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US banks fear being forced to take $5,000bn back on balance sheets

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  • US banks fear being forced to take $5,000bn back on balance sheets

    Accounting changes could force US banks to take thousands of billions of dollars back on to their balance sheets in the coming months in a move that is likely to curb further their lending and could push them into new capital raisings, analysts have warned.

    Analysts at Citigroup said a planned tightening of the rules regarding off-balance sheet vehicles would force banks to reconsider arrangements and could result in up to $5,000bn of assets coming back on to the books.


  • #2
    Re: US banks fear being forced to take $5,000bn back on balance sheets

    yes, maybe so, but Ben of the USA FED will delay delay this until after the election, just before he is sacked by Obama ( ak Volker).


    • #3
      Re: US banks fear being forced to take $5,000bn back on balance sheets

      What really pisses me off is that the head moron in the Le Blanc House and is merry band of bandaids will get out and watch the meltdown from ivory towers in Dubya; uh I mean Dubai. We've been robbed rectally(is this a word) and it doesn't feel too frickin good. If Bernasty had just raised rates and squeezed out most of New York's brokerage firms and investment banks, food and energy would be reasonable and abundant by now. Instead, we face inflation in commodities and deflation in real estate and the equities markets. This guy is a cartoon character compared with Tricket; as was his predecessor, Greenspin. I'm young and naive but still knew to buy a bunch of pm's after watching the National real estate markets hyperinflate with fuzzy pieces of paper. Nows a good time to own guns, ammo, pm's, and batteries.

