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Roubini/Fischer: Will Israel Attack Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Before the Election?

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  • #31
    Re: Roubini/Fischer: Will Israel Attack Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Before the Election

    Originally posted by c1ue View Post
    I hope you are right - that Obama really has a both the clues and the will to carry out policies to start fixing the situation, and of course can win when it counts. As much as a jerk as McCain is, he doesn't hold a candle to Hilary in the 'most hated' department...

    ...Has Obama managed people? Set policies? Balanced budgets? The list goes on and on.
    As one watching from the outside, I get the impression that the President really doesn't do much of that [if he ever did].

    Obama seems the only candidate that figured out an effective way to tap into the US citizens feelings of being powerless and alienated from their own national government [certainly I've read some postings on this site that seem to express futility and powerlessness].

    After following the primaries with great interest I would characterize [admittedly oversimplifying] the underlying theme of the message being sent to voters as:

    Hilary: "I am experienced and I will take what I have already decided are the correct actions on my first day as President" [e.g. I'm so smart, I already know what's good for you]

    McCain: "It's a nasty world out there, full of evil axis hobgoblin dictators just waiting to "get" America, and your little dog too" (apologies to Margaret Hamilton). [e.g. I didn't break under torture last time, so I won't break under the torture of being your President either]

    Obama: "Being a voter in America is like working in the branch office of a multinational corporation. You can't get anything done [change anything] unless the top dog in Head Office pushes your cause." [e.g. I'm your man to champion the change you want in the Head Office of America].

    In a way I sense he is trying to redefine both the job description and the expectations of voters towards the Presidency...
    Though your brother's bound and gagged
    And they've chained him to a chair
    Won't you please come to Chicago
    Just to sing
    In a land that's known as freedom
    How can such a thing be fair
    Won't you please come to Chicago
    For the help we can bring
    We can change the world -
    Re-arrange the world
    It's dying - to get better...

    "We Can Change the World"
    Graham Nash (Songs for Beginners, 1971)
    Last edited by GRG55; June 10, 2008, 05:11 AM.


    • #32
      Re: Roubini/Fischer: Will Israel Attack Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Before the Election

      I think your analysis in right on. Obama is a generational shift. Anyone in their fourties saw the juxtaposition of landing on the moon and Vietnam-MLK-RFK and realized the irony real-time deep down feels the promise that Obama symbolizes.. America (and I think the world) wants a new adventure that is about all of us that is consistant with survival. Like an obese person having barely survived a heart attack we are only going to survive if we embrace change.


      • #33
        Israeli analyst suggests turning nuclear Iran against Egypt.
        He argues that Shia dominance is prefereable to the Sunni's.
        See this:


        • #34
          Re: Roubini/Fischer: Will Israel Attack Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Before the Election

          Originally posted by WDCRob View Post
          From this afternoon's

          A senior member of the Israeli government has stated that an attack on Iran is becoming “unavoidable” if Tehran is to be stopped from acquiring nuclear weapons.

          The blunt warning that Israel’s government is ready to strike at its chief rival in the region was given by Shaul Mofaz, transport minister and a deputy prime minister, in a press interview published Friday.

          He said: “If Iran continues with its programme for developing nuclear weapons, we will attack it. The sanctions are ineffective.”

          The Iran-born Mr Mofaz added that “attacking Iran, in order to stop its nuclear plans, will be unavoidable”.

          The remarks by Mr Mofaz, a former military chief of staff and ex-defence minister, reflect rising concerns in Israel and the US over Iran’s nuclear programme. But they are also made against the backdrop of a fierce succession struggle in Israel’s governing Kadima party. Mr Mofaz is positioning himself as an uncompromising defender of the country’s security interests.


          • #35
            Re: Roubini/Fischer: Will Israel Attack Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Before the Election

            Hans Blix (20 minutes)



            • #36
              Re: Roubini/Fischer: Will Israel Attack Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Before the Election

              Its interesting to go back and see how long this business has been going on. The original post on this thread was in June of 2008. Time flies.


              • #37
                Re: Roubini/Fischer: Will Israel Attack Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Before the Election

                And the escalation continues...



                • #38
                  Re: Roubini/Fischer: Will Israel Attack Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Before the Election

                  It is an annual war games exercise, although fortuitous given present circumstances.


                  • #39
                    Re: Roubini/Fischer: Will Israel Attack Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Before the Election

                    Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
                    It is an annual war games exercise, although fortuitous given present circumstances.
                    Seems to be before each US presidential election. Israel comes out with "we're going to attack Iran". Why? Does the US provide concessions, to avoid eve-of-election war? Or is there some other reason?

