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Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar

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  • #16
    Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar

    Being the world's reserve currency has done more damage to this country than any of us could imagine. We've basically been able to fund increasing entitlements and military ventures without the need to raise taxes all by borrowing from the world for the budget shortfalls. This is part of the reason why Cheney said, "Deficits don't matter." Well, it is these deficits that now threaten to destroy the currency and destroy the wealth of many Americans in the process. The deficits have also allowed the government and the well connected special interests to do many things around the world without the need to gain the consent of the American public.

    If the Iranians manage to drive the wedge between the dollar and the trading of oil, they could do us no bigger favor. The world would no longer need our currency, and then the powers that be in Washington might actually have to get serious about getting their financial house in order.:cool:


    • #17
      Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar

      Originally posted by bcassill View Post
      Being the world's reserve currency has done more damage to this country than any of us could imagine. We've basically been able to fund increasing entitlements and military ventures without the need to raise taxes all by borrowing from the world for the budget shortfalls. This is part of the reason why Cheney said, "Deficits don't matter." Well, it is these deficits that now threaten to destroy the currency and destroy the wealth of many Americans in the process. The deficits have also allowed the government and the well connected special interests to do many things around the world without the need to gain the consent of the American public.

      If the Iranians manage to drive the wedge between the dollar and the trading of oil, they could do us no bigger favor. The world would no longer need our currency, and then the powers that be in Washington might actually have to get serious about getting their financial house in order.:cool:

      In this day and age of global hegemony and the requisite need to present a global presence for 'spectrum' dominance- the need for a 'reserve' currency was paramount. As someone pointed out - the transition from the Pound sterling to the dollar did little to change the UK governments view on defiit spending and bail-outs. So I doubt -that it is only the reserve currency. Europeans in the main have become used to living off other peoples money and if researched with the appropriate stringency and due diligence -the dramatic rise in living standards can easily be traced to imperialsim/colonialism.

      In short -Europe/US/Canada will face an acceleration of a decline in living standards over the next 50 years. Already the colonial model of indentured servitude (disguised as receiving 'benefits (mainly health care and the requisite voluntary paycuts) is increasing in all these countries. To feed their appetite for excess -the elite have resorted back to feudalism and be sure that we shall once again have debtors prison.

      There will not be a bang that ends US dominance -but a series of whimpers accompanied by noisy whines from the ever burdened population who has via the twin towers of debt and propaganda become imprisoned in a world with out true perspective and ensures their continuing apathy. Politicians continue to bleat plaintive soothing sounds- patriotism/nationalism/ exceptionalism/'divine right', fiscal disciplines/'growth' to continue their cannabilisation of the world's people but starting now with their own as many across the globe will simply refuse to be 'lunch'.


      • #18
        Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar

        Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
        In this day and age of global hegemony and the requisite need to present a global presence for 'spectrum' dominance- the need for a 'reserve' currency was paramount. As someone pointed out - the transition from the Pound sterling to the dollar did little to change the UK governments view on defiit spending and bail-outs. So I doubt -that it is only the reserve currency. Europeans in the main have become used to living off other peoples money and if researched with the appropriate stringency and due diligence -the dramatic rise in living standards can easily be traced to imperialsim/colonialism.

        In short -Europe/US/Canada will face an acceleration of a decline in living standards over the next 50 years. Already the colonial model of indentured servitude (disguised as receiving 'benefits (mainly health care and the requisite voluntary paycuts) is increasing in all these countries. To feed their appetite for excess -the elite have resorted back to feudalism and be sure that we shall once again have debtors prison.

        There will not be a bang that ends US dominance -but a series of whimpers accompanied by noisy whines from the ever burdened population who has via the twin towers of debt and propaganda become imprisoned in a world with out true perspective and ensures their continuing apathy. Politicians continue to bleat plaintive soothing sounds- patriotism/nationalism/ exceptionalism/'divine right', fiscal disciplines/'growth' to continue their cannabilisation of the world's people but starting now with their own as many across the globe will simply refuse to be 'lunch'.
        "that each simple substance has relations which express all the others"


        • #19
          Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar

          Second autopsy: Hampton's death murder
          Sun, 01 Nov 2009 12:36:39 GMT

          A doctor who carried out a second post-mortem examination on the body of Timothy Hampton says the nuclear expert's fall from the UN building in Vienna was murder.

          The 47-year-old British scientist, who was involved in monitoring nuclear activities, was found dead last week at the bottom of a staircase in the United Nations' building.

