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  • #16
    Hi y'all.

    I think it might have been around a decade since I was on iTulip.

    When I started posting in the years leading up to the Great Recession, I was still in the Marine Corps Reserve. Then I started a family in 2008 and dropped to the IRR; almost got deployed from the couch to Iraq with the tail end of the "surge" but got sent home from Mobilization Command because they reduced the size of the deployment at the last minute. I drifted away from iTulip when I felt calls like peak cheap oil and the course of the reflation following the market bottom weren't helping me invest appropriately. Fast forward several years and my kids got old enough I could take on hobbies again, so I started volunteering as a reserve sheriff's deputy. Around the same time, I published a book in my field of expertise (InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Range-Finding and Lidar), built the proverbial 'dream home', and the small business I had worked at my entire career was sold to a much larger company that wanted to sell components for automotive lidar. The automotive lidar market didn't grow as quickly as the big company anticipated, and now my job is in danger, but that's another story.

    Anyway, just thought I'd check in. My spidey senses are tingling with respect to a financial crisis, but I haven't had my head in the game in recent years, the way it was leading into 2007/2008. So I don't have anything very well informed to say. But I wanted to say 'hi'!


    • #17
      Among the things I have forgotten is the way the threads work, so I apologize for the double post.


      • #18
        ASH it's great to hear from you again. All the best to you and yours.


        • #19
          So much has happened. I never posted here much but used to read a lot. My own feeling is that the market has completely disconnected from reality since the Bush2/Obama years. Now it doesn't matter what the macro trends are there are enough redditers to bid stocks up and keep them going!
          It's the Debt, stupid!!


          • #20
            Here! I’ve been unable to log in for a couple of years, but just last night found a way in. I’ll try posting in Finster’s Comments. If for whatever reason I’m unable to get back in, please post a comment on my site:


            • #21
              Originally posted by Finster View Post
              Here! I’ve been unable to log in for a couple of years, but just last night found a way in. I’ll try posting in Finster’s Comments. If for whatever reason I’m unable to get back in, please post a comment on my site:
              I think one of the problems is that Finster's Comments are behind the paywall, which a lot of us non-subscribers cannot see.


              • #22
                I came by today to see if anything was still happening here. Glad to see some posts!! I will try to come by every once in a while, and also visit your site, Finster. Do the iTulip archives still exist? I have quite a bit saved on my hard drive (as pdfs, I think??) and also paper printouts.
                If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will.


                • #23
                  time for my annual check-in.


                  • #24
                    It's been a few years for me too. I poke around once or twice a year. Happy to still have exposure to precious metals after all these years. Happy to have invested with Eastham Capital. Miss the excitement of logging in a few times a week for the insight but, happy the financial conditions that necessitated it are currently dormant. I'll see you all again if and when the financial volcano erupts again. Until then, hope you enjoy life.
                    "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse

