Re: Iran`s oil bourse could topple the dollar
Being the world's reserve currency has done more damage to this country than any of us could imagine. We've basically been able to fund increasing entitlements and military ventures without the need to raise taxes all by borrowing from the world for the budget shortfalls. This is part of the reason why Cheney said, "Deficits don't matter." Well, it is these deficits that now threaten to destroy the currency and destroy the wealth of many Americans in the process. The deficits have also allowed the government and the well connected special interests to do many things around the world without the need to gain the consent of the American public.
If the Iranians manage to drive the wedge between the dollar and the trading of oil, they could do us no bigger favor. The world would no longer need our currency, and then the powers that be in Washington might actually have to get serious about getting their financial house in order.:cool:
Being the world's reserve currency has done more damage to this country than any of us could imagine. We've basically been able to fund increasing entitlements and military ventures without the need to raise taxes all by borrowing from the world for the budget shortfalls. This is part of the reason why Cheney said, "Deficits don't matter." Well, it is these deficits that now threaten to destroy the currency and destroy the wealth of many Americans in the process. The deficits have also allowed the government and the well connected special interests to do many things around the world without the need to gain the consent of the American public.
If the Iranians manage to drive the wedge between the dollar and the trading of oil, they could do us no bigger favor. The world would no longer need our currency, and then the powers that be in Washington might actually have to get serious about getting their financial house in order.:cool: