Motorola May Lose U.S. Phone Lead, IDC, Strategy Analytics Say
G.E. May Sell Appliance Division
Greenspan started dismantling them, but Bernanke is going to finish them off. You can make more money by being a banker or a broker, grabbing free money that Ben Bernanke throws out of the helicopter. In good times, and also in bad times. You just can't lose:
Countrywide CEO earns $132 million in 2007 pay, stock sales
Trying to manufacture and market a product is too time consuming, too much hardship, and earns too little. It's more lucrative to play the money grabbing game.
G.E. May Sell Appliance Division
Greenspan started dismantling them, but Bernanke is going to finish them off. You can make more money by being a banker or a broker, grabbing free money that Ben Bernanke throws out of the helicopter. In good times, and also in bad times. You just can't lose:
Countrywide CEO earns $132 million in 2007 pay, stock sales
Trying to manufacture and market a product is too time consuming, too much hardship, and earns too little. It's more lucrative to play the money grabbing game.