly rare! If the cargo were indeed WMD this would be the geo-political coup of the decade. Iranians have nothing whatsoever to be concerned about (and would indeed be vindicated and win sympathy) if the ships contents were innocuous.


    • #3
      Re: Mysterious Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns

      Originally posted by Sapiens View Post
      Mysterious Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns,2933,430681,00.html

      Get ready!
      If the article is correct, it strongly suggest radiation as the culprit, not chemical exposure. (I have to go through this training every year).


      • #4
        Re: Mysterious Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns

        Originally posted by Sapiens View Post
        Mysterious Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns,2933,430681,00.html

        Get ready!
        Ya gotta love those Somali pirates. They've obviously been watching Bubblevision and reading the WSJ.
        • Take a few rubber dinghies, a half dozen Kalashnikovs.
        • Lever those up into significant holdings in Russian tanks, and chemical/radioactive substances.
        • Create an international incident when the game expands just beyond the capacity of the system to tolerate it.
        • Threaten total annihilation if the world doesn't accept "your plan".

        Looks like Hank has been doing some personal coaching on the side...:rolleyes:


        • #5
          Re: Mysterious Cargo Aboard Iranian Ship Seized by Pirates Raises WMD Concerns

          Don't forget the tin foil hat angle: with the US stuck between dealing with Russia and dealing with Iran/Iraq, one way to get a chip in the game is if the US intelligence services learn of an incoming WMD shipment, then leak the info to some friendly pirates. Or maybe just out and out pay them.