          The doctor who first examined Hampton's body concluded that there were 'no suspicious circumstances'. Following objections raised by his widow, Olena Gryshcuk, and her family as to the reliability of the assessment, another physician was asked to repeat the autopsy.

          The new doctor, Professor Kathrin Yen, of the Ludwig Institute in Graz, Austria, says she has found evidence that Hampton did not commit suicide.

          She believes one possible theory is that Hampton was carried to the 17th floor from his workplace on the sixth floor and thrown down from the height.

          “In my opinion, it does not look like suicide. My example is that somebody took him up to the top floor and threw him down."

          “At the moment I don't have the police reports. We did a CT scan. From the external exam, I saw injuries on the neck but these were not due to strangulation,” she explained.


          • #20
            Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar


            Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. wants a “civil, diplomatic relationship” with Iran and has told the regime that possessing a nuclear weapon isn’t in the nation’s best interests, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

            President Barack Obama conveyed that message to Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Hoseini Khamenei, Clinton said in an interview with PBS’s Charlie Rose to be broadcast today on Bloomberg Television.

            Iran’s secrecy over its nuclear program has given the U.S. “many reasons to worry,” Clinton said. In the same interview, she said U.S. policy on Afghanistan must focus on destroying al- Qaeda, not on “nation-building.”


            “No one wants” to resort to military means to halt Iran’s nuclear program, Clinton said. “We’ve always said that every option is on the table. Our goal is to prevent or dissuade Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.”

            ‘Extra Mile’

            Obama “has really gone the extra mile to try to engage with the Iranians,” sending “private messages to the supreme leader,” she added. “If they cannot overcome their mistrust and their internal political dynamic, then we have to do what we think is in our best interests.”


            Asked about the weeks the Obama administration is taking to evaluate its policy in Afghanistan, Clinton said Obama and his national security team are seeking to gather all relevant information rather than rushing to conclusions, to avoid a repeat of “mid-course corrections” taken by the Bush administration in Iraq.

            “There was a lot of talk during the prior administration that came pretty close to nation-building, transforming Afghanistan,” she said. “Is that directly in our national security interests? Probably not. So we want to help, but we want to keep focused on what is clearly in our national security interests, to dismantle, disrupt and defeat al-Qaeda and its extremist allies.”


            • #21
              Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar


              TEHRAN (AP) – A senior Iranian prosecutor accused three Americans detained on the border with Iraq of espionage on Monday, the first signal that Tehran intends to put them on trial.

              The announcement came as Washington and Tehran are maneuvering over a deadlock in negotiations over Iran's nuclear program.

              U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called for the release of the three. “We believe strongly that there is no evidence to support any charge whatsoever,” she told reporters in Berlin. “And we would renew our request on behalf of these three young people and their families that the Iranian government exercise compassion and release them, so they can return home.”

              Clinton said the U.S. would continue to make that case through the Swiss channels who represent U.S. interests in Tehran.


              • #22
                Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar

                Come on guys. What about the bourse? Did they open it or not? Don't keep me in suspense for another decade!


                • #23
                  Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar

                  Originally posted by Chris View Post
                  Come on guys. What about the bourse? Did they open it or not? Don't keep me in suspense for another decade!
                  not 100% reliable but better than most...
                  Iranian oil bourse

                  International Oil Bourse,[2] Iran Petroleum Exchange or Oil Bourse in Kish[3] (IOB; the official English language name is unclear) is a commodity exchange which opened on February 17, 2008,[4][5][6][3]. It was created by cooperation between Iranian ministries and other state and private institutions. The IOB is intended as an oil bourse for petroleum, petrochemicals and gas in various currencies, primarily the euro and Iranian rial and a basket of other major currencies. The geographical location is at the Persian Gulf island of Kish which is designated by Iran as a free trade zone.[7]

                  During 2007, Iran asked its petroleum customers to pay in non-dollar currencies. By December 8, 2007, Iran reported to have converted all of its oil export payments to non-dollar currencies. [8] The Kish Bourse was officially opened in a videoconference ceremony on February 17, 2008, despite last minute disruptions to the internet services to the Persian Gulf regions. Currently the Kish Bourse is only trading in oil-derived products, generally those used as feedstock for the plastics and pharmaceutical industries. However, officially published statements by Iranian oil minister Gholamhossein Nozari indicate that the second phase, to establish trading in crude oil directly, which has been suggested might one day perhaps create a "Caspian Crude" benchmark price analogous to Brent Crude or WTI will only be started after the Bourse has demonstrated a reasonable period of trouble-free running. [9]

                  The three current oil markers are all US dollar denominated: North America's West Texas Intermediate crude (WTI), North Sea Brent Crude, and the UAE Dubai Crude. The two major oil bourses are the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) in New York City and the IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) in London & Atlanta. As the Oil Bourse in Kish is developed through successive stages, the plan is to establish a Petrobourse as a fourth oil market, denominated by the Iranian rial, the euro and other major currencies.
                  running for over a yr & hasn't crashed the dollar yet!


