The Doctor was always a rule breaker, anit-authoy type full of knowege & wisdom.
Then the neo-lib leftest scum got heir hooks into the series, i had no problem with the Doc becoming a female, it was thought about as far back as the late 1980's.
But no, the series will now be used as a way of spinning their agenda............they fail & the series will end. I hope it will take the Bloody BBC with it!
Lots of people are refusing to pay their lience fee, try people power to de-fund these bastards!
The Doctor was always a rule breaker, anit-authoy type full of knowege & wisdom.
Then the neo-lib leftest scum got heir hooks into the series, i had no problem with the Doc becoming a female, it was thought about as far back as the late 1980's.
But no, the series will now be used as a way of spinning their agenda............they fail & the series will end. I hope it will take the Bloody BBC with it!
Lots of people are refusing to pay their lience fee, try people power to de-fund these bastards!