Re: Genesis of SJW
I don't think many of these are ridiculous. Maybe that's where we differ. I'm just going to quote a few off YAF's list that I think are probably interesting and valuable from the descriptions. I only read the first couple of pages:
This seems like a good class asking good questions, and there's a ton of data and land use experiments to pour through. Millions of Americans are working everywhere from HUD to developers to city councils where these sorts of questions are worth pondering and good background in this stuff is valuable.
This is bread and butter great books stuff from the 1500s to the 1900s. Any educated person should read these, at least The Prince, The Leviathan, The Social Contract, The Manifesto, and Zarathustra. I'll stand by that until the day I die.
This seems like an objectively valuable philosophical question. Is there a time to kill? And if so, when? Seems like a quality course for lots of folks from doctors to military officers to politicians to philosophers, etc. Most people have thought about the trolley problem. But this shit even comes up in every discussion about self-driving cars etc. Actually delving into any sort of philosophy, analytics, or moral psychology on the matter could be useful to lots of folks.
I mean, I get that YAF has a political axe to grind. But I simply don't get how they find some of these classes so offensive. At least conservatives like Strauss promoted great books in the western cannon. It's crazy to me that they published a list like this that claims reading Hobbes and Machiavelli and Nietzsche and Marx in college is some sort of indoctrination. These are some of the most influential books on earth during the last millennium, short of the Bible and the Quran.
I don't think many of these are ridiculous. Maybe that's where we differ. I'm just going to quote a few off YAF's list that I think are probably interesting and valuable from the descriptions. I only read the first couple of pages:
Originally posted by U Michigan
Originally posted by Michigan State
Originally posted by U Maryland
I mean, I get that YAF has a political axe to grind. But I simply don't get how they find some of these classes so offensive. At least conservatives like Strauss promoted great books in the western cannon. It's crazy to me that they published a list like this that claims reading Hobbes and Machiavelli and Nietzsche and Marx in college is some sort of indoctrination. These are some of the most influential books on earth during the last millennium, short of the Bible and the Quran.