Mood change?
Ford are still betting on the F150 truck, they plan diesel and down sized Turbo 4 pot engines. Personaly i think they are stuffed, Ford needs only to look to their resent past.
Back in the 70's they had a Gas Guzzer called the LTD, seeing how the market didn't want them any more Ford did a smart thing, and a foolish one.
They carfully down sized the LTD, it shed Kgs and engine size, but kept the same type of styling. They tried till they where Blue in the face to explain to people that it was a "New deal" but to little result.
It looked like a Gas Gulzzer, so it was.......and they went off to buy Jap/Euro cars..............History will repeat its self.............i advice Ford to cut its to Mazda about making cars in the US under contract (thus no A A W) Who having bankupted GM & Ford are now trying to get into Toyota.
Ford are still betting on the F150 truck, they plan diesel and down sized Turbo 4 pot engines. Personaly i think they are stuffed, Ford needs only to look to their resent past.
Back in the 70's they had a Gas Guzzer called the LTD, seeing how the market didn't want them any more Ford did a smart thing, and a foolish one.
They carfully down sized the LTD, it shed Kgs and engine size, but kept the same type of styling. They tried till they where Blue in the face to explain to people that it was a "New deal" but to little result.
It looked like a Gas Gulzzer, so it was.......and they went off to buy Jap/Euro cars..............History will repeat its self.............i advice Ford to cut its to Mazda about making cars in the US under contract (thus no A A W) Who having bankupted GM & Ford are now trying to get into Toyota.