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Mueller report summary released by Barr

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  • #16
    Re: Mueller report summary released by Barr

    ..............So the DNC's answer was to drag him out anyway?
    When your in a hole, stop digging!

    Trump is almost there, DNC clue-less, rudder-ness & all he has to do (90% there) is turn it into Trump V AOC & the Gang..........


    • #17
      Re: Mueller report summary released by Barr

      I think we'll see more deepfakes and online propaganda than ever before by an order of magnitude this time around. Both from domestic and foreign sources. There were no consequences last time. Citizens United opened the floodgates. Any foreign government can spend unlimited money influencing elections however they damn well please. As can any random billionaire. Facebook and Google will just sell them ads and spots in the search sort.

      This is America. It ain't a plebiscite. The way the EC works is most states are pretty well locked in. Maybe a dozen or so are swing-able without a massive 20 point wipe-out. And the swing-able states basically come down to driving or depressing turnout in a couple of relevant counties. Move 30,000 here, 30,000 there. That's the game. And those 30,000 specifically are going to be aggressively targeted by propaganda pushing them either to stay home or come out. And algorithms can predict within a reasonable confidence interval who they will vote for if they do come out. So you push your enemies to stay home by demotivating them and your allies to come out by motivating them. Whoever wins the propaganda war takes the race. In the meantime, gerrymander the hell out of everything and take away the right to vote from millions because of some technicality like unpaid fines or not having the right ID card or registration form or whatever. Target that as best you can too. And it never hurts to scare people into staying home one way or the other. Oh, and run busses from the nursing home with free treats and buttons of your candidate.

      I've been saying all along I don't know which way it will go, but I think someone's gonna grab the edge here and drive it home hard. And I don't think any of this Mueller stuff is going to be the salient issue for many either way. But as long at Trump keeps us out of war, I won't count him out. He sends our boys off to a 4th war to die in Iran over some rich jagoff's tanker or whatever the cocked up reason mustachio cooks up, and I think his floor drops.


      • #18
        Re: Mueller report summary released by Barr

        I doubt the person who will win the democratic nomination is yet to enter the race.


        • #19
          Re: Mueller report summary released by Barr

          Yes but WHO?

          The DNC is still trying to cover their ass ref giving Clinton ticket!
          They can't manage AOC & friends........its over before its starts!

          If I were DNC (Mega's 10 point plan):-

          1 We going to lose to Trump
          2 Ok, so we need to "set up" all ass-holes
          3. After Trump wins have a BLOODY good clear out of non performing DNC "actors"
          4. Set out a clear plan on how they ARE going to get to the White house
          5. Stop ANY "fally tales" about hacking or what ever
          6 Own up to the Mueller bulsh1t
          7. Finish the Clinton's links to the DNC, inclunding that pug ug-lay daughter!!!!
          8. Get a team of smart people with a clear plan & route map of where the party is going
          9. Some policy ideas, that grass roots America want (Trump did this)
          10. Get a good solid, stable "REAL" person to run, someone with a WORKING (Real job would be nice/Doctor?)

          Just an idea


          • #20
            Re: Mueller report summary released by Barr

            Howard Dean was a doctor, then ran for pres & ran the DNC. Nobody respected him for it. The shambles always come before the renovation.


            • #21
              Re: Mueller report summary released by Barr

              i keep waiting for the dems to wise up and stop paying so much attention to every damn tweet. stop letting trump drive the agenda. just say- "ok, another stupid tweet but what happened to infrastructure and helping raise ordinary wages? instead trump gave a trillion dollars to millionaires. what about healthcare cost control? nothing. lets do things to help ordinary people." i'm waiting for them to say that. but i'm not holding my breath.


              • #22
                Re: Mueller report summary released by Barr

                Oh, yes I think we can call time on the SJW/Safe Space bulsh1t

                .....and as for the false tales:-

                A REAL Witch hunt, but this time the Marxist press targeted some of our best people..............OH how they wanted it to be true!

                Like Trump/Russia they kept digging & digging.........then lied.



                • #23
                  Re: Mueller report summary released by Barr

                  It was Ok for the Little People to get this crap.............but now the "Great & the Good (Men) have had this treatment hopefully it won't happen again.
                  This week the Police have told ALL "Rape Victims" that ALL their coms (e-mail/text etc) for the last 7 years will have to be givin to them. The Defence team IS also likely to be given access!

                  The public mood has changed..............all the SJW/3rd Wave men hating witches are not going to get the support they hope for...........while we at it its time to end the BBC lience fee Oh yes.....the Marriage laws (you know were gets everything having been married to you for 5 minates)........lets see a better share out there as well


