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Obama Selects Biden as Running Mate

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  • Obama Selects Biden as Running Mate

    Obama Selects Biden as Running Mate

  • #2
    Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
    ahem ...

    Maybe Obama will start copying old Niel Kinnock speeches now?

    EDIT: they mention that episode in this article, I thought most had forgotten it.


    • #3
      Re: Obama Selects Biden as Running Mate

      Obama was put in for one perpose only, to KILL Hillary!

      Her back ground was very well known, "White water" didn't finsh her and "They" had nothing on her. If she made it to the White house then she would have had a free hand..............Like the end of the FED?......No more Banking cartels?.........America to print its own money...?


      That could NOT be ALLOWED!

      Obama has told lie after lie, his "Uncle" whom liberated the Nazi Death camp (Was he Russian?)or the fact that he didn't take corp funds for his campain (Yes he DID!)

      Once he beaten Her, he can be disposed of quite easy by using all the dirty little secerts that are about to come out.

      Victory for Ma Cain!



      • #4
        Re: Obama Selects Biden as Running Mate

        I'm writing in Gary Busy: that's how irrelevant this all is.


        • #5
          Re: Obama Selects Biden as Running Mate

          Originally posted by Mega View Post
          If she made it to the White house then she would have had a free hand..............Like the end of the FED?......No more Banking cartels?.........America to print its own money...
          That scenario doesn't sound realistic.


          • #6
            Re: Obama Selects Biden as Running Mate

            Originally posted by Mega View Post
            If she made it to the White house then she would have had a free hand..............Like the end of the FED?......No more Banking cartels?.........America to print its own money...?
            Are you confusing Hillary Clinton with Ron Paul?


            • #7
              Re: Obama Selects Biden as Running Mate

              You kids here might not know but back in the 1970s, Joe Biden was one of the big proponents (along with Richard Nixon ) of launching drug war against the American people.

              Considering the advice that Obama has been getting in recent weeks from the Sierra Club and Nancy Pelosi on the matter of an energy plan, and now in light of this choice of Biden as the running mate, I am NOT impressed by the Obama candidacy.... Is it possible that the Demos might snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again, just like in 2004?


              • #8
                Re: Obama Selects Biden as Running Mate

                You have to realize that Biden is much beholden to the FIRE economy -- and that is the reason for him being the VP candidate

                See -- Danny Schechter Dissects America's Credit Card Culture -- A BuzzFlash Interview

                Some of this corruption has come out, but it's sort of like a cesspool. Some Democrats who try to raise the issue are very frustrated because their colleagues will say, "Look, I really need these campaign contributions." They call Joe Biden "the senator from MBNA," because he's from the state of Delaware, which is one of the two states that has given very low tax rates to all these credit card companies, and unlimited opportunities for them to operate out of the state on a national basis.
                From NYTimes 2004 - Expired: How a Credit King Was Cut Off; Co-Founder of MBNA Meets an Anxious Board, And Loses

                MBNA has been the No. 1 donor to Senator Biden's campaigns since 1993 and has made substantial contributions to Senator Snowe and Representative Michael N. Castle, Republican of Delaware. Combined, those three politicians have received more than $700,000 from MBNA and its employees since 1993, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a research group in Washington that tracks money in politics.

                What did MBNA get for all that money? While Mr. Biden's main work has been on the Foreign Relations Committee, he has been a consistent advocate for MBNA. He has actively supported the company's favorite federal legislation, the Bankruptcy Reform Act, which would make it more difficult for consumers to escape their credit card debt.

                Senator Biden shepherded the bankruptcy legislation along by taking the unusual tack of inserting it into a foreign relations bill in 2000, said his spokesman, Norm Kurz. But Mr. Kurz added that Mr. Biden said he would have backed the bill whether or not he was from Delaware or had received MBNA donations.
                The company also has ties to Senator Biden's son, R. Hunter Biden, a lawyer in Washington. Hunter Biden joined MBNA as a management trainee after graduating from Yale Law School and rose to be an executive vice president. Now a partner in Oldaker, Biden & Belair, a lobbying and law firm, he receives a $100,000 annual retainer from MBNA to advise it on ''the Internet and privacy law,'' Mr. Freeh said. He added that Hunter Biden was not a registered lobbyist and did not lobby on legislation for the company.
                Also from NYT 2008 - A Senate Stalwart Who Bounced Back

                During and since his time leading the Judiciary Committee, Mr. Biden has been derided by some critics as the “Senator from MBNA,” or “(D-MBNA),” because of his close ties to the credit card behemoth that was based in Wilmington, Del., until it was bought three years ago by Bank of America.

                Employees of MBNA Corporation had heavily contributed to Mr. Biden, pouring more than $214,000 into his campaign coffers going back to 1989, making the company his single biggest supporter, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

                Moreover, in 2003, after Mr. Biden’s son Hunter had graduated from law school, MBNA hired him as a management trainee and quickly promoted him to executive vice president. After Hunter Biden left the firm to become a partner at a Washington lobbying firm, the company paid him a $100,000 annual retainer to advise it on the Internet and privacy issues. Mr. Biden also paid Hunter’s law firm $143,000 for “legal services,” including nearly $60,000 in outstanding bills just last month.

                In another MBNA connection that has raised questions, Mr. Biden sold his Delaware house for $1.2 million in the mid-1990s to John Cochran, a senior executive of the company who would become its chairman and chief executive.

                Campaign consultants for Raymond J. Clatworthy, a Delaware businessman who ran twice against Mr. Biden, tried to make an issue of the sale in their race in 1996, suggesting a sweetheart deal, but Mr. Biden produced an appraisal of his home that matched the purchase price.

                Corporate Leaning

                Mr. Biden became an early supporter of a controversial bankruptcy law that was championed by the company and other credit card issuers and finally passed in 2005, making it more difficult for consumers to erase their debts. Mr. Obama, who voted against the measure, recently skewered the presumptive Republican nominee, Senator John McCain, for backing the bill, saying it allowed “banks and credit card companies to tilt the playing field in their favor, at the expense of hard-working Americans.”

                A report last year by Credit Suisse, the investment bank, concluded the law had had a “profound impact” on the country’s subprime mortgage crisis, leading directly to a rise in foreclosures.

                Mr. Obama has made the bankruptcy bill an issue on the campaign trail, announcing a plan in July to revise the law and give more protection to debtors. He has argued that his opposition to the legislation demonstrated his support for working families, while casting Mr. McCain, who voted for the measure, as being in the pocket of credit card and banking industry lobbyists.

