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RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert

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  • #46
    Re: RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert

    Originally posted by aa View Post
    Or perhaps life will just go on like it always has.....

    ... if petrol doubles again I'll drive less and catch the train more often... but life will go on
    ... if food doubles in price I'll have less to spend on other crap ... and life will go on
    ... if unemployment goes to 20%, chances are I'll be one of the 80% with a job... and life will go on
    ... if share prices and property prices crash - I'll be able to buy good investments at cheap prices... and life will go on
    True, unless:

    1. You are retired and your pension fund or savings are halved or worse by inflation.

    2. Your parents are retired, and they come to live with you because their savings were cut in half.

    3. Crime incidence quadruples, and you are killed (accidentally or otherwise) by a starving thief.

    4. Public safety standards degrade, and you are killed in a nuclear, transportation or other accident due to not enough funds being available for proper maintenance.

    5. Expensive medical care is no longer available as it once was, and you die from a condition that previously you would have survived.

    6. There is a global economic freeze-up, and the delicately balanced world we live in grinds to a halt causing worldwide food and energy shortages. You are caught in a Katrina-type situation and starve.
    (Things are much more finely balanced than in the Depression, so more susceptible to failure. My Ukrainian wife says that during the Soviet breakup, people only survived because either they, or their relatives, had home food gardens. She says that's now no long the case.)

    6. It's worse than the Depression, and 50% of people are out of work -- you are one of the unemployed.

    7. A nuclear war occurs due to a showdown over energy access . . . you are toast.

    I'm hoping a brighter future awaits us . . . but never underestimate humanity's capacity for self-destruction. :eek:
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