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Missed amidst the rescue of Feddie: A huge CDS default

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  • Missed amidst the rescue of Feddie: A huge CDS default

    Investors may be forced to settle contracts protecting more than $1.4 trillion of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds against default after the U.S. seized control of the companies in a bid to bolster the housing market.
    Thirteen ``major'' dealers of credit-default swaps agreed ``unanimously'' that the rescue constitutes a credit event triggering payment or delivery of the companies' bonds, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association said in a memo obtained by Bloomberg News today. Market makers for the privately traded contracts will discuss how to settle them in a conference call at 11 a.m. in New York, the document said.
    Due to the bonds rallying, I am assuming this didn't result in much money changing hands.

    But on the other hand, it is very possible somebody got hurt if they had asymmetrical positions.

    No followup that I can find thus far.