Had Bloomberg on dinner time, the head of Wells Fargo was giving "We saw it 2 years ago and adjusted our P L A N" chat. Total bull, and i don't think he even belived it him self.
However what was self ever-dent was the though that someone, some how was going to push the "Reset" button and everything would go back to the way it was............lots of BIG back handers, lots of expensive dinners, lots of lazy afternoons on the Golf course...LOTS of BONUS
While this man is unlikely to go without his dinner he simply does not get it! I can understand "The Sheep" not understanding or wanting to under stand that the MEGA shopping trips are now a thing of the past.....but its the number of CEO types whom are in for a BIG dissapointment.
Bank of America CEO Wants $800 Billion, to start with......then he can get back to those "MEGA DEAL Days". I wonder at WHAT point the penny will drop?
Our only hope is those who KNOW will tell O-Bam-A and AFTER he won he can then draw up a plan that means bank depoist are covered, but any other form of MAD GAMBLING is just dumped!
However what was self ever-dent was the though that someone, some how was going to push the "Reset" button and everything would go back to the way it was............lots of BIG back handers, lots of expensive dinners, lots of lazy afternoons on the Golf course...LOTS of BONUS
While this man is unlikely to go without his dinner he simply does not get it! I can understand "The Sheep" not understanding or wanting to under stand that the MEGA shopping trips are now a thing of the past.....but its the number of CEO types whom are in for a BIG dissapointment.
Bank of America CEO Wants $800 Billion, to start with......then he can get back to those "MEGA DEAL Days". I wonder at WHAT point the penny will drop?
Our only hope is those who KNOW will tell O-Bam-A and AFTER he won he can then draw up a plan that means bank depoist are covered, but any other form of MAD GAMBLING is just dumped!