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So, what do we expect to happen next?

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  • #16
    Re: So, what do we expect to happen next?

    Originally posted by metalman View Post
    on and on and on. we'll be so sick of bad news once the tanks are rolling down OUR street, so to speak... first the sound of distant gun fire (cdos), them over the boarder (investment banks), next in the city miles away (local banks).... then rolling down main street.

    morbid wishes these... "where is my crash"! kinda sicko... perverse.
    On the contrary, seeking JUSTICE is not PERVERSE. The desire to see an unjust system NOT fail, THAT IS PERVERSE!


    • #17
      Re: So, what do we expect to happen next?

      Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
      I think you are correct in that things have turned here, I believe, definitively for a while--what's a while, perhaps a couple of months. Today was a rather big technical turnaround. It's encourging to me that no one here much seems to wish to consider that equities may go up for a while.
      Off your point, but Look to see many Public Finance entities go PRIVATE, you can hide everything if you are a PRIVATE company. Look for this to accelerate to the other major players as well.

      Remember everyone, this is a game scheduled for extra innings and the last note of the national anthem was just played. That's how far into this thing we are. The entire ball game has yet to be played.


      • #18
        Re: So, what do we expect to happen next?

        Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
        Off your point, but Look to see many Public Finance entities go PRIVATE, you can hide everything if you are a PRIVATE company. Look for this to accelerate to the other major players as well.

        Remember everyone, this is a game scheduled for extra innings and the last note of the national anthem was just played. That's how far into this thing we are. The entire ball game has yet to be played.
        i'm no fan of our system. before you crash the old one you must have the foundation of a new one in place. else? you get a worse one in its place... or are you a socialist?


        • #19
          Re: So, what do we expect to happen next?

          Originally posted by jtabeb
          Off your point, but Look to see many Public Finance entities go PRIVATE, you can hide everything if you are a PRIVATE company. Look for this to accelerate to the other major players as well.
          I cannot disagree more.

          The reason for a company to go private is that its public value is so low that it is cheaper to buy outstanding stock out rather than continue to pay accounting and behavioral penalties for being public.

          If a public finance entity is insolvent and/or bankrupt - where is it going to get the money to buy outstanding stock?

          Don't forget the 'stockholder equity' is a second cushion of cash for the company in question - it is always possible to throw the shareholders under the bus via secondary stock offerings, thus forcing existing shareholders to double down or get diluted out by new money.

          Private companies don't have this option - instead they would be forced to sell ownership chunks which entitle the new fractional owners to both partial direct control and direct portions of profits.

          Originally posted by jtabeb
          Remember everyone, this is a game scheduled for extra innings and the last note of the national anthem was just played. That's how far into this thing we are. The entire ball game has yet to be played.
          Timing is off. With the liquidation of a top investment bank (BSC), we are now past the 1st inning.

          When we see a top 20 depository bank go into liquidation, then we'll be in the 3rd inning.

          BSC: $9B+ revenue gone, $4B+ employee compensation gone. Think the economy isn't being affected?

          "83 years of profitability" 4 days.


          • #20
            Re: So, what do we expect to happen next?

            Originally posted by metalman View Post
            i'm no fan of our system. before you crash the old one you must have the foundation of a new one in place. else? you get a worse one in its place... or are you a socialist?
            I kill socialists, and used to kill commies, and now I also kill terrorists for a living. (Being in the military has advantages you know)

            But in the military we are also have less freedom than most americans. We can't for example publicly disparage public policy or the members of the government (even unelected officials like those in the fed). For example you could not say in public that the Iraq war was a put-up job, and that you knew that the pre-execution for the iraq war was taking place while we were bombing the taliban (not pre-planning, this was a foregone conclusion in early 2002.) You also could not say that GWB was an ASSHOLE and destroyed our credibility in the world or that he trampled on the constitution with a domestic spying programs/renditions/torture etc.

            No, being in the military has certain limitations. So all the commentary about the above topics has to come from our well-informed citizenry, people like you good folks here on i-tulip. Don't let us down. Thanks.

