The original story appears behind the pay wall of the Wall $treet Journal here:
A more complete version appears on GATA's website here:
You get that?
The plan is to allow the Treasury to issue more debt than the statutory debt limit to be used by the FED to create a new class of debt instruments. They are trying to circumvent what little congressional oversight still exists on the issuance of money and spending limits!
No Kidding!!!
Great another way to increase the deficit.
These people are brilliant! :rolleyes:
No kidding!!!
What is iTulip's take on this?
My first post on iTulip, please forgive any formatting or style errors I'm not aware of.
A more complete version appears on GATA's website here:
So the Fed is seeking ways to expand its balance sheet without causing the federal funds rate to drop.
The likeliest option, one the Fed and Treasury have discussed, is for the Treasury to issue more debt than it needs to fund government operations.
Treasury's principal constraint is the statutory limit debt. Treasury debt was $453 billion below the limit Monday. In the past, Congress always has responded to administration requests to raise the limit, sometimes only after political theatrics.
The likeliest option, one the Fed and Treasury have discussed, is for the Treasury to issue more debt than it needs to fund government operations.
Treasury's principal constraint is the statutory limit debt. Treasury debt was $453 billion below the limit Monday. In the past, Congress always has responded to administration requests to raise the limit, sometimes only after political theatrics.
The plan is to allow the Treasury to issue more debt than the statutory debt limit to be used by the FED to create a new class of debt instruments. They are trying to circumvent what little congressional oversight still exists on the issuance of money and spending limits!
The Fed would use the cash to purchase an offsetting amount of Treasurys in the open market; for legal reasons, it generally cannot buy them directly from Treasury.
It has never done so; the legality is unclear.
It has never done so; the legality is unclear.
Another possibility is seeking congressional approval to pay interest on banks' reserves immediately instead of waiting until a 2006 law permits that in 2011. If the Fed paid, say, 2% interest on reserves, banks would have no incentive to lend out excess reserves once the federal funds rate fell to that level.
Congress put off the effective date because paying interest on reserves reduces the Fed profits that are turned over to the Treasury each year, widening the budget deficit.
Congress put off the effective date because paying interest on reserves reduces the Fed profits that are turned over to the Treasury each year, widening the budget deficit.
These people are brilliant! :rolleyes:
Although preliminary explorations suggest Congress would be open to accelerating the date, the Fed is leery of depending on action by Congress.
What is iTulip's take on this?
My first post on iTulip, please forgive any formatting or style errors I'm not aware of.