Either by act of God, accident or "intervention" by a 3rd party the West relationship with China has changed.
Its hard to say when this "love story" broke apart, I think the powers to be thought they had it made after the fall of the USSR. A major thorn in the wests side had been removed......next step was taking China "Back". It looked straight forward enough, simply allow China to use her people as a slave force to build cheap crap for fat westerners .......& in return sell them expensive Hi-Tec Western goods they couldn't possibly copy or make for themselves.
To begin with it worked fine, then suddenly China began to copy EVERYTHING, even cars.
While the West was making money so was China......at some point it began to dawn on them that China was NOT going to become "Free Society" (free for them to rape & pillage).
The normal methods of "control" failed, oil/Gas etc.....China smarty side stepped every attempt. When the banks collapsed in 2008 Gordon Brown the British Prime minster made a dash to China. His "Plan" was to get China to "Invest" in his bankrupt worthless banks......oh and buy up all the worthless assets at full price.
He arrived & no none BIG was waiting, a Chinese prime minster (they have more than one) & a cleaning lady were present to meet him. He had a dinner in which he "told" China that they would be "allowed" to put their money into Britan's bankrupt banks..........after they finished laughing....they offered to "invest" in British infrastructure?.............."NO, you will not be allowed to buy into anything "strategic".
Not long after the Chinese were allowed in.
China had kept its guard up, after all MI6 (British intel) had attempted to arrange an interal coup in China via their Man Haywood, but the CCP saw it coming a mile off & "operation Cuckoo" was blown & Haywood took his own life.
So, with their monster they made now out of (their) control they needed to stop things but how..............
From time to time the powers to be have shown their hand, Gulf of Tolken/USS Liberty/Suez crisis ......all examples in plan sight.
What was need was something that would give the West to excuse to take China's investments back & start a cold war with China.....but how?
They needed at "event" that would change everything, something that would touch the lives of everyone....
Its hard to say when this "love story" broke apart, I think the powers to be thought they had it made after the fall of the USSR. A major thorn in the wests side had been removed......next step was taking China "Back". It looked straight forward enough, simply allow China to use her people as a slave force to build cheap crap for fat westerners .......& in return sell them expensive Hi-Tec Western goods they couldn't possibly copy or make for themselves.
To begin with it worked fine, then suddenly China began to copy EVERYTHING, even cars.
While the West was making money so was China......at some point it began to dawn on them that China was NOT going to become "Free Society" (free for them to rape & pillage).
The normal methods of "control" failed, oil/Gas etc.....China smarty side stepped every attempt. When the banks collapsed in 2008 Gordon Brown the British Prime minster made a dash to China. His "Plan" was to get China to "Invest" in his bankrupt worthless banks......oh and buy up all the worthless assets at full price.
He arrived & no none BIG was waiting, a Chinese prime minster (they have more than one) & a cleaning lady were present to meet him. He had a dinner in which he "told" China that they would be "allowed" to put their money into Britan's bankrupt banks..........after they finished laughing....they offered to "invest" in British infrastructure?.............."NO, you will not be allowed to buy into anything "strategic".
Not long after the Chinese were allowed in.
China had kept its guard up, after all MI6 (British intel) had attempted to arrange an interal coup in China via their Man Haywood, but the CCP saw it coming a mile off & "operation Cuckoo" was blown & Haywood took his own life.
So, with their monster they made now out of (their) control they needed to stop things but how..............
From time to time the powers to be have shown their hand, Gulf of Tolken/USS Liberty/Suez crisis ......all examples in plan sight.
What was need was something that would give the West to excuse to take China's investments back & start a cold war with China.....but how?
They needed at "event" that would change everything, something that would touch the lives of everyone....