                  • #24
                    Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar

                    I like the way that article describes the Iranian rial as one of the major currencies.

                    Thanks for the info. Looks like the bourse is proving a highly successful tactic against the great Satan.


                    • #25
                      Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar

                      thought experiment



                      • #26
                        Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar


                        Clinton Appoints NIAC Advisory Board Member to Senior Iran Post
                        Written by NIAC Staff
                        Tuesday, 10 November 2009

                        The National Iranian American Council (NIAC) applauds the appointment of Ambassador John Limbert as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs at the US Department of State.

                        Amb. Limbert, who served on NIACs Board of Advisors up until his appointment, is a decorated career US diplomat who has previously held posts in Iraq, Mauritania and Guinea, in addition to holding several senior positions in Washington with the State Department. Amb. Limbert is currently Distinguished Professor of International Affairs at the US Naval Academy.

                        Amb. Limbert is one country's foremost experts on Iranian issues. He began his career in the 1960s as a Peace Corps volunteer and an English instructor at Shiraz University. In 1979, Amb. Limbert was held hostage in the American Embassy in Tehran for fourteen months. A fluent Persian speaker, Limbert will be a vital asset to the United States throughout the continuing negotiations and conversations with the Iranian government.

                        "The Obama administration has declared that they want to find a new future with the people of Iran," said Trita Parsi, President of the National Iranian American Council. "With Limbert in the State Department tasked to complete that vision, history will be completed: A person who stood at the center of US-Iran relations when they broke down 30 years ago, will lead the efforts to restore the broken ties."

                        The day before getting sworn in, Amb. Limbert spoke at a conference hosted by NIAC on Capitol Hill, along with other senior US diplomats and experts on US-Iran relations. Amb. Limbert stressed the importance of patience and persistence in the ongoing negotiations, and argued that productive discussions on the fate of Iran's nuclear program could also allow the United States to press Tehran on its human rights record.

                        "There are few people in the United States that know Iran as well as Amb. Limbert," Parsi said. "He's not only expert on Iranian foreign policy, but also on Iranian poetry, which matters a lot. I can't think of anyone more suitable for this job."
                        The War Party is up in arms:



                        • #27
                          Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar

                          Originally posted by Chris View Post
                          I like the way that article describes the Iranian rial as one of the major currencies.

                          Thanks for the info. Looks like the bourse is proving a highly successful tactic against the great Satan.
                          I've been using this thread as a place to post and discuss all things U.S. and Iran relations.

                          Chris, you do realize that though Sapiens did choose to use their headline, it was still written by the War Party source that he copy and pasted the excerpt from? The website no longer exists, but that's what it was.

                          In fact, the two groups that promote this idea the most, albeit for different reasons, are the War Party and another group that I'll generalize for the purposes of this discussion as the self-described anti-Zionists. I'm not saying that Sapiens belongs to either - this is just my observation based on who tends to discuss and promote the bourse.

                          Meanwhile, it sure does look like the Obama administration is trying to normalize with Iran. It'll be interesting to see how what happens with these three hikers. I would expect the Iranians to use them to bargain with.


                          • #28
                            Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar

                            Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                            I've been using this thread as a place to post and discuss all things U.S. and Iran relations.

                            Chris, you do realize that though Sapiens did choose to use their headline, it was still written by the War Party source that he copy and pasted the excerpt from? The website no longer exists, but that's what it was.

                            In fact, the two groups that promote this idea the most, albeit for different reasons, are the War Party and another group that I'll generalize for the purposes of this discussion as the self-described anti-Zionists. I'm not saying that Sapiens belongs to either - this is just my observation based on who tends to discuss and promote the bourse.

                            Meanwhile, it sure does look like the Obama administration is trying to normalize with Iran. It'll be interesting to see how what happens with these three hikers. I would expect the Iranians to use them to bargain with.
                            When I read any headline that is financial related and uses the word 'topple' or 'destroy', etc. I assume the content is probably ideologically driven bunkum but it's always interesting to see where people's hopes and dreams lie. Poor fellows.;)

