I almost threw up when i read this, note that the debt for NOrthern Rock is NOT ramped yet!!!!!
"The Crux of the Problem: Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain. --Napoleon Jim Sinclair’s Commentary After reading this, please review the Formula which will be the last hammer to fall. It will take a miracle for the US dollar to hold .5200 USDX and gold to stay at or below $1650." For reference gobears, the USDX is currently trading around 71.92 (-0.14). To wrap up: Bankers only make money with debt. For you and me, debt is usually a liability. For bankers, money we deposit with them is a liability (since they have to pay interest to depositors, usually)...and banks turn such "liabilities" into "assets" by putting the money to work: loaning it out and earning interest. Debt reduction for bankers is similar to one's being called into one's corporate HQ and being told, "You are going to receive a pay cut." One of the reasons the explosion in debt is so damaging is that when money is borrowed into existence it is just the principal which is created and not the requisite interest required to retire the debt. This leads to ever more debt and has led several writers to suggest the image of either a debtor or the entire society on a treadmill or hamster's wheel of endless debt slavery. Melodramatic or not, the debt to GDP ratios of the USA and UK suggest that something truly wicked this way comes. Very best of luck to you, and all of us. "Yikes," indeed. |