I have been watching American politics closely for nearly 35 years. I watched the Treasury secratary come out this morning on all three Networks and say the same thing though question no matter the question. I watched politicos from both parties swallow hard around their words. It appears the we have been given the "jest" of what is going on and they refer to a finaincial melt down. Something tells me there is a critical factor that has not been shared with us. What is it that we are not being told?
1. Is it Economic? Is there some critical connection that we has not been officially recognized?
2. Is it Geopolitical? Have ultimatums been given to the US goverment by other governments or groups?
3. Is it Cultural/Political? Have no idea what this could be.
1. Is it Economic? Is there some critical connection that we has not been officially recognized?
2. Is it Geopolitical? Have ultimatums been given to the US goverment by other governments or groups?
3. Is it Cultural/Political? Have no idea what this could be.