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Meantime in Sweden

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  • Meantime in Sweden

    I notice that ALL over Europe anti-car push back is everywhere......"Cycle tracks"........"Giving road lanes to Cycles"........."Closing roads to Cycles"

    I can't wait till the penny drops & the People wake up........They going to be "asked" to not drive their cars...


    "They" are totally clueless & no idea where to go


  • #2
    Re: Meantime in Sweden

    New Zealand is in the second day of no reported covid19 infections. I'm wondering if they will open the borders at some stage or just stay isolated forever.


    • #3
      Re: Meantime in Sweden

      Originally posted by globaleconomicollaps View Post
      New Zealand is in the second day of no reported covid19 infections. I'm wondering if they will open the borders at some stage or just stay isolated forever.
      New Zealand and Australia are already in discussions to open the Tasman Sea air route between the two countries. Discussions, not yet agreement though.


      • #4
        Re: Meantime in Sweden

        No worries Mike. The elite just want us to be like China...thirty years ago.


        • #5
          Re: Meantime in Sweden

          Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
          New Zealand and Australia are already in discussions to open the Tasman Sea air route between the two countries. Discussions, not yet agreement though.
          I saw that. I'm puzzled. The disease is still going in Australia. They risk importing it if they have flights now.


          • #6
            Re: Meantime in Sweden

            Originally posted by globaleconomicollaps View Post
            I saw that. I'm puzzled. The disease is still going in Australia. They risk importing it if they have flights now.
            The disease is still going on everywhere, including New Zealand. Just because a jurisdiction didn't find a new case over a short period does not mean it's been eradicated.

            There is no risk of "importing it". To New Zealand or most anywhere else. That has already happened. In 213 countries and territories worldwide...which means pretty well everywhere.

            There is no cure, so the most effective way to slow down the spread is to isolate.
            Isolate nations one from the other. Isolate cities within a nation one from the other. Isolate families within a community one from the other. Isolate people within families one from the other. Isolate customers from the store checkout counter staff. And on it goes.

            It is the ultimate de-globalization strategy. It's also the ultimate anti-humanity strategy. Hands up everyone here that believes all of this isolationism is sustainable.

            New Zealand has had more cases per million of population than Australia (greater testing?) and the exact same fatality rate per million as Australia. The Prime Minister may declare the islands will remain "off limits" to those dreaded foreign hordes, but that will be quite the experiment to watch as the months pass.


            • #7
              Re: Meantime in Sweden

              mitigation/isolation strategies have several effects. they slow the spread of the disease and so lower the ongoing demands on the medical system; they don't just spread out cases, they may ameliorate or even eliminate cases - i.e. if you slow the spread you have more time to develop treatments and possibly a vaccine. thus cases which would appear later may be better treated or may not occur at all.


              • #8
                Re: Meantime in Sweden

                I was guilty earlier of throwing around the term "herd immunity" as if it's inevitable. It's not.

                Without vaccines humanity never did develop herd immunity for smallpox, rubella, polio, or several other diseases.


                • #9
                  Re: Meantime in Sweden

                  Originally posted by jk View Post
                  mitigation/isolation strategies have several effects. they slow the spread of the disease and so lower the ongoing demands on the medical system; they don't just spread out cases, they may ameliorate or even eliminate cases - i.e. if you slow the spread you have more time to develop treatments and possibly a vaccine. thus cases which would appear later may be better treated or may not occur at all.
                  Are those goalposts heavy, Doctor? Because when this madness kicked off it was all about "flattening the curve." So when did flattening the curve turn into finding the cure?

                  Because the net effect is that we've become safe in our cages and the authoritarians seem to quite like that. It's like Fauci's remarks before the Senate where he opined that reopening the country too soon would result in "needless suffering and death." So where the Hell did that standard come from? It's quite the shift in tone from when the goal was simply to "flatten the curve" so that the country's health care system would not be overwhelmed.

                  Then there's Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who said that the city will "never be completely open until we have a cure."

                  Found a cure? Who says we're going to find a cure? We haven't found a cure for cancer, AIDS took 20 years to tame, but it's far from being cured? We lose millions to the garden variety flu, the opiate crisis has devastated communities across America and has contributed to a statistically measurable drop in overall life expectancy. But it's business as usual in those cases.

                  So we wait for cure. What then? The economy is just shut down for a year or more? We become Brazil with nuclear weapons?

                  F*ck that.
                  Last edited by Woodsman; May 14, 2020, 12:13 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Meantime in Sweden

                    Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                    No worries Mike. The elite just want us to be like China...thirty years ago.
                    We should be, This freedom Shite that we are brainwashed into which is an bloody illusion, is hampering our response.
                    Accept we are all just a data point and this disease and other societal ills would be a little easier to tackle, ask the South Koreans or the Icelandics what big data can do for you.

                    But hey we have liberty and freedom...........


                    • #11
                      Re: Meantime in Sweden

                      Originally posted by Techdread View Post
                      We should be, This freedom Shite that we are brainwashed into which is an bloody illusion, is hampering our response.
                      Accept we are all just a data point and this disease and other societal ills would be a little easier to tackle, ask the South Koreans or the Icelandics what big data can do for you.

                      But hey we have liberty and freedom...........
                      Don't forget to write!



                      • #12
                        Re: Meantime in Sweden

                        On a slighty different point I must say I noticed large numbers of over heavy females now "CRASH-DIET" that singer ADEL they suddenly WOKE to the fact that they need to be better looking...........



                        • #13
                          Re: Meantime in Sweden

                          Originally posted by Mega View Post
                          On a slighty different point I must say I noticed large numbers of over heavy females now "CRASH-DIET" that singer ADEL they suddenly WOKE to the fact that they need to be better looking...........

                          Obesity is one of the major risk factors for dying from Covid. If you're the anxious type, covid could be a wake-up call to get rid of excess fat.
                          engineer with little (or even no) economic insight


                          • #14
                            Re: Meantime in Sweden

                            One suspects forth coming MASS unemployment might have more to do with it.
                            I recall the early 1980's & the BIG HAIR etc.....even short haircuts were very styled ......needed to catch the eye of a nice (employed Bloke).


                            • #15
                              Re: Meantime in Sweden

                              Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                              The disease is still going on everywhere, including New Zealand. Just because a jurisdiction didn't find a new case over a short period does not mean it's been eradicated.

                              There is no risk of "importing it". To New Zealand or most anywhere else. That has already happened. In 213 countries and territories worldwide...which means pretty well everywhere.

                              There is no cure, so the most effective way to slow down the spread is to isolate.
                              Isolate nations one from the other. Isolate cities within a nation one from the other. Isolate families within a community one from the other. Isolate people within families one from the other. Isolate customers from the store checkout counter staff. And on it goes.

                              It is the ultimate de-globalization strategy. It's also the ultimate anti-humanity strategy. Hands up everyone here that believes all of this isolationism is sustainable.

                              New Zealand has had more cases per million of population than Australia (greater testing?) and the exact same fatality rate per million as Australia. The Prime Minister may declare the islands will remain "off limits" to those dreaded foreign hordes, but that will be quite the experiment to watch as the months pass.
                              You point is well taken. The number of tourists in New Zealand comes close to outnumbering the locals. I don't think that New Zealand will survive without tourism.

                              So here is Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern promoting open borders, rejecting racism and protectionism:

                              At the same time we have Trump rejecting globalism and promoting ... what exactly? Autarchy? Ardern has instituted a near total ban on travel and it is working ( as far as I can see ). Trump has been slow to institute travel restrictions. He seems to be slowing or ending trade with China but, if I know Trump, he is just negotiating. He has no intention of ending world trade. He just wants to have it on his terms.

                              New Zealand is a country heavily dependent on commodity exports for survival. The economy will collapse without trade with other nations.

                              Irony is a rhetorical device, literary technique, or event in which what appears, on the surface, to be the case, differs radically from what is actually the case.

